2021年4月8日 星期四

拜登(Joe Biden)政府周四禁止美國公司向實體建造的超級計算機公司出售先進的美國半導體等產品

 "Do you think China is waiting around to invest in its digital infrastructure or research and development? I promise you, they are not waiting," Biden said. "But they are counting on American democracy to be too slow, too limited, and too divided to keep up the pace."

The firms and labs impacted include: Tianjin Phytium Information Technology (also known as Phytium), Shanghai High-Performance Integrated Circuit Design Center, Sunway Microelectronics, the National Supercomputing Center Jinan, the National Supercomputing Center Shenzhen, the National Supercomputing Center Wuxi, and the National Supercomputing Center Zhengzho

拜登(Joe Biden)政府周四禁止美國公司向幾家中國實體供貨,稱這些實體建造的超級計算機將幫助中國政府開發新的大規模殺傷性武器,包括核裝置。


美國商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)在一份書面聲明中表示,美國將充分運用其權限,阻止中國利用美國技術發展這些破壞穩定的軍事現代化項目。


