2021年6月8日 星期二

北京遭指控新疆政策可能导致20年内出生短缺400多万。China’s Wolf Warriors Are Turning the World Against Beijing. 中國 PR problem、How rising prices in China are being felt around the world。香港兩則消息值得注意

在美国发表的一份研究报告指控北京对新疆穆斯林少数民族的政策可能导致20年内出生人口短缺400多万。几十年来,新疆是中国出生率最高的地区之一,维吾尔族人口迅速增长。 但从2017年开始,控制措施有所收紧。计划生育措施在某些情况下会导致监禁,并可能导致强制绝育。多年来,北京一直试图加强对这一广阔的西北部地区的控制。
RFI.FR | 作者:RFI 华语 - 法国国际广播电台



民調顯示世界多國對華惡感飆升:新冠疫情、戰狼外交與中國國際形象 - BBC News 中文

China’s PR problem

President Xi Jinping last week instructed Communist Party officials to improve their communications with the rest of the world. Analysts said he was acknowledging that increasingly aggressive diplomacy had not worked.

“We must focus on setting the tone right, be open and confident but also modest and humble, and strive to create a credible, lovable and respectable image of China,” Xi said.

But it’s not as amicable as it sounds: Xi did not signal any change in the policies that have sparked the tension.

“There’s a long tradition of Chinese leaders dispensing guidance for the cadre and the people. Think of Mao Zedong’s sayings collected in the ‘Little Red Book,’” our Beijing bureau chief, Steven Lee Myers, told me.

“Xi Jinping is the first leader since then whose words have been elevated to such an exalted level in the Communist Party pantheon,” Steven said.

Xi’s speeches have been collected in several volumes already and there’s even an app for party officials to study his views. This meeting of the Politburo, the Communist Party’s top governing body, was a “study session,” meant to go over communication of the country’s policies after increasingly negative views of China.

Xi’s plan? A push “to convince the world of the wisdom of the country’s policies that have contributed to those negative perceptions,” Steven told me — “not a sign that he intends to moderate them.”

China’s growing power has coincided with a drastic deterioration in public perceptions abroad.


How rising prices in China are being felt around the world

As inflation worries circle the globe, Beijing is moving swiftly to protect its factories and workplaces from rising costs. Some of its anti-inflation tools include subsidies for small businesses to pay for commodities and limits on commodities trading to rein in speculation.

The government is discouraging steel makers and coal producers from raising prices and allowing its currency to rise to a value unseen in years. For now, wholesale prices are increasing, and the measures may just slow the rise instead of stopping it. Those rising prices can already be felt throughout the world.

Prices are up in the U.S. and elsewhere for soybeans, napkins and other products, prompting warnings that a wave of inflation could threaten the global economy. For now, Chinese manufacturers, rather than consumers, are feeling the price increases.

What’s ahead: Many economists believe price increases will moderate once companies clear supply bottlenecks caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Related: New trade data suggests the outlook for the U.S. economy will depend in part on the rate of recovery of other nations.

2. 香港各大銀行都擴大招進新人,表示它做為中國資金門戶港的地位布變。


Interview: Exiled activist Sunny Cheung tells HKFP about feeling guilt over leaving, and says that the Tiananmen vigil ban is proof of diminishing freedoms in Hong Kong.
"When we can no longer even hold a peaceful rally at Victoria Park to pass on the spirit, to remember what the Chinese Communist Party did in the past - it's not Hong Kong anymore."


