前港督彭定康接受 BBC 4 電台早晨節目 Today 訪問,評論香港局勢,表示:
* 他同意林鄭稱香港接近跌入深淵的說法,但他認為香港政府要為此負上部份責任,批評香港特府不肯明確表示撤回法案,拒絕成立獨立調查委員會;
* 香港社會間對香港特府完全不作合理妥協存在不耐煩和憤怒,政府拒絕讓步,這挑起了更多暴力,而當看到三合會與警察似乎有合作,這令香港人憤怒;
* 不相信任何一個通情達理的人如果坐在林鄭的位置,會辯稱說反對成立獨立調查委員會,指出香港需要一個和解過程,來止住目前政治危機,回復香港穩定;
* 對於中國政府警告如果示威衝突不盡快停止,會使用「其他方法」處理,彭定康認為這只會適得其反,所有人都知道「其他方法」在中國史上意指什麼;
* 如果天安門事件在香港重演,對中國、對香港都將是個災難,希望習近平理解到,需要設立一個方法去團結香港各界;
* 曾經對香港警隊獲讚譽為亞洲最優秀警隊而感到自豪,但現在一些警察對待示威者的照片簡直不堪入目;
* 英國把香港移交給中國時,中國盡量令各界覺得,會允許香港人自己決定如何選舉立法會和行政長官,他認為一國兩制在首10、12年運作得十分好,但自從習近平上台後,中國政府對任何地方,例如新疆、臺灣,都作出打壓;
* 澳洲和加拿大的總理都已發聲,支持香港人的自由,希望自家英國首相也可在這方面敢言,認為他只表示關注是並不足夠的,例如本週會晤到訪的白宮國家安全顧問博爾頓時,應游說美國同意英國的看法,齊稱中國一旦干預香港事務,將是災難
節目聲帶鏈結,由1:14:39 至 1:20:35:
“I think there is a degree of frustration and anger at the government refusing to give any sensible ground at all, which probably provokes more violence,” said Chris Patten, the last British governor of the region.
Patten told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that Hong Kong was “close to the abyss”, because its leader Carrie Lam refused withdraw a controversial extradition bill and hold an inquiry into the reasons for the ongoing demonstrations and the way they have been policed.
“I think there is a degree of frustration and anger at the government refusing to give any sensible ground at all, which probably provokes more violence,” said Patten, the last British governor of the region.
Authorities at Hong Kong airport on Tuesday cancelled all departing flights after pro-democracy protesters blocked the facility for a second day.
The abrupt closure came 10 weeks into a crisis that has seen millions of people take to HongKong’s streets in the biggest challenge to Chinese rule of the semi-autonomous city since its 1997 handover from Britain.
Patten warned against further ratcheting up of tensions, saying it was a “counterproductive thing for the Chinese government to do to give the impression that unless this stops quickly, they will have to consider other methods.
“We know what the other methods have been in Chinese history,” he added.

Photo: May James/HKFP.
“We’ve seen Xinjiang, we’ve seen attacks on Taiwan and we’ve seen a much tougher line being taken in Hong Kong.”
He then urged new British Prime Minister Johsnon to take a firmer line with Beijing, and to put pressure on visiting National Security Advisor John Bolton for US help.
“I very much hope that our own prime minister will be as outspoken as the prime ministers of Canada and Australia have been in defence of Hong Kong’s freedoms,” he told the BBC.
“What he should say, for example, to ambassador Bolton… is that he very much hopes the Americans will agree with us that… it will be a catastrophe if China was to intervene in HongKong.”