2016年11月9日 星期三

It was always going to be a contest between authoritarian populism and progressive populism, eventually.

It's an awful night, terrible news. If Trump becomes the next president, as seems likely, we're in for an awful ride.
But it's also an opportunity.
The American power structure -- both in the Democratic and in the Republican parties -- has been dealt a severe blow. Bernie Sanders was correct: The moneyed interests rigged our political-economic system against most Americans. And now the backlash has begun.
It was always going to be a contest between authoritarian populism and progressive populism, eventually. For now, authoritarian populism has won. That's the real meaning of Donald Trump. But if we are united and smart and disciplined, progressive populism will triumph, because it's humane.
Do not give up the fight. The real fight has just begun.
