2015年7月3日 星期五


罌粟學名Papaver somniferum),即鴉片罌粟英語Opium poppy),是罌粟科植物,是製取鴉片的主要原料,同時其提取物也是多種鎮靜劑的來源,如嗎啡蒂巴因可待因罌粟鹼那可丁。學名「somniferum」的意思是「催眠」,反映出其具有麻醉性。


As violence surges in Afghanistan, so too does the country’s opium business. Last year was the deadliest year ever for non-combatants, with nearly 3,700 killed. In its latest World Drug Report, the UN says it was also a record year for the area of farmland used to grow opium: 224,000 hectares, which produced 85% of the world’s opium and 77% of its heroin http://econ.st/1C2C0lS
