Residents of Indian-controlled Kashmir may be looking nervously at Xinjiang -- as well as Tibet, where similar policies have been pursued by Beijing -- after Delhi scrapped the region's special status, setting the stage for greater Hindu migration to the Muslim-majority area, writes CNN's James Griffiths
Pakistan has downgraded its ties with India, expelling the high commissioner and suspending trade.
克什米爾危機: 70多年來,克什米爾一直是印度和巴基斯坦兩個核武國家的衝突中心。雖然軍事入侵、恐怖襲擊和警方鎮壓偶有發生,但局勢整體趨穩。週一,隨著印度宣布取消克什米爾特殊地位,兩國之間的緊張局勢瞬間升級。時報梳理了克什米爾問題的歷史根源,並對該地區的現狀和可能發生的衝突進行了解讀。 (《 紐約時報 》)