2020年3月8日 星期日

A peace deal signed. Then America and the Taliban resume fighting.2020 What the US-Taliban talks might achieve 2019

The ink was barely dry before the disputes began

All this does not necessarily mean that the deal is dead

A peace deal signed. Then America and the Taliban resume fighting

The bones of the pact would see America withdraw, and the militants guarantee that terrorists like al-Qaeda would never again be able to use Afghan soil to launch attacks


What the US-Taliban talks might achieve
Worries abound, but for now they offer the best chance of progress

The Taliban or Taleban, who refer to themselves as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, are a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement and military organization in Afghanistan currently waging war within that country. Since 2016, the Taliban's leader is Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada. Wikipedia
Size: 45,000 (2001 est.); 11,000 (2008 est.); 36,000 (2010 est.); 60,000 (2014 est.);
Group(s)Primarily PashtunsTajiksUzbeks and Turkmens
