2020年6月22日 星期一

美國國務院:中央電視台、中新社、《人民日報》及《環球時報》列作「外國使團 (foreign mission)」 ... The U.S. says four Chinese media organizations will now be treated as embassies. 美國當局再勒令《鳳凰衛視》旗下電台在美停播…

繼美國政府宣佈將四間中國官媒列作「外國使團(foreign mission)」之後,美國當局再勒令《鳳凰衛視》旗下電台在美停播…

The U.S. says four Chinese media organizations will now be treated as embassies.
US designates four major Chinese media outlets as foreign missions
The move is likely to further sour already fraught ti

Opinion: "There was a middle group, who took things from day to day... and hoped that if they did not bother politics then politics would not bother them... This group has, effectively, been kicked off the fence. Few of them are landing on Ms Lam’s side of it," writes Tim Hamlett.


美國國務院於當地時間周一 (22/6) 宣佈,將中國家官方媒體,包括中央電視台、中新社、《人民日報》及《環球時報》列作「外國使團 (foreign mission)」 ...
美國國務院指這四家媒體由中國政府擁有或操控,是中國共產黨的工具,因而被定性為「外國使團」。所有被列為「外國使團」的機構均需向國務院提交出所有駐美人員名單及所持有房產資料,而美國政府亦可驅逐部份屬於該機構的人員離境 ...
