中國預算過於保守2025,當心結果可能是一個自我實現的預言 self-fulfilling,
China has revealed its budget plan to cope with deflation and an intensifying trade war. The numbers are too cautious
中國預算過於保守2025,當心結果可能是一個自我實現的預言 self-fulfilling, self-fulfillment.
Robert K. Merton, an American sociologist, coined the term "self-fulfilling prophecy" in 1948. This term describes how false beliefs can lead to behaviors that make those beliefs come true. Merton's theory is based on the idea that false beliefs about a situation can lead to behaviors that make the situation real. This can happen when people form expectations about others, which then guide their interactions with those people. These interactions can lead the people to behave in ways that confirm the initial expectations. Merton used the term to explain a variety of situations, including: - Rumors of bank insolvency leading to mass withdrawals and actual insolvency
- Suggestions of approaching war leading to arms stockpiling
- Accusations of strikebreaking by blacks leading to their exclusion from unions
Sociologists use the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy to study student performance, deviant or criminal behavior, and the impact of racial stereotypes on targeted groups. The self-fulfilling prophecy has also been referred to as the “bootstrapped induction,” the “Barnesian performativity,” or “The Oedipus effect”. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The self-fulfilling prophecy defined Merton (1948) is usually credited with having coined the term “self-fulfilling prophecy” to r...
Self-fulfilling prophecy - Oxford Reference
Quick Reference. A concept introduced into sociology by Robert Merton (see his Social Theory and Social Structure, 1957), and alli...
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy In Psychology: Definition & Examples
Feb 13, 2024 — In 1948, Robert K. Merton coined the term self-fulfilling prophecy to describe “a false definition of the situation ev...
In philosophy and psychology, self-fulfillment is the realizing of one's deepest desires and capacities. The history of this concept can be traced to Ancient Greek philosophers and it still remains a notable concept in modern philosophy. 自我實現 /ˌsɛl(f)fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ/ 形容詞 (關於觀點或預測)必定會被證明是正確的,或會因其表達所導致的行為而實現。
(of an opinion or prediction) bound to be proved correct or to come true as a result of behaviour caused by its being expressed.
"expecting something to be bad can turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy"
NHK 2023年地方政府的經濟危機The Truth Behind China's Economic Stagnation....山西...崩 真假GDP 3%差距 建設不創造財富
● 城鎮新增就業1200萬人以上
● 糧食產量1.4兆斤左右
● 單位GDP能耗降低3%左右