2009年11月18日 星期三

Obama's Bows

Japanese Mortified By Obama's Bow

By Sean Hannity

The news that is not White House approved...

Embarrassing an Ally

Over the weekend President Obama declared himself the first Pacific president. I'm not sure if that was before or after he bowed to the Japanese emperor while trying to shake his hand at the same time. Unfortunately, that's not exactly how the Japanese perform their customary bow.

ABC's Jake Tapper reports that at least one Japanese newspaper is not printing the picture of the president's mortifying bow because the Japanese are embarrassed by his behavior. A scholar of traditional Japan tells Mr. Tapper, "The bow… did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms… The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak-looking American president."

Wasn't this president elected to restore our alliances and repair our images abroad? Now he's embarrassed the U.S. and one of our allies all at the same time. That takes real effort.


溫家寶和歐巴馬的會面地點是在北京釣魚台國賓館18號樓,雖然雙方笑容可掬,但是溫家寶幾句引述孔子的話,立場軟中帶硬。溫家寶表示歐巴馬在上海 與青年對話時,引用孔子的「溫故知新」,這句話很好,因為繼往開來需要回顧中美關係的歷程,溫家寶說,「他(孔子)告訴我們一個道理,中美兩國合則兩利, 鬥則俱傷,互信則進,猜忌則退。」

雖然歐巴馬先前和國家主席胡錦濤已經達成建立兩國戰略夥伴關係的共識,但溫家寶似乎再次提醒美國,說了話就要守信用,否則雙方都會受傷害;而歐巴 馬似乎輕鬆許多,還跟溫家寶拉關係,歐巴馬說,「我可以告訴你,我政府裡曾經跟你接觸過的人,都對你的學養和睿智留下深刻的印象。」


China Holds Firm on Major Issues in Obama’s Visit
President Obama was confronted, on his first visit, with a fast-rising China more willing to say no to the U.S.

蔡英文:美方要說明 對台政策是否有變

  • 2009-11-18
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/黃悅嬌】



