2020年7月23日 星期四

菲律賓對病毒的嚴厲應對 A harsh virus response in the Philippines


A harsh virus response in the Philippines

With more than 70,000 infections and 1,800 deaths, the Philippines has been hit hard by the coronavirus. President Rodrigo Duterte has empowered the police to go home to home searching for the sick, and warned that anyone not wearing a mask will be arrested.
Jason Gutierrez, who is based in Manila, spoke to our colleagues from the Coronavirus Briefing about the government’s heavy-handed approach.
What is the status of the virus in the Philippines?
The government hasn’t really been upfront about what’s happening. President Duterte just said that all we can do is wait for the experts in the United States or China to develop a vaccine and basically advised the public to follow the rules or risk arrest.
Our Health Ministry is seen by many as really inefficient. It lets Mr. Duterte say what he wants to say and does not clarify it in public.
A police officer rides atop an armored personnel carrier during the lockdown in Manila last week.   Aaron Favila/Associated Press
What is the situation in Manila?
People in the city have to go through checkpoints, and cops go around some areas in fatigues, like they’re going into battle. Some carry large firearms. It’s worrying because it’s militarizing the response.
In some areas, especially the impoverished parts, people are really afraid to leave their homes and are basically told to just wait it out for food and medical advice or risk being arrested.
What has the response been to President Duterte saying the police would arrest people who didn’t wear masks?
In a lot of places, you see people in public always wearing medical masks. Ironically, he does not wear a mask whenever he meets his officials, and he only wore a mask when he made that threat.
Militarizing the response is probably his way of telling the public that he, as a strongman president, is doing something.
菲律賓有70,000例感染和1800例死亡,受到了冠狀病毒的嚴重打擊。總統羅德里戈·杜特爾特(Rodrigo Duterte)已授權警察在家中尋找病人,並警告任何不戴口罩的人將被捕。
總部位於馬尼拉的傑森·古鐵雷斯(Jason Gutierrez)向我們的冠狀病毒簡報中的同事們談到了政府的嚴厲做法。

