2020年3月28日 星期六

〈美-中關係危機〉:China-bashing has become a bipartisan passion in America. U.S. Drawdown of China Diplomats Cripples Ties at Critical Moment

Donald Trump’s effort to redefine relations with China as fundamentally competitive may become his most enduring legacy. Even Democrats now see the relationship in those terms

The evacuation of U.S. diplomatic staff from Beijing embassy and other consulates has hobbled communication channels at a time relations between the U.S. and China have descended to levels of rancor not seen in decades.

U.S. Drawdown of China Diplomats Cripples Ties at Critical Moment


U.S. Drawdown of China Diplomats Cripples Ties at Critical Moment
A sweeping evacuation of American diplomats has hobbled the U.S. government’s presence in China, further rupturing interactions between the two superpowers at a time of rising tensions and hampering efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

這一期The Economist有篇〈美-中關係危機〉,我還沒過目。

美中兩國之間的貿易戰還沒打完,隨著武漢肺癌疫情的擴散,現在又爆發了媒體大戰。繼驅逐《華爾街日報》三名記者後,中共現在又針對美國媒體祭出新一波“黑名單” 。除了強制《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》、和《紐約時報》的記者在10天之內交還記者證之外,也將「美國之音」和《時代周刊》列為外國使團。值得注意的是,這些被列入黑名單的美國記者,今後不但不能在中國繼續從事採訪工作,北京當局甚至還史無前例的禁止這些美國記者進入香港和澳門採訪!美國國會批評中方只顧言論審查、不管疫情,呼籲港府不要配合北京。美國國務卿蓬佩奧P則對此表達遺憾,並呼籲北京重新考慮。連經常向這些媒體表達不同意見的美國總統特朗普,也說他非常不高興見到中方的這種做法。此外,大赦國際則是發布聲明指出,這些被中共驅逐的美國記者其實正在對武漢肺炎的疫情進行深入的調查報導。這些記者在這個時候被驅逐出中國,恐怕將使外界更難窺見中國疫情的真相。究竟中共驅逐這幾家美國的記者,是為了報復?還是為了掩蓋疫情的真相?美中媒體戰升溫是否將導緻美中之間的“新冷戰”越演越烈、進一步加速美中之間的“全面脫鉤”呢?本期“焦點對話”為您邀請到前《南方周末》新聞部主任、《德國之聲》資深評論作家長平先生深入分析。


From spraying down subways to locking down entire cities, governments around the world are using similar measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Public-health experts look at past epidemics and scientific evidence to explain whether these tactics work.
Julie WernauMarch 21, 2020 7:00 am ET

BEIJING—A sweeping evacuation of American diplomats has hobbled the U.S. government’s presence in China, further rupturing interactions between the two superpowers at a time of rising tensions and hampering efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

U.S. diplomats and their family members started to return home en masse in early February as coronavirus infections exploded, kicking off what has become one of the largest peacetime evacuations of U.S. diplomatic personnel in history.
