2020年5月14日 星期四

India's farmers gather record wheat crop, but cannot move it孟買在疫情中遭受嚴重打擊

•印度人口最稠密的城市孟買在疫情中遭受嚴重打擊 。目前,這座這座擁有2千萬人口的城市中感染和死亡病例分別占到全國的20%和25%。攝影師Atul Lock用八週的時間記錄下這個被病毒圍困的城市 。

Late last month, this Indian farmer gathered his part of the country’s largest-ever wheat harvest. Now he has a bigger problem: how to sell his crops during a lockdown that has led to a labour shortage across rural India https://reut.rs/3dNT7fG Follow the latest news on the coronavirus with our live blog: https://reut.rs/2Ww1syw
