武漢肺炎疫情下,政府農歷新年後一度宣布特別工作安排,政府部門只提供必要服務,公務員在家工作,直到 3 月 2 日才安排公務員逐步復工;行政長官林鄭月娥下午宣布,因應香港輸入個案增加,可能引致社區爆發,下星期一回復公務員特別工作安排,政府部門只提供必要、緊急和有限度公共服務,她亦呼籲私人機構讓僱員在家上班...
Hong Kong confirmed 48 new cases of coronavirus Friday -- the largest single day increase there since the outbreak began
I can’t help feeling rather resentful about what’s happened over the past week in Hong Kong, and how we’ve squandered all the progress we were making in keeping a lid on coronavirus infections, writes Yonden Lhatoo.
Selfish, reckless people squander Hong Kong’s gains in war against coronavirus
Yonden Lhatoo is distressed by a sudden surge in imported and community-spread Covid-19 infections in the city, and condemns the carelessness and complacency behind the rebounding crisis.