2020年1月31日 星期五

各國武漢撤僑的學習與教訓 Foreigners Airlifted From Chinese City at Heart of Coronavirus Outbreak

Foreigners Airlifted From Chinese City at Heart of Coronavirus Outbreak

Foreigners Airlifted From Chinese City at Heart of Coronavirus Outbreak

More than a dozen nations pulled their citizens from Wuhan. But how evacuees were handled once they got home varied country by country.


撤僑,乃是對地主國的不信任:對其醫療水準的抗議 (日本撤僑之後,很快診斷出3位確定案例:從武漢乘坐包機返日的日本公民中,有3人被確診感染新型冠狀病毒肺);對中國罔顧人權(人身自由)等的抗議。

日本的撤僑,更展現該國的處理疫情之高水準 (一人一輛救護車等等).....

Hundreds of citizens have been extracted from Chinese city of Wuhan but countries must now also address the challenge of screening and quarantine.

→美國撤僑專機抵達南加州。 195名乘客將在那裡的空軍基地停留三日,由醫務人員進行身體評估,回家後還將接受14天的監測。撤離人員主要由領事官員及其家屬組成,也包括在中國的其他一些美國人。
此外,雖然紐約州尚未發現新型冠狀病毒確診病例,但紐約唐人街的組織者已將今年的農曆新年慶祝活動取消 。

2020年1月30日 星期四

Who gets to claim Gandhi? Mr. Modi及其Bharatiya Janata 黨與穆斯林搶甘地思想......

Opponents of India’s new citizenship law sat in for a silent protest at a mosque in New Delhi on Thursday, the 72nd anniversary of Mohandas Gandhi’s assassination.   Saumya Khandelwal for The New York Times

Who gets to claim Gandhi?

The Indian icon is being pulled into the growing tension between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and protesters challenging his Hindu-centric vision for India.
Mr. Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party have invoked Gandhi in speeches and pamphlets, saying he would have supported a contentious citizenship law.
The protesters — who see the law as discriminatory, with the potential to strip Muslims of citizenship — point out that Gandhi sought protections for Muslims.
Where Gandhi stood: He envisioned the peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Hindus under a secular government. He was killed 72 years ago by a Hindu nationalist nurtured by the same hard-line group that shaped Mr. Modi.
Quotable: “You can’t have Einstein without relativity,” said a biographer of Gandhi. “You can’t have Darwin without evolution. And you can’t have Gandhi without Hindu-Muslim harmony.”

Duterte Declines Trump Invite, Forbids U.S. Trip by His Cabinet菲律賓首都馬尼拉交通塞車嚴重,總統 Rodrigo Duterte 大力投資基礎建設

“No Cabinet member should be allowed to go to the United States.”

He declined Trump’s invitation for a summit with Southeast Asian leaders in March.

Duterte Declines Trump Invite, Forbids U.S. Trip by His Cabinet

President Rodrigo Duterte is investing massively in infrastructure to unclog the Philippines

 Virus fears drive post-holiday Asian stock sell-off

A fifth of Taiwan-listed stocks went limit-down when trading resumed after the Lunar New Year holiday, while China-related shares in Japan were dumped by investors concerned about the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

Foxconn among nearly 200 Taiwan-listed companies to hit downward limit


Virus fears drive post-holiday Asian stock sell-off
Foxconn among nearly 200 Taiwan-listed companies to hit downward limit


