2023年11月27日 星期一

明年,印度人民黨(BJP)準備將印度全面轉變為印度教國家 超過 2 億人口的穆斯林少數民族將受到進一步的誹謗和鎮壓

明年,世界上最大的民主國家將舉行大選。 莫迪領導的占主導地位的民族多數黨印度人民黨(BJP)及其盟友將尋求在印度大選中贏得三連勝。 隨著連續第三次投票箱授權,印度人民黨將準備將印度全面轉變為印度教國家,其中超過 2 億人口的穆斯林少數民族將受到進一步的誹謗和鎮壓。 

政治學家蘇哈斯·帕爾希卡 (Suhas Palshikar) 引用了 20 世紀 50 年代和 1960 年代描述印度國大黨的早期術語,稱當前是印度政治中一黨統治的新時期。 組成印度國家發展包容聯盟(INDIA)的 26 個反對黨旨在防止這種情況發生。 利害關係很明顯。

在這個關鍵的十字路口,一黨獨大時代的一個在野黨的歷史值得反思。 在這裡閱讀更多內容:


 Next year, the world’s largest democracy will head to the polls. Narendra Modi’s dominant ethnomajoritarian Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies will seek to win a third straight victory in India’s General Election. With a third consecutive mandate from the ballot box, the BJP would be poised the wholescale transformation of India into a Hindu Rashtra (Nation) in which the Muslim minority of over 200 million people will be further vilified and repressed. Political scientist Suhas Palshikar calls the present a new period of one-party dominance in Indian politics, invoking an earlier term used to describe the Indian National Congress during the 1950s and 1960s. The 26 opposition parties that comprise the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) aim to prevent this from happening. The stakes are clear.

At this crucial crossroads, it is worth reflecting upon the history of one opposition party during the original era of one-party dominance. Read more here:
