2019年12月12日 星期四

氫動力產業: World's first liquid hydrogen carrier ship launches in Japan

動力汽車分為兩種,內燃汽車(HICEV)是以內燃機燃燒氣(通常透過分解甲烷或電解水取得)及空氣中的氧產生動力,推動的汽車。 而燃料電池汽車(Fuel cell vehicle-FCEV)是使或含物質及空氣中的氧通過燃料電池以產生電力,再以電力推動電動機,由電動機推動車輛。


The carrier will transport to Japan hydrogen produced in Australia from cheap coal, with trial shipments due to begin before March 2021.

Kawasaki Heavy's vessel will transport the next-generation fuel from Australia


World's first liquid hydrogen carrier ship launches in Japan
