2020年7月31日 星期五
中共乃台灣敵國也:The Chinese government crushed Hong Kong’s pro-democracy opposition with surprising ferocity.黃之鋒辛酸話。 Joshua Wong 。 Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election
With Security Law as a Cudgel, Beijing Cracks Down on Hong Kong
The Chinese government has used the letter and spirit of the law to crush Hong Kong’s pro-democracy opposition with surprising ferocity.
黃之鋒 Joshua Wong
我和平上街 你告我非法集會
我用傘擋催淚彈 你用子彈射我
我話721唔見人 你831亂打人
我反送中 你強立國安法
我參選 你DQ
我初選投票 你DQ選舉
我去海外講真話 你通輯我
我無地方食飯 你叫我去效野公園
我幫你抗疫 你凍我薪
我被逼失業放無薪假 你話基金只比我老板
我講我所想 你話係顛覆
我係教授去爭取民主 你要我坐監兼解僱
Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election
By Austin Ramzy, Elaine Yu and Tiffany May
Twelve candidates, including several prominent democracy advocates, were barred from an upcoming legislative election, and four activists were arrested over online posts.
2020年7月30日 星期四
Vietnam let down its guard, and cases surged 越南多處爆發;峴港疫情發燒封城 全面關閉交通15天 - 越南百日無在地新冠病歷紀錄破功
Vietnam let down its guard, and cases surged
Vietnam, which on Saturday broke a streak of 100 days without a local coronavirus transmission, will evacuate tens of thousands of tourists from Danang after four residents there tested positive this weekend.
武漢肺炎》越南峴港疫情發燒封城 全面關閉交通15天 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
2020年7月29日 星期三
中國就怕國家被分裂:香港四名活動人士(年齡介於16至21歲)因在網上發帖被捕。中國連續兩日新增病例破百。 香港週三再現118宗新病例。香港第二季度經濟縮水9% 。
亞洲疫情:Vietnam, Japan, China, Australia and South Korea all recorded spikes on Wednesday. an outbreak in the state of Victoria, Australia
香港防疫制度漏洞 Hong Kong is shutting down all dine-in restaurant service and limiting public gatherings to two people
Hong Kong is shutting down all dine-in restaurant service and limiting public gatherings to two people after it recorded more than 100 new cases for the sixth day in a row.
【第三波疫情】周三起全香港食肆禁止堂食 限聚令由4人降至2人
韓國稱將在未來 發射軍事偵察衛星以監控朝鮮 。
涉一馬基金貪腐案,馬來西亞前總理納吉布 被判犯有濫權、洗錢等七項罪行 。
2020年7月27日 星期一
Modi stumbles: India’s deepening coronavirus crisis
For all the damage inflicted by India’s stringent lockdown, it has failed to flatten the curve: the country has the world’s third biggest caseload and experts warn a worsening crisis could hamper development for years.

Modi stumbles: India’s deepening coronavirus crisis
The prime minister warned the virus could derail decades of progress. But new infections are now at record levels
China Says Worst of Flooding Still to Come as Situation ‘Severe’
China Says Worst of Flooding Still to Come as Situation ‘Severe’
Bloomberg NewsChina warned that the worst of the deluges that have led millions to be evacuated may be yet to come, after a third wave of floods formed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River on Sunday.
“The flood control and flood fighting situation is severe,” China’s water resources ministry said in a statement. “The new peak may appear later.”
Authorities ordered the Three Gorges Reservoir to save its water-storing capacity in preparation for more flows, and forecast another three days of torrential rain in the southern region.
China’s south has been battered by severe floods after water levels reached records. More than 2 million people have been evacuated this month along the Yangtze River, Asia’s longest, with 142 dead or missing since the flooding began in June. It has also caused over 116 billion yuan ($17 billion) in damages, and impacted more than 2.4 million hectares (6.1 million acres) of crops in July.
The Three Gorges Reservoir is expecting water inflows to surge to about 60,000 cubic meters per second by about Tuesday. The reservoir level was at 159.46 meters as of Monday, down from 164.18 meters about a week ago. Its maximum capacity is 175 meters.
— With assistance by Anna Kitanaka, Zhixin Wan, and Dan Murtaugh
朝鮮封鎖開城, 宣布實施“最大國家緊急體制” 。文在寅辦公室稱收到比爾· 蓋茨來信讚揚了韓國對大流行的應對措施......
朝鮮封鎖開城, 宣布實施“最大國家緊急體制” 。此前朝中社報導,一名三年前叛逃至韓國、一周前秘密返回開城的“脫北者”被懷疑感染了“惡性病毒”。金正恩週六緊急召開勞動黨政治局會議,他在會上承認,朝鮮可能會暴發第一波疫情。 |
• 文在寅辦公室稱收到比爾· 蓋茨來信。 在信中 ,蓋茨讚揚了韓國對大流行的應對措施,並希望韓國與其基金會在抗擊病毒方面加強合作。此前蓋茨基金會已向韓國 SK生物科學公司提供了360萬美元的研究資金,用於開發新冠疫苗。 |
2020年7月26日 星期日
2020年7月25日 星期六
藏身中國駐舊金山總領事館研究員被美方拘捕 涉嫌隱瞞解放軍身份。斯坦福大学中国访问学者被指隐瞒解放军身份 以签证欺诈罪起诉
藏身中國駐舊金山領事館研究員被美方拘捕 涉嫌隱瞞解放軍身份


美国加利福尼亚州北区联邦检察官安德森(David L. Anderson)与联邦调查局(FBI)旧金山分局特别探员贝内特(John Bennett)7月20日联合宣布,现年38岁的斯坦福大学中国籍访问学者宋琛(Song Chen)隐瞒身为解放军现役成员的事实,已被以签证欺诈刑事罪名起诉。

RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 华语 - 法国国际广播电台
斯坦福大学中国访问学者被指隐瞒解放军身份 以签证欺诈罪起诉