2024年6月4日 星期二

As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’使用中文的網站數量僅佔全球網站總數的 1.3%,低於 2013 年的 4.3%,十年來下降了 70%。



As China’s Internet Disappears, ‘We Lose Parts of Our Collective Memory’

The number of Chinese websites is shrinking and posts are being removed and censored, stoking fears about what happens when history is erased, our columnist writes.

中國擁有十億網路用戶,佔世界上網人口的近五分之一。然而,根據追蹤熱門內容語言線上使用情況的網路技術調查,使用中文的網站數量僅佔全球網站總數的 1.3%,低於 2013 年的 4.3%,十年來下降了 70%。

China has one billion internet users, or nearly one-fifth of the world’s online population. Yet the number of websites using Chinese language make up only 1.3 percent of the global total, down from 4.3 percent in 2013 — a 70 percent plunge over a decade, according to Web Technology Surveys, which tracks online use of top content languages.
