2007年12月30日 星期日

China: New Dam Builder for the World

wsj 這篇的原標題China: New Dam Builder for the World 所以翻譯成"中國為全球新建水壩" 似有誤導之嫌 "中國為全球水壩建設者之新秀" 乎?--疑神疑鬼 自己都糊塗
By Shai Oster
Word Count: 1,475

Home to almost half of the world's 45,000 biggest dams, China has embarked on a push to export its hydropower know-how to developing countries -- even as it contends with environmental damage and social upheaval at home from the massive Three Gorges Dam.

Many other countries and international organizations have begun to shy away from dam building. But Chinese companies and banks are now involved in billions of dollars worth of deals to construct at least 47 major dams in 27 countries, including Sudan and Myanmar, nations criticized for human-rights abuses and poor environmental track records.

Just this week, Gezhouba ...






麥洛維大壩(Merowe Dam)就在本週﹐中國最大的工程公司之一葛洲壩集團股份有限公司(Gezhouba (Group) Corp., 簡稱:葛洲壩)稱其獲得了一份15億美元的合同﹐將在巴基斯坦修建一座水電站。今年早些時候﹐該公司宣佈將在尼日利亞修建一座造價15億美元的大壩。中國主要的大壩建造商水利水電建設集團公司(Sinohydro Corp. Ltd.)上個月中標修建老撾的一座大壩﹐造價預計將達20億美元



美國加州環保組織International Rivers的政策負責人彼得•博斯哈德(Peter Bosshard)說﹕“中國在世界各地建造大壩所依據的分析並未指出這些項目的真正代價。”


中國之外的水電支持者也感到不安﹐擔心中國大張旗鼓地在國外修建大壩存如果出現問題會給整個行業投下陰影。世界銀行(World Bank)的首席大壩專家亞利桑德羅•帕爾梅里(Alessandro Palmieri)說﹕“我自己也很擔心﹐因為我覺得每個項目都是這一行業的代言人。”他警告說這些大壩可能會出現極大的問題。他擔心這些項目會造成環境問題或引發社會動亂。

其中一些已經出現了這種情況。在位於蘇丹尼羅河谷、造價20億美元的麥洛維大壩(Merowe Dam)﹐去年四月一些抗議強迫安置的村民被警方殺害﹔中國進出口銀行(Export-Import Bank of China)為這座大壩提供了部分資金。聯合國還對其他侵犯人權和鎮壓反大壩活動的情況提出了抗議。環保主義者說﹐非洲一些計劃建造的大壩會危及加納和贊比亞的國家公園﹐淹沒公園的一部分土地並改變其生態係統。中國長江三峽工程開發總公司(China Three Gorges Project Corp.)有點類似政府機構﹐負責三峽大壩的建設工作﹐它正考慮與一些西方電力公司建立合作關係﹐後者目前正評估在政局不穩的剛果民主共和國修建大壩的計劃﹐這座大壩的發電能力將會是三峽大壩的兩倍。

中國在鄰近的東南亞地區也同樣活躍﹐據中國-東盟電力合作與發展論壇(China-ASEAN Power Cooperation & Development Forum)今年公佈的一項研究結果﹐有21家中國公司正在那裡從事著52項水電工程的建設工作。


老撾的Nam Theun 2大壩項目在反對中國大壩建設熱的同時﹐對中國在東南亞和非洲經貿領域勢力不斷做大的普遍不滿也在升溫。Towards Ecological Recovery & Regional Alliance泰國活動家Premrudee Daoroung說﹐中國正在利用其政治實力讓湄公河下游國家接受項目和投資。很多時候當地人已開始對中國人有不滿的言論了。該組織一直在遊說﹐反對在湄公河上建造大壩。

中國以及國際大壩委員會(International Commission on Large Dams)等其他支持水電的國家和組織表示﹐建設大壩能夠提高世界最貧困地區的生活水平。該委員會稱﹐非洲僅開發了水電可開發量的8%左右。

中國進出口銀行(Export-Import Bank of China)行長李若谷在接受採訪時表示﹐我們不想被誤解。我們希望人們理解我們不是在破壞環境。我們是在幫助各國發展。



上世紀90年代﹐在環保人士的壓力下﹐全球在建水壩的數量下降到只有2,000座﹐遠低於70年代高峰時的5,400座。最早將水壩視為幫助窮國擺脫貧困之重要手段的世界銀行(World Bank)也停止了對幾乎所有大型水壩的資金支持。2000年時﹐一個名為世界水壩委員會(World Commission on Dams)的深具影響力的團體發表了一份措辭嚴厲的報告﹐對水力發電的益處提出了質疑。這份報告標誌著水電發展的末路。

但隨著石油價格的不斷飆升以及人們對燃燒煤炭等化石燃料會加劇全球變暖的擔憂日益加劇等因素﹐水力發電重新收到青睞。從2005年起﹐亞洲開發銀行(Asian Development Bank)和世界銀行又開始向水壩建設項目貸款﹐當時它們向老撾的Nam Theun 2大壩項目提供了建設資金﹐希望該國能夠通過向外輸出大壩發的電來增加收入。在某些地區﹐水電項目是作為風力發電和太陽能發電項目的後備手段。

專家們說﹐在此期間﹐中國主要通過官方的中國進出口銀行以更加積極的步伐進軍全球水電市場。環保組織International Rivers的博斯哈德說﹐過去四、五年中﹐中國已經成為全球大型水壩項目最重要的資金提供國。

International Rivers等環保組織之所以將攻擊的矛頭對準中國進出口銀行﹐是因為他們認為﹐這家向中國水壩建設公司大量提供貸款的銀行對水壩項目在全球遍地開花的現象負有最大責任。他們希望中國在社會責任和透明度方面能夠遵守國際標準﹐而這也是人們在評論中國向發展中國家提供援助的利弊時屢屢涉及的一個話題。一些人抨擊中國不附加任何條件的援助方式﹐稱這會助長侵犯人權和腐敗行為。

中國官員表示﹐中國的外援政策是隨著中國對國際事務的參與不斷加深而逐步形成的。李若谷最近看到International Rivers在網上批評該行的文章後提出與博斯哈德會面。中國進出口銀行已公佈了它的貸款指導原則﹐並考慮與世界銀行一道參與非洲的一些開發項目。

李若谷指出﹐說中國進出口銀行不關心環境和社會責任是不正確的﹐你不能因為出現了一些腐敗問題就停止一個國家的發展﹐這於事無補﹐不能因噎廢食。有經濟學背景的李若谷曾就讀美國普林斯頓大學﹐他先後在中國央行、亞洲開發銀行(Asian Development Bank)和國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)任職。

Shai Oster
英文名稱﹕China Gezhouba (Group) Corp.

2007年12月29日 星期六

'Hard-earned opportunity' (Hong Kong)

HK 'to elect its leader by 2017'
Donald Tsang discusses the NPC's ruling (29 December 2007)
Donald Tsang said Hong Kong had entered an "important new phase"
Hong Kong's chief executive has said Beijing plans to allow the special region to directly elect its leader by 2017 and legislators by 2020.

Donald Tsang said the announcement was a "most important step" for the future of the former British colony, which became part of China in 1997.

The move comes after Mr Tsang submitted a report requesting elections by 2012.

Hong Kong's leader is chosen currently by an 800-member committee. Half the 60-seat Legislative Council is elected.

The region is governed under the principle of "one country, two systems", under which China has agreed to give it a high degree of autonomy and to preserve its economic and social systems for 50 years from the date of the handover.

Its constitution provides for the development of universal suffrage as the "ultimate aim", but is vague about the date.

'Hard-earned opportunity'

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's parliament, issued a ruling on Saturday saying it would consider allowing direct elections for the election of Hong Kong's leader in 2017.

We are grateful and we welcome Beijing's decision - it sets a clear timetable for electing the chief executive and legislators
Donald Tsang
Hong Kong Chief Executive

"The session is of the view that... the election of the fifth chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2017 may be implemented by the method of universal suffrage," it said, according to the Xinhua news agency.

The standing committee added that if the chief executive was elected directly, it would then consider introducing universal suffrage for the Legislative Council election in 2020.

However, it ruled out full democracy at the chief executive election in 2012, saying only "appropriate revisions" might be made to the selection method.

Hong Kong landscape (file photo)
Hong Kong became a special administrative region of China in 1997

Mr Tsang, the current chief executive, said in a report submitted to the NPC before the decision that a majority of Hong Kong wanted direct elections by 2012, although he said a delay until 2017 stood a "better chance of being accepted".

At a televised press conference held after the NPC's decision was announced, Mr Tsang said Hong Kong had "entered an important new phase" with a target date for universal suffrage having been defined.

"We are grateful and we welcome Beijing's decision. It sets a clear timetable for electing the chief executive and legislators," he said.

"We must treasure this hard-earned opportunity."

However, Ronny Tong, one of Hong Kong's leading pre-democracy campaigners, told Hong Kong Cable TV that he was "deeply disappointed".

北京准普選 一張芭樂票


設立高門檻 不同一般直選



前提有夠多 空泛的時間表


民主黨主席何俊仁便質疑,2017年可以普選特首,可能只是「空泛的時間表」;民主黨前主席李柱銘大聲疾呼,2017年才落實普選特首,比泛民主派要求的 時間(2007年)晚了十年,普選的模式極為關鍵。他質疑:「普選行政長官,是否等於有高門檻,即篩選過程,令北京可以挑兩個候選人給香港人,才辦一人一 票?」

愛港更愛國 才會獲得提名

香港特首選舉過去一直是「小圈子選舉」,但今年上半年舉行的特首選舉中,泛民主派的梁家傑竟突破一百名提名委員會連署支持的門檻,爆出大冷門,與北京關愛 的曾蔭權同台成為正式候選人。梁家傑雖落敗,但親北京陣營圈半年來不斷傳出提高門檻的聲音,以保證未來只會有「愛國愛港」、北京接受的候選人,才能獲得特 首提名。

親北京的香港「文匯報」數天前,題為「2017普選特首、中央會積極考慮」的社論,論點十分有趣:「行政長官向中央提交的報告,實際上是一份普選時間表, 如果人大決定修改2012選舉辦法,而具體修改方案再遭到反對派(泛民主派)議員的否決,本港政制將再次原地踏步,2017普選特首可能成為未知之數。」

十年後普選 六成港人支持


特區政府在2005年底,拋出政制改革方案,泛民主派以沒有普選時間表,予以否決,民意竟將香港政制在朝向普選目標道路上原地踏步的責任,指向泛民主派; 超過六成的民意支持2012年落實雙普選。香港中文大學一項調查顯示,若北京否決2012年雙普選,有逾六成的受訪者接受2017年才普選特首,反映香港 人面對北京的強硬態度,對於普選時間,極具妥協空間。

北京出高招 分化泛民主派

泛民主派也要妥協嗎?香港明年的立法會議舉,關係到各黨派政治勢力消長,影響未來如何實行普選;泛民主派這次如何回應,備受關注。泛民主派已出現「激進」 與「務實」的分歧路線,顯示北京這招2017「可以落實」普選特首,已激起泛民主派躁動,為其明年的立法會選舉投下變數。

2007年12月28日 星期五

China’s Olympic Goal: Turn Smoggy Sky Blue

China’s Olympic Goal: Turn Smoggy Sky Blue

For the world’s Olympians, Beijing’s air is a performance issue. For the city’s estimated 12 million residents, pollution is an inescapable health and quality-of-life issue.

A flourishing slum

Urban poverty in India

A flourishing slum

Dec 19th 2007 | MUMBAI

The residents of Dharavi, allegedly Asia's biggest slum, are thriving in hardship


AROUND 6am, the squealing of copulating rats—signalling a night-long verminous orgy on the rooftops of Dharavi, a slum in Mumbai—gives way to the more cheerful sound of chirruping sparrows. Through a small window in Shashikant (“Shashi”) Kawale's rickety shack, daylight seeps. It reveals a curly black head outside. Further inspection shows that this is attached to a man's sleeping body, on a slim metal ledge, 12 feet above the ground.

With maybe a million residents, crammed into a square mile of low-rise wood, concrete and rusted iron, Dharavi is a squeeze. And in Shashi's family hutment—as slum-dwellings are known in Mumbai, where half the city's 14m people live in one—it feels like it. As the sparrows stir, so do the neighbours. Through the plank-thin walls of the tiny loft where Shashi, a jobbing cleric-cum-social-worker, lives above his parents, come the sounds of people bumping and bickering.

On one side is a family of 12 living in a 90-square-foot room—about half the size of an American car-parking space. On the other, eight people share a similar area. Night-sounds suggest they include a man with a painful cough, a colicky baby and an amorous couple. At least they can squeeze inside, unlike the man roosting behind Shashi's hutment—and unlike Parapa Kawale, a 22-year-old friend and neighbour, who had dropped by the previous evening to share a spicy bean curry.

Parapa, a semi-skilled electrician, lived with his parents, two brothers, their wives and two children in a room of 48 square feet. If half the family members slept on their sides, they could just about fit. But as the only single male, Parapa felt a dreadful gooseberry. Like Shashi, he is a member of the local branch of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which tells Dharavi's youths not to marry unless they can support a family. Wretched nonetheless at the nightly coupling around him, Parapa began sleeping in the alley outside—and drinking heavily.

A month ago, explained Parapa, a strapping, beaming, Chaucerian fellow, he chased one of his brothers and a wife from the hutment in a violent, drunken rage. They fled back to the remote village in southern Karnataka that the family emerged from three decades before. Parapa then fixed a man-sized plank to the hutment wall, so that while his father and brother made love to their wives below, he could stay chastely on the shelf. Still, he sometimes sleeps outside, beside an open sewer, in the blissful quietude of the street.

During a four-day stay in Dharavi, as the guest of Shashi and his friends, your correspondent heard many such tales: of hard times, facing up and getting by. The narrators were sometimes bitter or suspicious, but mostly friendly, almost invariably courteous, and occasionally, like Parapa, very funny. If poverty can seem dehumanising from afar—especially in much reporting on it—up close Dharavi, which is allegedly Asia's biggest slum, is vibrantly and triumphantly alive.

Soon after 6am, in the metre-wide street outside Shashi's hutment, an ugly morning ritual has begun. “It's my turn! My husband needs to get to work!” a woman shouts, in jostling over a water tap. In Shiva Shakti Nagar, a slum area of dalits (former “untouchables”) from rural Maharashtra, there is a tap for every ten houses, or roughly 100 people. “Push off! My kids are late for school!” another woman lashes back.

All along the street, water is gushing into blue plastic tanks and aluminium tubs, washing sticky breakfast dishes clean. It flows down the street in a rippling sheet. Bisecting it is an open drain, which gushes torrentially, flushing away the detritus of the previous day.

From the stink of this, it includes a lot of human excrement—which tiny naked children, squatting with their backsides jutting over the torrent, are busy adding to. In fact, it is not supposed to be used for this purpose. The locals are instead supposed to take their turn at a block of 16 public latrines, serving 300 hutments (or 3,000 people). It costs a rupee a visit—or 30 rupees (75 cents) for a monthly family ticket.

Outside the men's side of the block, a line of bleary-eyed dalits are silently waiting. Most are still dressed for bed, in cotton shawls and sarongs—for custom dictates that they purge before washing. Wordlessly, they usher this foreigner to the front of the queue. And he remembers words of welcome uttered by another Dharavi Marxist, Raju Korde: “A guest is from God, but I'm worried that you won't like our toilets.” Happily, the Asian-style loos are as clean as they could possibly be.

At 7am the early shift begins in Dharavi's 15,000 hutment factories. Typically, they consist of one or two jerry-built storeys, stuffed with boys and men sewing cotton, melting plastic, hammering iron and moulding clay. Indeed, it is for its industry, not its size, that Dharavi is most distinctive. The clothes, pots, toys and recycled materials its residents produce earn them millions of dollars in annual exports alone. As the sun climbs over Dharavi, a rising timpani of metal on metal, a whirring of small machinery, indicate that the working-day has begun.

Ramesh Kadam is at his desk in the Peela Bangla (Yellow Bungalow) tannery company. One of the oldest in Dharavi, it occupies the same factory, beside a stinking black creek, that Mr Kadam's grandfather founded in 1918. The site was chosen for its proximity to the main slaughterhouse of Bombay, as Mumbai was called. Handling meat and tanning leather are considered unclean in Hinduism, so the factory was built out of sight, on an island, with villagers of the lowly Koli fishing caste mending their nets on its shore. Indeed, much of Dharavi was underwater at that time. And so it is today when the monsoon comes, flooding the slum with black creek water and sewage.

Panos Shashikant Kawale, a courteous host

As Bombay boomed, on the back of its port and textile mills, poor peasants flowed in from the land. During periodic famines—including one in Bengal in 1943 that killed 3m people—they came in spate. Dharavi is where these migrants claimed—or reclaimed—a plot. Shashi's parents were propelled from Karnataka by a drought, arriving in the city with five small children in 1976. “In the village we were starving,” says his mother, Shantabai, creator of the tasty bean curry. “Here, we were poor, but we could eat.”

Mr Korde's parents, landless vagrants from central Maharashtra, trekked in around the same time. His father died recently of tuberculosis, after a career spent hefting sacks of lentils in a factory. His mother, Leelabaiy, a pugnacious 65-year-old jangling with green bangles, lives with Mr Korde and his wife and two children in a three-room slum-house. Unlike her husband, she had some schooling, and retains a slightly sophisticated air. Asked why she married down, she lifts up seven fingers—one for each of the elder sisters who had first to be found a husband and dowry.

With this history, Dharavi's population is diverse. Tamils, Andhras, Assamese, Biharis, Bengalis and local Maharatis; all India's peoples are here. Perhaps a little over half belong to India's poorest groups: dalits and Muslims. They tend to live semi-ghettoised, as in Shiva Shakti Nagar, within the same language group. Indeed, the poorer Dharavi's residents are, the more caste-sensitive they are likely to be. Mr Kadam is a dhor, of the dalit tanning caste. Yet as his business thrived, his family became middle class, a powerful identity. Last year Mr Kadam exported 25,000 leather belts to Wal-Mart in America. He has moved his family from Dharavi to a smart suburb of Mumbai. Laughing proudly, he says his teenage son refuses to visit the ancestral factory, which he considers dirty.

The four children of Venkatesh Dhobi, all aged ten years and under, cannot shun their ancestral pool of filth. They work every day in this well of brown water, beside a litter-strewn railway line. They pass unwashed clothes into the pool, where 20 adult dhobis—of the dalit washer caste—soak and scrub them. With an explosive grunt to keep rhythmic time—a sound not unlike that emitted by Japanese Noh theatre actors—together they thwack the heavy sopping clothes onto smooth stones. The children then strew them between the railway tracks to dry.

They are the fifth generation of Dhobis to work at this pool. The first, says Mr Dhobi, was his great-grandmother, who arrived from Mehaboob Nagar, in Andhra Pradesh, a century ago. “For 100 years, we have served this city,” says Mr Dhobi, a short 35-year-old with the torso of an underpants model. And yet their rural roots have survived. All the dhobis in the pool—which is called Dhobi Ghat—are from Mehaboob Nagar. Aged 14, Mr Dhobi was married there to a local girl. The big changes of the past century, in his view, seem to be that Dhobi Ghat has got much dirtier and people send fewer clothes to be washed in it. India's swelling middle class—people like Mr Kadam—prefer washing-machines. Together, Mr Dhobi, his wife and four children earn less than 200 rupees a day.

Dharavi's diversity can be a problem. In 1992 communal rioting swept Bombay, sparking battles in the slum between Hindus and Muslims. Around 200 people were killed. But multi-culturalism is also a blessing. Unlike the city's more homogeneous shanties—including a rusty sprawl of 300,000 mostly Maharatis along the runways of the city's airport—Dharavi is too fractured, and massive, to be claimed as a vote-bank by any gangster-politician.

But the slum has known gangsters. In the 1970s a godfather of the Bombay mafia, Vardarajan Mudaliyar, more or less ruled it. Using the slum's large Tamil community—his own—as a base, he ran moonshine and prostitution rackets. He also claimed ownership over thousands of illegal hutments, and extracted rents from their occupants. So did his gangster rivals. In those days, Dharavi was dangerous.

It has become safer for two main reasons. One is that in 1976 the state government gave the slum-dwellers limited rights over their hutments. They were recognised as “identified encroachers”, a status guaranteeing compensation in the event that the government bulldozed their shanties. In return, the government began collecting peppercorn rents—currently around 100 rupees a month for each hutment—on the encroached land. It also started supplying Dharavi with mains water and power, which the gangsters hitherto had stolen from the city and sold in the slum. This step put the slumlords out of business, and started a modest property boom. Today, tiny hutments in Dharavi are sold, without title, for 500,000 rupees.

Not all Dharavi is benefiting. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, a huddle of hutments behind Mr Kadam's tannery, still has almost no mains power or water. In a shack cut into a bank of rubbish, overlooking Mumbai's plush Bandra Kurla business district, Karnla Ishwar, an aged widow and day-labourer, describes the cost of this. She buys water by the bucket an arduous ten-minute walk away. She buys electricity, at 100 rupees per appliance per month (plus a 500-rupee deposit), from a neighbour.

But Ms Ishwar is unlucky. With reliable power and water, many of Dharavi's residents have been able to start businesses inside the slum. In this they had a great advantage—the other main reason for the slum's rise. As Bombay expanded, so Dharavi became the heart of India's commercial capital. Indeed, in a city of notoriously rotten infrastructure, the slum is a transport hub. It is sandwiched between Mumbai's two main railway lines and ringed by six stations. In addition, Dharavi's hutment industrialists enjoy the competitive advantages of slum-life: cheap labour and an environment where government inspectors fear to tread.

Mr Korde, a portly 40-year-old, has seized this opportunity. The son of an unlettered vagrant, he has a business degree from Mumbai University and several small companies: a mobile-phone shop, a printing business, also a share in a co-operative bank. He reckons to earn 25,000 rupees a month. A decade ago, he bought his slum-house, on the western edge of Dharavi, for 450,000 rupees. Its value has almost doubled. “I am a Marxist and also an entrepreneur,” he says, a trifle defensively, in the nearby office of the Communist Party, seated beneath colourful portraits of Stalin, Lenin, Engels and Marx.

Panos Venkatesh Dhobi, swamped with work

An evening stroll through Dharavi with Mr Korde, a well-liked local, is inspiring. Think 19th-century boom-time Brooklyn. In fluorescent-strip-lit shops, in snatched exchanges in the pedestrian crush, as a hookah is passed around a tea-stall, again and again, the stories are the same. Everyone is working hard and everyone is moving up. All Mr Korde's friends—or their fathers—arrived in Dharavi much poorer than they are now. Most own at least one business. Some of these slum-dwellers employ several hundred people.

Aftab Khan is typical. A tailor with a trim moustache, and scholarly wire-rimmed spectacles, he arrived from Uttar Pradesh (UP) 20 years ago, with little more than a needle. He now employs a dozen youths—all recruited in his native village—to turn out 150 items of children's clothing a day. In workhouse fashion, they eat and sleep where they labour, in the upper two floors of a hutment. Reachable only by a ladder and rope, this resembles nothing so much as a tree-house with sewing-machines. Yet for their drudgery, the apprentices earn 200 rupees a day—about four times a rural wage in UP.

The evening is darkening. And beside a barrow heaped with bright orange vermicelli—a sticky fibre eaten during the Muslim festival of eid—Mr Korde introduces a local celebrity. He calls himself Raja Bhai, or King Brother. A handsome Bihari, and comic, Raja Bhai has in 15 years built a garment business employing 200 people. His success is impressive. Yet it has left him exposed to the predators of the informal economy: rent-seeking officials. To protect himself, he is now launching a second career, in politics.

In Dharavi, Raja Bhai is looking for a ticket with the Congress party, for the next municipal, or even state, election. Meanwhile he is campaigning for the Lok Jan Shakti party, a champion of low-caste Biharis, in his native state. Either way, he is sure he will soon get elected office—and with it the clout he will need to drive away the shake-down merchants.

For thousands of men like these, Dharavi is a wonderful opportunity. But for millions of Mumbaikers, it represents a cost. Their city, South Asia's biggest, is choking. Its infrastructure is a crumbling disaster. And yet over the next decade, the UN says the population of Mumbai will almost double, making it the world's second-biggest city after Tokyo. Massive urban redevelopment is required—starting with Dharavi, at the city's heart. By one estimate, the slum's land alone represents $10 billion in dead capital.

For a decade, the state government has tried coaxing the slum-dwellers to let it bulldoze their hutments and build high-rise apartments instead. Each dispossessed family is entitled to a flat of 225 square feet. After 30 years, they will be allowed to sell it. But only a few have accepted this offer. So now the government is trying to enforce it. In August it put the bulldozing and redevelopment of Dharavi, in six parcels, out to tender. The work was due to begin this year. But it has been stalled by bad press nationally and local protests, organised by Mr Korde.

For small businessmen like him, the redevelopment plan is a nightmare. The slum's hutment factories, havens from tax and regulation, would be destroyed. In their place would be purpose-built workshops, for rent at commercial rates. “I will be finished,” says Mr Khan, the scholarly looking tailor. For poorer residents, like Ms Ishwar, the widow living in rubbish-blown misery, the story would be different. Her new apartment, unlike her current hovel, would be fit for human habitation. If she, or rather her relatives, sold it, they would be rich. Either way, Mr Korde admits, the scheme will eventually happen.

Eyevine Business is piling up for the recyclers

So, these may be the last days for Dharavi. If so, much that is wretched will be lost. And, who knows, maybe something better will arise. Most of the slum-dwellers doubt this. And a few high-rise blocks, scattered across the slum, do not inspire great hope. Many are half-built and slowly mildewing. Lots of their residents, it is said, have already sold up illegally, and moved back to the slums, seeking things that town-planners cannot provide: a sense of history, community and freedom. Dharavi has these, as well as many horrible problems. It is organic and miraculously harmonious. It is intensely human. Unlike the random tower-blocks, Dharavi makes sense.

It is 2am, and a violent drumming erupts outside Mr Korde's house. Booming in a six-beat rhythm, it ends in a crashing roll. This is repeated, again and again, rising as the drummers approach. The sound is thunderous. A few huge rats rush by the window, fleeing the noise like driven pheasants. And suddenly the drummers appear, parading through the slum, dragging on wheels a huge statue of Durga—a Hindu goddess, a multi-limbed and multi-coloured giantess, astride a tiger.

On the drum-roll, the processors pause, and golden flares explode either side of the statue. In every doorway, along the alley, slum-dwellers are watching in silence. It is a thrilling and dream-like sight. This is apparently quite normal in Dharavi.

貝娜齊爾﹒布托之死 南亞危機四伏

分析:布托之死 南亞危機四伏






























伊斯蘭教規嚴格,社會封閉和民眾長期受到壓抑,一些穆 斯林極端分子把不公義和怨恨歸咎於西方國家的"侵略"。












她當時年輕,光芒四射,成功在男性主導的政治世界中,將自己塑造出一個清 新的形像。






















2007年12月26日 星期三

韓國企業紛紛撤離中國 部分北大學生的論文涉嫌抄襲










hc案: 中共學生可能不知道美國早已有特別軟體來偵測論文......


據《京華時報》報道,根據北大教務部21日發佈"教務部就個別學生違反學術規範一事的說明",美國耶魯大學生物學教授Stephen Stearns於2007年秋季在北大為耶魯到北大的交換生上課,這些課程也接受少量北大學生。




饒毅在給 Stearns的信件中表示,"感謝你提出這個問題。你很瞭解中國文化和歷史,知道我們過去一百多年正從許多困難中恢復過來,包括我們歷史上長期崇尚的誠 信,有所缺失。我希望你對我們的學生,對北大,對中國,沒有失去希望。因為希望是我們大家做各種努力,為求建設一個更好大學而工作的基礎。"





此外,北大對此事高度重視,要求相關部門和各院系加強考試紀律和學術規範教育,同時對Stephen Stearns嚴謹的治學精神和對學生負責的態度表示讚賞。

2007年12月23日 星期日

Chinese Unveil Mammoth Arts Center











Chinese Unveil Mammoth Arts Center

Peter Parks/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The new National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing is meant to establish a cultural core next to Tiananmen Square, a political center.

Published: December 24, 2007

BEIJING — Compared variously to a floating pearl and a duck egg, the titanium-and-glass half-dome of the National Center for the Performing Arts formally opened its underwater entryway to Chinese officials and dignitaries here over the weekend.

The $400 million complex, a concert hall, opera house and theater under one space age span, is designed to be the center of Chinese culture, just as Tiananmen Square next door was designated this country’s political center.

The complex’s lush, dazzling interior, sophisticated acoustics and mechanical wizardry rival any hall in Europe or the United States, its promoters say. Chen Ping, the center’s director, proclaimed it “a concrete example of China’s rising soft power and comprehensive national strength” during the opening ceremony on Saturday night.

Yet the center, designed by the French architect Paul Andreu, has attracted at least as much attention for its cost overruns, safety concerns and provocative aesthetics.

And the hall’s artistic directors, appointed after prolonged bureaucratic squabbling, had to scramble to line up a credible schedule of performances for the premier season, which runs from late December until April, organizers said.

The opening event was an eclectic sampler of Chinese and Western musical classics, with two conductors, two orchestras, four choral groups and a half-dozen soloists, a mélange that showed off the building’s acoustics but underscored its continuing search for an artistic mission.

Li Changchun, a senior Communist Party leader, was the guest of honor at the event, broadcast on national television. At each interlude in the program camera operators hustled to the row in front of Mr. Li to record him clapping.

The center joins a list of monoliths designed by foreign architects — the bird’s-nest Olympic stadium and the cantilevered towers of China Central Television’s new headquarters among them — that have remade the Beijing skyline and projected the soaring ambitions and bulging coffers of the Communist Party leadership.

Mr. Andreu’s creation joins the Shanghai Grand Theater, designed by another Frenchman, Jean-Marie Charpentier, as one of the top performance halls in China.

That field will grow crowded, however, as other cities pour hundreds of millions of dollars into their own cultural showcases. Zaha Hadid, the London architect, is building an opera house for Guangzhou, a provincial capital. The architect Carlos Ott, a Canadian born in Uruguay, has four contracts for performance halls in smaller cities.

Whether this adds up to a cultural renaissance or an edifice contest remains unclear. China has produced first-rate classical musicians, including the pianists Yundi Li, who performed a solo on Saturday night, and Lang Lang. Yet its musical groups, ballets and symphony orchestras have received far less attention than the concert halls. They face financial constraints, political censorship and public indifference.

“China needs a top national performance hall of this kind,” Wu Zuqiang, who heads the center’s arts committee, said in an interview before it opened. “But promoting national culture will take extended efforts, and will require some adjustments in our approach.”

Officials call the complex the largest performing arts center in the world, twice as big as the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. It was designed to be conspicuous.

Mr. Andreu said that he envisioned the hall as a tribute to the traditional Chinese image of heaven and earth, round above square. His bubblelike soaring glass dome encloses several performance spaces and is suspended above a shallow pool. Viewed at night, illuminated from within, the dome resembles a spaceship hovering over a calm lake. But on dim days when the haze and dust of Beijing cover the silvery titanium shell, the hall can look no more distinguished than an airport service hangar.

A few years ago a group of Chinese architects organized a vocal petition campaign to protest the design. They said it blended poorly with the Stalinist Great Hall of the People next door and high vermilion walls of the imperial Forbidden City across the street.

Their effort received a boost in 2004 when the roof of a new terminal building at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport near Paris, which Mr. Andreu also designed, collapsed. Some critics of the design said that the complex’s entryway, a subterranean glass-enclosed corridor extending 250 feet under the artificial lake, posed safety risks in the event of structural problems or a terrorist attack.

The project faced stoppages and reviews, and was several years late and many tens of millions of dollars over budget.

In Chinese media interviews, Mr. Andreu has spoken of the “enormous stress” surrounding construction, including the cleaning bills after dust and sandstorms buffeted the dome’s exterior. But he defended his hypermodern approach.

“Your people do not look back,” he told the state-run People’s Daily newspaper. “They have a history and are proud of it. But they live and look ahead.”

Criticism has faded somewhat since the complex began a soft opening in October and invited guests had their first glimpses of the elaborate interior.

The dome’s inside is paneled with long spans of Brazilian mahogany, giving the expanse an unexpectedly warm feel. The floors are paved with soft white, yellow and gray marble from 22 Chinese provinces, selected so that their grains form continuous lines.

The walls of the theater, the smallest of the performance spaces, are covered in thick padded silk, divided in strips of red, purple and tangerine. The ceiling of the cool-white concert hall consists of undulating waves of acoustic panels that resemble abstract art.

For its opening season the center has relied heavily on foreign talent. The first big concert open to the public is scheduled for New Year’s Eve, when Seiji Ozawa is to conduct the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra. Lang Lang, the soprano Kathleen Battle, and the Russian violinist Vadim Repin are to perform solos.

Later in the season Lorin Maazel will bring the New York Philharmonic to town, and Kurt Masur will conduct the London Philharmonic.

For ballet the center’s managers turned to the Russian Kirov, which plans to stage such dance classics as “Prince Igor,” “Swan Lake,” Balanchine’s “Jewels” and “Le Corsaire” in succession.

Cameron Mackintosh, the British impresario, has created a Mandarin version of “Les Misérables” for the hall, though the timing of that performance has not been announced.

The center also will be host to a long list of Chinese performance groups. Competing symphony orchestras in Beijing and Shanghai plan multiple appearances. The Shanghai Opera House will stage “Othello,” and the National Ballet of China will perform “Romeo and Juliet.” A dance ensemble of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force plans to revive “Sister Jiang,” a classic ballet of early Socialism.

In a recent interview with the Chinese magazine Oriental Outlook, Wang Zhengming, the center’s deputy director, said the national center is under pressure to feature Chinese works but said his choices are limited.

“It’s troublesome because opera and ballet are really imported art forms,” he said. “We’re better in ballet, but our most famous works are the red classics from 40 years ago. Opera is a bigger problem because the most popular classics and new works are all from overseas.”

2007年12月16日 星期日



週六在印度尼西亞巴厘島有近190個國家簽署了新的氣候變化框架協議﹐從而為發展中國家在對抗這一全球性威脅中擔負起新的責任舖平了道路﹐這是與《京都議定書》(Kyoto Protocol)的重要不同。



77國集團(Group of 77)主席穆尼爾•阿克拉姆(Munir Akram)在會上表示﹐“我們並不是說我們會接受排放限額


美國副國務卿兼代表團團長葆拉•多布里揚斯基(Paula Dobriansky)稱該框架協議揭開了氣候外交的新篇章





”局面實屬罕見﹐在最後一場會議中﹐美國簡直成為了眾矢之的。巴布亞新几內亞駐聯合國大使凱文•康拉德(Kevin Conrad)對美國代表團稱﹐即使沒有美國的參與﹐全世界也將繼續推進減排工作。康拉德說道﹕“若美國不願意帶頭......那就麻煩你把路讓開”。


儘管遭到歐盟(European Union)方面的強烈反對﹐但美國代表團還是在談判中成功抹掉了

美國皮尤慈善信託基金會(Pew Charitable Trust)旗下機構Pew Environment Group的副董事經理飛利浦•克拉普(Philip Clapp)稱﹐這已經是布什政府在這次大會上的讓步底線。


負面影響最大﹐其中包括海平面上升、極端惡劣天氣和缺水等。聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)在大會上稱﹐氣候變化會對所有人造成影響﹐但並非每個人受到的影響都相同﹐那些對產生這一問題所負責任最小的人卻要承受這個問題造成的最嚴重後果。


圖瓦盧副總理塔沃•泰依(Taavau Teii)稱﹐圖瓦盧自《京都議定書》簽署之初就在向世人求救



哈佛國際氣候協議項目組(Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements)的學者們在大會期間一直遊走於場外

該項目組成員約瑟夫•阿爾迪(Joseph Aldy)稱﹐在解決氣候變化問題上人類可能要另辟他徑

Jane Spencer

2007年12月14日 星期五

中國可用水資源 国安不能维持国安














在当今中国,最容易制造的大概就是神话,最容易破灭的也就是神话。今年11月底,亢奋了八年之久的“蚁力神”神话终于破灭了。就像赵本山为蚁力神做 的广告:“管用吗?谁用谁知道!”,据说有100多万户的“蚁民”现在都知道:上当了,赔了!于是有上万“蚁民”聚集到辽宁省首府沈阳游行示威,要求政府 负责。一场骗局或者说是赌局破灭是早晚的事,这是放之四海而皆准的“硬道理”,但是骗局和赌局的发生和收场方式却是典型的中国事件。


通俗地说,“蚁力神”是沈阳天玺集团在全国推销甚至出口的一副壮阳药,其神奇成份来自“拟黑多刺蚁”。天玺集团通过“委托养殖”这种几乎是不劳而获 就获取高投资回报率的方式作为诱饵,将上百万家庭纳入了今天看来属于“非法集资”的骗局和赌局,养蚂蚁的热潮不但席卷辽宁,甚至还波及其它省市及香港。例 如,浙江省绍兴就有一位“蚁民”将30万养老钱交给一位熟人去投资“蚁力神”,结果他连蚂蚁的尸首也没见过一个,钱就打了水漂儿。相比之下,绝大部分血本 无归的辽宁“蚁民”至少还是“幸运”的:他们的家里至少还有若干养着蚂蚁的纸箱和一纸委托养殖的合同。

有了赵本山和范伟在央视黄金时间的广告代言,“蚁力神”的在中华大地上的名声和热度几乎可以与“脑白金”齐名。然而,赵本山说了“管用”就真的管用 了吗?其实早在2003年,中国媒体就有报道,美国食品与药品管理局就警告“蚁力神”含有处方浓度的“西地那非”成分,即地球男人都知道的“伟哥 (Viagra)”的主要成分。

“蚁力神”到底有多神,大概不仅仅是赵本山才知道。就像天玺公司为养蚁户的确提供了实实在在的诱人的投资回报,“蚁力神”也靠“药力不够,西药来 凑”这一中国保健药品的流行手段,让用过的人知道确实还“管用”。在中国,真药假药品都做广告,而且广告铺天盖地,似乎整个社会都在生病,而“蚁力神”恰 是一副给中国社会带来过度亢奋的“伟哥”。

虽然“管用”的代价是“蚁力神”的堪比伟哥的价格,但是它的盈利显然不足以支撑天玺集团为蚂蚁养殖户提供的50%到40%的高回报率,这是明眼人早 就看出来的问题。2001年和2004年,在政府打击非法集资的运动中,王奉友虽然落入调查者的法眼,但是每次都被放过一马,这也是如今广大养殖户认为 “蚁力神”的背后有政府暗中保护和扶持的原因。2003年,王奉友成立了房地产公司,如果政府监管尽职尽责的话,至少有足够的理由去怀疑王奉友用“蚂蚁圈 地”的可能。但是,直到不久前,王奉友头上仍然笼罩着绚丽耀眼的光环,受到政府、媒体和各种专家的吹捧。在天玺集团的官方网站上,依然能看到今年五月王奉 友获得第二届“最具社会责任感企业家”称号的图文报道,把他捧上神坛的是人民代表报社、国家行政学院经济研究等,颁奖的就是全国人大常委会副委员长顾秀 莲。

天玺集团老板王奉友-该公司网站上的截图Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 天玺集团老板王奉友-该公司网站上的截图

就是这些光环,让身在局中的“蚁民”迷失了起码的判断力,盲目相信这是一条保了险的、除了给蚂蚁喂水喂面包屑就无需付出劳动的快速暴富之道。也正是 因为这些光环,在蚁力神破产后,蚁民们相信他们是权势者勾结起来利益分赃黑幕的无辜牺牲者,是在信息完全不对称和被剥夺了知情权的游戏中必然的输家,因此 他们自然迁怒于那些制定中国游戏规则的权力与商业精英阶层,如果事件得不到蚁民眼中的“公正”的解决,他们的愤怒必然指向这个制度。

一场游戏规则就不公正的游戏,你不能指望有一个公正的结局。从表面上看,政府不应该为一场赌博的输家赔偿损失,因此“蚁民”要求政府承担损失似乎有 欠公正,但是这么大的赌局能堂而皇之地在中央电视台大作广告,能在官方打击非法集资的运动中毫发无损,由此带来的上百万社会成员蒙受巨大损失,政府显然有 不可推卸的责任,更何况即使是一场不可抗拒的自然灾害,如果受灾面积很大,政府也有义不容辞的救济义务。


如果说“三个代表”代表的只是中国共产党的一种合法性理想与愿望,那么“三个镇压”无疑是与“和谐社会”形成鲜明对比的另一个现实写照。在一个国家 权力不受监督、社会财富分配不公、民意缺乏凝聚与传递渠道、机会不均等、社会严重两极分化、社会成员之间缺乏信任的社会,“社会和谐”不过是“社会控制” 的一个代名词而已。

百度上搜索不到“蚁力神”Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 百度上搜索不到“蚁力神”

“蚁力神”破产演绎成万人上街的抗议事件后,中国互联网禁忌词汇表上又新增加了“蚁力神”这字词,在中国最大的检索引擎百度上,“蚁力神”从此消失 了。作为互联网时代群众自发组织的一个有用工具QQ群,只要被发现与“蚁力神”有关后,立刻就被封锁了。中国的官方媒体对事件噤若寒蝉,禁止蚁民上街闹事 和上访成了辽宁省各级政权与专政机器最紧迫的任务。



沈女士证实,蚁力神无力偿还本利的风声传出后,成千上万的养殖户通过互联网QQ群等联络手段组织起来到沈阳省政府前抗议,与警察发生了冲突。为了平 息风潮,沈阳市政府采取的处理办法是让养殖户到社区居委会登记填表,以便明年返还一部分款项。至于谁来返钱、返多少和什么时候返,政府还没有做出任何交 待。

阜新市的刘先生也参加了万人到省政府前的示威游行。他也向德国之声证实,他被要求到社区登记,社区通知他们在12月20日到3月9日之间将养殖蚂蚁 的合同原件上交,作为以后赔偿的证据。但是刘先生担心,合同原件上交后,手中的证据就没有了,从而失去索赔的资格。社区对养殖户的损失赔偿不做任何具体承 诺,只告诉他们天玺公司正在破产清算中。但从上交合同的期限来看,短期内能赔偿蚁民的可能性不大。

直到12月10日,辽宁省各地方电视台才播报辽宁省公安厅对王奉友刑事拘留的消息,冠以的罪名是“组织、策划、煸动蚁力神养殖户集体上访,扰乱社会 秩序”。官方媒体的定调不但与事实不符,在媒体失去公信力的中国,人们不由得猜测这是政府为自己开脱责任。阜新的刘先生说,养殖户最关心的返钱问题,但官 方唯一的报道对此根本不提。

刘先生说,他当初去沈阳抗议完全是自发的,根本没有任何人唆使。他还说,现在上访和游行很难组织起来了,因为辽宁省政府下了狠令,叫做“有上访,就 下岗”,即阻止养户上访的工作从上至下一级级包干到户,基层干部将控制工作落实到每一个养户,谁手上负责的养户出了问题,干部就得下岗。


“蚁力神”事件爆发后,因网上报道“重庆九龙坡最牛钉子户”而被称为“中国第一公民记者”的周曙光从湖南赶到沈阳寻访养殖户,但行踪却逃不过国安和 警察的眼睛,被强行遣返。将博客作为一种“个人媒体”观察和参与公共事件与社会进程,这种所谓的“公民记者”在国外已经非常普遍,但在中国却因为技术上的 阻碍和政治上的危险而属凤毛麟角。在“蚁力神”事件上,公共媒体缺位和失声,像周曙光这样的“非典型愤青”就弥足珍贵。

深入“蚁穴”的周曙光Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 深入“蚁穴”的周曙光

没有正常收入的周曙光向妈妈借了些钱和带上部分自己准备开个小店的本钱,11月29日从湖南乘火车赶赴沈阳,为了省钱,他乘硬座一路颠簸到了东北。 到了沈阳后第一天没有访问到“蚁民”,第二天通过网络约到一个辽阳农村的养殖户见面,但是刚进这家的门就有公安来访。这位养殖户被公安带走,周曙光躲在阁 楼里偷偷拍下了楼下的警车。


周曙光把自己的经历写在了博客上(www.zuola.com),因为博客是设在国外的服务器上,德国之声记者可以在德国浏览周曙光的博客。周曙光 的东北寻访养殖户的经历表明,辽宁已经从网络到村落都布下了由国安和公安组成的天罗地网,个人就像生活在一个巨大的玻璃房子当中,公民抗争的空间和知情的 权利都被限制到最小。中国的“和谐社会”就是通过强大的无所不在国安和公安组成的国家统治机器的高效运作来维持的,在中国每天发生的大大小小的群体抗争和 维权事件中,都可以看到这样的社会控制模式。

周曙光在接受德国之声采访时说:“受灾数据我没有,我得不到这个数据,有人称有120万蚁民,有600亿的金额,法律维权也是不通的,上级给所有法 律事务所发通知了,在我的BLOG的留言中可以看到部分蚁民的意见和他们提供的数据。我的看法是,正因为媒体监督的缺位,才导致小社会问题发展成大的社会 问题。”


周曙光在他的博客里总结说:压迫是正常的,放弃抵抗是不正常的;改革是自下而上的,别指望英雄来救你,即使有英雄--如果是自上而下,他也只会成为下一个独裁者,狼去虎再来;普及民主意识,提高国民文化教育水平。 拯救你们自己的任务就交给你自己了。



阜新市的刘先生从2006年开始养蚂蚁,开始时投入几万,目前连本带利被欠款30万。刘先生对德国之声说,“一直到今年10月,天玺公司都是每两个 半月回一次款,分四次返回本钱,也就是说投进一万元,不到一年就能收回本钱了。但是大部分养户都是把返款再投回去,因此通过养蚂蚁实实在在能把钱拿到手里 的人很少。”

刘先生说,蚁力神从1999年开始借“委托养殖”集资,到2003年时,他看到参与其中的人开始多了起来,特别是今年5月,他身边的熟人中很多人都 加入进来。由于天玺公司返款一直不错,公司老板王奉友头顶“中国十大民营企业家”、“社会慈善家”、“全国商会副主席”等光环,经常在媒体上与省长等高官 共同亮相,还有赵本山、范伟给“蚁力神”在中央台做广告,手持商务部首批直销牌照,因此不知情的老百姓参与的越来越多,进去的也不愿意出来,指望利滚利发 更多的财。

王奉友获得的“最具有社会责任感企业家”的奖状Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 王奉友获得的“最具有社会责任感企业家”的奖状

沈阳的两位养殖户向德国之声描述的情况是,蚁力神8年前开始集资了,沈阳普通百姓可以个人名义与该公司签订合同购买蚂蚁。蚂蚁装在大小不等的纸盒 里,价格在3、5到10万一盒。天玺公司承诺一年内返回投资人50%的利息,后来因为参与人数太多,公司将利率减少到40%。返款实际上以14个月为计算 单位。天玺公司的集资总额公布的是3亿人民币,但实际比这个数字要大,坊间猜测在160亿左右。




李先生说,“我本人是从事财务工作的,其实我当时就觉得投钱养蚂蚁是投机,带有赌博的性质,问题就是看你愿不愿意赌和是否能输得起。我当时投了几万 元,五年来没有拖欠返款的现象,再加上王奉友显得很有背景,总觉得这件事挺让人放心。我甚至觉得王奉友是拿了钱去干别的,去做比卖蚁力神来钱更快的事,而 对我来说,他干什么我不管,我只要有回报就行。现在蚁力神倒闭了,我的损失我认了。”没有绝对的理性,就看你面对的诱惑是不是足够大,李先生虽然一开始就 不信“蚁力神”,但是他最终没有经得住财神的诱惑。


一位自称辽宁省政府公务员的人在网络上发表“写给致力于揭露蚁力神集资骗局的同志们”一文,说政府并没有象一些养殖户说的那样“不作为”,没有及时 查处的原因是养殖合同对法律规避的特别好,政府找不到能定性为非法集资的理由。这位“公务员”似乎更像是政府的御用写手,在发表于11月22日左右的这篇 为政府辩解的网文中,已经暗示政府将会给王奉友戴上“煽动养户到政府闹事,让政府背损害养户利益的黑锅”罪名。


在一个法制国家,“蚁力神”这样的事件应该是一起商业破产事件以及由此带来了严重社会后果,从法理上政府也不应该承担直接赔偿经济损失的责任。但是 问题在于,中国不是一个法制健全的国家,公民的基本权利都得不到法律上的保障,因此只从法律上理解蚁力神事件必然是对在中国发生的事情的一种误读。

政府和媒体缺少公信力,社会缺乏诚信的的游戏规则,近来在媒体和网络上有关华南虎照片和月球照片真伪的争论就是中国的诚信与信任危机的表现。“蚁力 神”事件中,至少现在还没有确切的证据说王奉友有政府的直接支持。但是,在中国,人们有充足的理由去推断,这件事与政府腐败无关简直是违反常识,所以尽管 政府可能对“蚁力神”倒闭事件没有法律上直接责任,但是却不能不为此而负担“感觉上的责任”。如果政府推卸了这一公民从感觉上认为它该负的责任,同时公民 认为自己被剥夺了知情权,媒体或者封锁消息或者干脆不为人所信,社会愤怒就没有了疏通的管道,就会爆发所谓的群体事件,而且是压制越严,最终爆发的破坏力 越大。

“蚁力神”事件也折射出暴富掠夺成为楷模、除了投机没有机会、能捞就赶紧捞一把否则过了这个村就没这个店的急功近利的末日心态。对于除了听信谎言和 被强势者操纵就没有更多的自由选择机会的社会底层人群来说,想不上当都难,养蚂蚁成了他们脱离苦海的一棵诱惑稻草,但这些蚂蚁最终榨干的是他们的血汗。其 实不仅仅是对于所谓的弱势群体,对于大部分中国人来说,想选择一条没有陷阱的路几乎是不可能的,譬如股市和房市。也许只有在中国这片特定的土壤上,王奉友 的蚂蚁才能如此旺盛繁殖。


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2007年12月12日 星期三

China's Elites Dye Their Gray Away



China's political and business elites seem to have an uncanny ability to avoid going gray.








中國社會科學院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)社會學所研究員、性別學專家李銀河說﹐在中國﹐年齡是決定升遷的重要因素。專家們認為﹐這或許可以解釋為何中國男性如此熱衷於將頭髮染黑。

在 中國人希望保持青春的願望推動下﹐染髮業在中國欣欣向榮。據Euromonitor International的數據﹐2006年中國染髮劑銷售額達1.48億美元﹐較2001年增長75%。法國歐萊雅公司(L'oreal)和香港溫雅 化妝品國際集團(Youngrace Cosmetic Group International Ltd.)是大陸地區領先的染髮劑供應商。使用護髮品的中國人則更多。據Euromonitor International的數據﹐2006年中國護髮品銷售總額達2.75億美元﹐較2001年增長80%。不過﹐常為政界和商界人士服務的理髮師說﹐ 這些人不願染髮時被公眾看到﹐因此大多數是在家中進行。




然 而﹐隨著崇尚我行我素的消費文化在中國流行開來﹐古人的教誨被置之腦後。中國的男人們越來越隨心所欲﹐他們不但開始染髮﹐為保護頭髮還服用藥物或是使用特 殊的洗發品。藥劑師們指出﹐各種養髮產品中最流行的養髮成份是首烏。根據中醫原理﹐首烏能補肝腎﹐有養髮之功效。洗髮水廠家廣東霸王國際集團 (Guangdong B&W International Group)甚至請到香港功夫明星成龍(Jackie Chan)為其“霸王”洗髮水拍電視廣告。據稱這種洗髮水能保持頭髮烏黑柔順。

MJ Hairdressing Salon駐北京首席髮型師尤元健(音)稱﹐亞洲人的頭髮通常比高加索人更粗更直﹐也更容易變白。一定程度上這也是中國男性熱衷染發的原因。而專家表示﹐ 亞洲人頭上某些部位的頭髮不像高加索人那樣容易脫落﹐而是會比較均勻地逐漸稀疏。所以﹐有時候看上去中國人中間脫髮並不是大問題。

在眾多“黑髮”人之外也有一些特例。例如﹐大型基礎建設企業中信泰富(Citic Pacific Ltd.)的董事長榮智健(Larry Yung)在照片上就是一頭白髮。




Hair Apparent: China's Elites Dye Their Gray Away

China's political and business elites seem to have an uncanny ability to avoid going gray.

That might come down to having superior genes or simple good luck. More likely, though, they are indulging in a vanity that in modern China has become virtually orthodox for aging men of influence: the dye job.

China's new lineup of the country's most senior leaders in the Politburo Standing Committee includes nine men who have nary a white strand of hair -- even though they range in age from 52 to 67.

Current President and party chief Hu Jintao, 64, still sports an ebony coiffure. Even his retired predecessor, 81-year-old Jiang Zemin, still turns up at major political events with a shiny black top.

'Political leaders need to go on television and are seen by the public. They need to show that they are in good health,' says Wang Zhengrun, deputy chief executive of a state-owned insecticide-manufacturing plant, who colors his hair with an herbal concoction.

Many men in other societies like Japan and India dye their hair, too. But few places seem as averse to gray as mainland China.

The penchant for black hair also extends beyond politics to China's increasingly cutthroat business world, where a youthful appearance is highly prized.

Experts say hair-fretting among the Chinese could be rooted in part in modern-day social conditions. Nearly three in five Chinese citizens are under 39 years old, making aging workers easy to replace.

'In China, age is a very big factor for promotions,' says Li Yinhe, a gender sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. That may explain Chinese men's compulsion to blacken hair, experts say.

Driven by the desire for youthfulness, the Chinese are powering hair-dye sales. Some $148 million of hair colorants were sold in China in 2006, up 75% since 2001, according to Euromonitor International. L'Oreal SA and Hong Kong-based Youngrace Cosmetic Group International Ltd. were among the leading providers. More Chinese also are using hair conditioners. Their sales have soared by 80% since 2001, to almost $275 million in China last year, according to Euromonitor. Still, barbers of influential politicians and businessmen insist that most dye their hair at home, for fear of being seen dyeing in public.

Some in ancient China might have found the practice taboo -- there is a Chinese proverb that exhorts people to leave things be, including graying hair, presumably. Confucius, the social thinker also known as Kong Fuzi, once compared hair and skin to inheritances 'from our parents, and we must not presume to injure or wound them.'

The Chinese never used to mess with their locks, and when they did, it was in exceptional circumstances, says Zhao Feng, an economic historian. When the Manchus conquered the Hans and established the Qing dynasty, the emperor ordered the front of Han men's heads shaved as a reminder of their subjugation. Earlier in Chinese history, Cao Cao, a poet and emperor, had made a strategic military error when he planned to commit suicide. But he was persuaded to settle for hair-cutting as a lesser -- but no less symbolic -- act of penance. Buddhist converts shave their heads as an act of renouncing worldly affairs.

It is unclear if emperors ever dyed their hair. Emperor and poet Cao Pi, Cao Cao's son who ruled the Wei kingdom, was said to have expressed relief in a letter to his friend about having still-ebony hair despite being old.

Yet China's growing consumer culture -- one that tells people they can have what they want -- has left those wise sayings behind. Instead, men are taking control, turning to pills and special shampoos on top of hair dyes. Pharmacists point to shou wu, an herbal formula that claims to cleanse the liver and kidney that are responsible for keeping hair healthy, as among the most popular solutions. Jackie Chan, a Hong Kong movie star, is seen on television peddling Bawang Shampoo concocted by Guangdong B&W International Group. It claims to keep hair black and intact.

Asians typically have thicker and straighter hair than do Caucasians. Asian hair type is actually more prone to hair-whitening, says You Yuanjian, chief hairstylist at MJ Hairdressing Salon in Beijing, which partly explains Chinese men's coloring obsessions. Yet unlike Caucasians, their hair is less likely to fall off in specific places. Instead, it will thin out evenly, sometimes making them look as if they don't have a balding problem, experts say.

There are a few exceptions to the sea of black. One exception is Larry Yung, 65, chairman of CITIC Pacific, an infrastructure-related conglomerate. In photographs, he is seen with a full head of white.

Another is Wu Yi, a vice premier who also happened to be, until recently, China's only top-level female official. She spots a shock of white, but her tenure in the Politburo just ended.

The antigray orthodoxy in China mirrors a growing anxiety about other features that accompany aging. Chen Huanran, a cosmetic surgeon, has seen the numbers of male patients pick up considerably in the past two years.

But there is one thing men will proudly keep: their beer bellies. 'They see them as status symbols,' Dr. Chen says.

Jason Leow

2007年12月8日 星期六


台灣 中正

韓國漏油 slick
中國 車污染 hulking




















前不久欣賞了50集連續劇《金婚》,它沒有跌宕起伏的劇情,沒有眼花繚亂的視覺,看似平平淡淡的,卻以一張懷舊的感情牌, 在中國大陸掀起一股收視熱潮,平均收視率達13%,單集收視率突破20%,成為熒屏熱點。北京電視台播出《金婚》時,僅特徵廣告收入就高達3000萬人民 幣,還不算已有的正常廣告。

在大江南北都播得十分紅火的《金婚》定位編年體,1集1年,最初剪輯是68集,最後剪成50年50集,剪掉了18集戲。文 麗與佟志是一對平凡夫妻,他倆的婚姻始於1956年,全劇一年又一年地講述了這對夫妻從年輕到年老,從相知到相愛,從熱戀到婚姻中的柴米油鹽鍋碗瓢盆,以 及為人父母直至祖父母的50年坎坷婚姻路。

年輕時,他倆是一對歡喜冤家,從衣食住行到子女教育到婆媳關係到性關係,處處矛盾,常為小事鬧得天翻地覆,爭吵過後又總是 合好如初。中年時,他倆的婚姻步入疲憊期,夫妻溝通越來越少,陷入更危險的冷戰之中。佟志在事業與情感雙重失落下精神出軌,對年輕女同事動了真情。文麗得 知後在悲痛震怒之後變得成熟,忍辱負重,照顧重病的婆婆,教育四個兒女。佟志徘徊在在情感與責任之間,面對激情誘惑,最終還是選擇了家庭,選擇了親情。老 年時,他倆步入婚姻鞏固期,文麗身患重症在生死在線徘徊,三個女兒感情婚姻都不順利,最愛的獨子竟英年早逝,是彼此關愛而相濡以沫,才度過人生最黑暗歲 月,最終牽手走進金婚。

全劇在磕磕碰碰的爭吵聲中發展,看到最後,觀眾才舒了一口氣:這對冤家,吵了一輩子,越老越恩愛。50集絮絮叨叨說的是這 對夫妻之間的小事,而觀眾就在這絮絮叨叨中,領略到婚姻中的真實情感和生活。在熒屏四處充斥婚外情、第三者題材的今天,《金婚》卻選擇了這樣一個共同生活 了50年的夫妻為題材。試片時,有人說,誰還會看這樣落伍的電視劇?執導過轟動一時的《渴望》、《北京人在紐約》的導演鄭曉龍說:"其實婚外情、第三者畢 竟還是少數現象,中國百姓多數喜歡夫妻白頭到老,只是影視劇中表現得比較少罷了。《金婚》之所以能火,正是因為表達了大多數人內心深處最質樸的渴望而已。 "一對平凡的男女主人公,50年的情感糾葛中,讓人看到對一種情感價值觀的堅守。正是主創人員這份對生活的感悟和熱情,才感動了他們自己,也感動了熒屏前 的萬千觀眾。



《金婚》之後,熱播的是以復婚為題材的《一生有你》,此劇意在透過幾代人的情感糾葛和人間大愛盡情地描寫人性之美。《一生 有你》之後,上海電視劇頻道當下正在全國首播另一部婚戀劇,即22集連續劇《婚後五年》。此劇講述的是一個關於挽救婚姻危機的故事,婚姻生活雖有許多羈 絆,但愛的行為方式卻萬萬不能走極端。據悉,《婚後五年》播出之後,緊接著將會是以閃婚為題材的連續劇《無法抗拒》。

2007年熒屏上組成了叫好又叫座的婚戀題材系列,最初有《新結婚時代》,接著有《雙面膠》、《為愛結婚》、《幸福在哪 裡》、《女人心事》等,都表現了夫妻婚後的種種矛盾,讓觀眾心中一痛之後有所思考,最終喚起對美好生活的嚮往,與真愛的人長相□守。正如因主演眾多婚戀劇 而被人們譽為熒屏"婚戀專家"的影視明星蔣雯麗所言:"現代人還是選擇回歸家庭,從《新結婚時代》到《金婚》都頗受觀眾喜愛,這反映的是中國人對親情的回 歸。"

鳳凰於飛,和鳴鏘鏘。不過,之前的《牽手》、《讓愛作主》、《來來往往》等電視劇相繼出籠,一再引發是否美化"第三者"的 爭議。接著,《中國式離婚》描述了夫妻間的三種背叛,心的背叛、身的背叛、身心的背叛,從而引發更大爭議。可以看到,一個時期來,婚戀劇正不斷撞擊人們的 道德底線,攪亂了價值觀念,對百姓賴以生存的婚姻穩定構成威脅。難怪中國觀眾會那麼喜愛韓劇,觀眾畢竟還是嚮往美好情感,於是從韓劇中尋覓滿足。

結婚是人生大事,每個從婚姻中走過來的人都知道,會遇到很多問題。金婚50年,是一種理想,所有的人都希望,卻很不容易。 跨越兩性之間的"性溝",兩個人要一起走過一個又一個坎。要婚姻保鮮,就需要兩性之間互相理解,互相寬容,相親相愛,天地皆春是一種美妙的境界。《金婚》 結尾時有一個鏡頭,皚皚一片白雪,走到樹林裡,沒有一個腳印,佟志和文麗互相攙扶著走來,回頭一看,兩串腳印,兩個人扶著走才穩當,有時路滑,突然出現一 種狀態。這也挺有意思,讓人覺得,夫妻能走到這一步的時候,也就什麼都不用說了。





作者認為,從小宇宙的觀點來看,印度就是全世界,因為她所面臨的挑戰,世界各國也無法倖免,包括對抗恐怖主義、貧窮與疾病,到環境保護、創造就業機會。印 度克服這些挑戰的迫切性,激發出具創新性的解決方案,這些方案將帶領印度走向全球新秩序的頂端。若印度的努力獲得成功,她將同時拯救世界上所有人;但若印 度失敗,我們也將受難。無論印度怎麼走,世界都會跟著走。

印度不只是下一代新事物的理想市場,還擁有高技能的說英語人力、菁英級教育機構,以及成長中的外國投資,使印度正轉型為推動全球經濟發展的科技創新者。儘 管印度的崛起令許多印度人感到驕傲,她也正與時間賽跑,希望將科技發展與經濟成長的福祉,帶給每天以不到2美元過活的8億印度人口。印度也希望找出具永續 性的動能,以挹注於爆炸性的經濟成長,並同時駕馭國內外的政治力量,以保障國家安全。