2020年2月18日 星期二

香港志士千辛萬苦為香港籌到120萬個口罩。Hong Kong retailers stage unprecedented strike to ask for rental cuts



黃之鋒 Joshua Wong
【1,200,000口罩到港!民間自救再接再勵!】(Please scroll down for english version)
在訂購首批十萬口罩以後,我們旋即開展第二階段的口罩搜羅工作,幸得海外港人繼續協助穿針引線,成功在中美洲找尋到貨源,眾志剛從機場貨運中心取貨,現在終於可以跟大家宣佈 —— 120萬個口罩成功清關,送達香港境內!
中國大陸在全球搶購口罩,港人民間採購實在相當艱難。感謝居美港人A小姐、眾志常委梁延豐(Tobias Leung)、和來自HKDC - Hong Kong Democracy Council USNY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong KongAnna Cheung合力統籌,這次才能夠奇蹟地覓得數量可觀的口罩。這次眾志從中國經貿活動相對較少、至今仍和台灣保持邦交關系的洪都拉斯(República de Honduras),成功購入百萬計口罩,說明了國際連結的情勢判斷,與至為貼地的民間抗疫工作,有著密切關系!
無論如何,香港眾志 Demosistō在未來數個月,會繼續動用全球國際連結的網絡,隨時緊貼香港人所需,持續搜羅各類資源,實行民間自救,康復香港!
When thousands of #HKers queued for masks overnight, #HKGov still refused to take measures to stabilize supply and price amid #coronavirus. To combat citywide shortage and price-gouging, @demosisto has just bought another 1,200,000 masks and shipped to #HK.
Imported from Honduras, all these masks will be delivered to underprivileged sectors through pro-democracy district councillors. As the procurement costs millions of HK dollars this time, the fund was raised among several pro-democracy parties.
Once again, we express our sincere gratitude to HKDC @hkdc_us, Anna Cheung of @NY4HK and overseas #HongKonger “Miss A”. It well demonstrates that the international network is the only way to rescue us from this deadly epidemic.
In a failed state like #Hongkong#Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.

Nearly 200 shops declared a "no business" day across 14 shopping centres in Hong Kong, in a bid to demand for rental cuts.

Hong Kong’s retailers, hotels and restaurateurs are taking the brunt of the city’s economic woes, with some stores losing as much as 90 per cent in annual sales.


Hong Kong retailers stage unprecedented strike to ask for rental cuts
