2020年5月20日 星期三

香港的真相:獨裁者的十二步計劃. Chris Pattern has told BBC Newsnight that people were now “waking up to the fact that the Chinese Communist Party is a serious threat to liberal democracy around the world”.

BBC News
 在「 Newsnight clips 」發佈了 1 段影片。

6 小時
The Chinese government has used the Covid-19 pandemic to “flex its muscles” over trade and geo-political issues, according to the UK’s last governor of Hong Kong.
Chris Pattern has told
BBC Newsnight
that people were now “waking up to the fact that the Chinese Communist Party is a serious threat to liberal democracy around the world”.

// 央視選擇在全國兩會舉行在即之際,推出政治意味濃烈的專題片《另一個香港》,配合近日針對立法會內會主席選舉、DSE 歷史科試題、頭條新聞停播等,明顯是為了北京對香港展開下一步行動鳴鑼開道,展開「文革 2.0」,更一步步走進「全面威權」之路。筆者嘗試以美國政治學大師 Larry Diamond 解釋一下中共的可能套路,香港正在發生的「真相」。
Larry Diamond 在書中指出「獨裁者的十二步計劃」未必有固定、順序或清晰可辨的階段,但有下列 12 點可參考… //
