2020年7月31日 星期五

中共乃台灣敵國也:The Chinese government crushed Hong Kong’s pro-democracy opposition with surprising ferocity.黃之鋒辛酸話。 Joshua Wong 。 Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election

With Security Law as a Cudgel, Beijing Cracks Down on Hong Kong

The Chinese government has used the letter and spirit of the law to crush Hong Kong’s pro-democracy opposition with surprising ferocity.

黃之鋒 Joshua Wong

我和平上街 你告我非法集會

我用傘擋催淚彈 你用子彈射我

我話721唔見人 你831亂打人

我反送中 你強立國安法

我參選 你DQ

我初選投票 你DQ選舉

我去海外講真話 你通輯我

我無地方食飯 你叫我去效野公園

我幫你抗疫 你凍我薪

我被逼失業放無薪假 你話基金只比我老板

我講我所想 你話係顛覆

我係教授去爭取民主 你要我坐監兼解僱

Hong Kong Is Keeping Pro-Democracy Candidates Out of Its Election

By Austin Ramzy, Elaine Yu and Tiffany May

Twelve candidates, including several prominent democracy advocates, were barred from an upcoming legislative election, and four activists were arrested over online posts.
