In 2018 and 2019 the FBI contacted hundreds of students, researchers and professors with ties to China to determine whether they might be working on behalf of the Communist Party
The new red scare
Chinese students' study abroad has not exactly built a bridge between America and ChinaThe new red scare
The new red scare
In 2018 and 2019 the FBI contacted hundreds of students, researchers and professors with ties to China to determine whether they might...
中國科學家涉嫌竊取美醫學實驗室癌細胞樣本。研究員鄭灶松承認,打算將竊取的樣品帶回中山大學,並以自己的名字發表研究結果。檢方懷疑中國政府也參與其中。美國正大規模調查科學家涉嫌盜竊知識產權的案件。 ( 閱讀本文中文版 )