2020年5月5日 星期二

Reuters Pulitzer team captured Hong Kong's descent into chaos. "Vers l’Immortalité et l’Eternelle Jeunesse" "Towards Immortality and the Eternal Youth"

The young woman is pressed to the ground next to a riot police shield. Detained by Hong Kong authorities, she screams her name out to friends so they can call a lawyer to help.


Reuters Pulitzer team captured Hong Kong's descent into chaos


Terrence Lockyer
Vintage Weird

"Vers l’Immortalité et l’Eternelle Jeunesse""Towards Immortality and the Eternal Youth"
"Vers l’Immortalité et l’Eternelle Jeunesse", sculpture by Albert Roze (1861-1952) for the grave of the writer Jules Verne (1828-1905), Cimetière de la Madeleine, Amiens, France.
More photos at https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/jules-verne-s-tomb
