-----大陸學者:後ECFA兩岸應建立政治互信2010-09-01 中國時報 【李文輝/綜合報導】 針對ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議)簽署後的兩岸關係,在一場近日於北京舉行的兩岸關係研討會上,多位大陸重要涉台學者指出,ECFA簽訂後,兩岸共識薄弱、互信不足的結構性問題也日益凸顯。建立兩岸政治互信已經成為當務之急。 大陸全國台灣研究會昨日在北京舉辦主題為「兩岸關係:共同利益與和諧發展」學術研討會。兩岸近五十名學者齊聚北京。 社科院台灣研究所副所長朱衛東表示,破解眾所關心的政治難題,需要在兩岸階段性目標上做文章,一目標是營造條件、一目標是增進互信。具體而言,相互尊重和顧及彼此的利益關切,不能挑戰雙方都認可的核心利益-「一個中國」。 福建社科院現代台灣研究所研究員吳能遠指出,建立兩岸政治互信的內涵有三:明晰意圖、增進共識、對話協商。有必要建立更為明確的兩岸關係和平發展共識,然後簽署基本互信(行為準則)協議;建議兩會籌組兩岸關係和平發展的協調委員會,有效磋商處理相關問題。 中國人民大學教授黃嘉樹表示,國民黨主席馬英九月前透過吳伯雄轉達給中共總書記胡錦濤的十六字箴言中,「正視現實」就是堅持先經後政、先易後難,應與「累積互信」同步進展。最關鍵的是,雙方在「一個中國」問題上形成的政治互信。 中國社科院台灣研究所研究員王建民認為,兩岸關係在簽署ECFA後,已進入新的關鍵期,「厚植共同利益」與「尋求共同發展」應成為未來兩岸關係發展的重要目標。 上海社科院台灣研究中心祕書長王海良表示,他個人希望在二○一二年「九二共識」誕生廿年之際,兩岸能求同化異,達成一個新的超越政治障礙、攜手邁向和平協議的共識-「一二共識」。
2010年8月31日 星期二
-----大陸學者:後ECFA兩岸應建立政治互信2010-09-01 中國時報 【李文輝/綜合報導】 針對ECFA(兩岸經濟合作架構協議)簽署後的兩岸關係,在一場近日於北京舉行的兩岸關係研討會上,多位大陸重要涉台學者指出,ECFA簽訂後,兩岸共識薄弱、互信不足的結構性問題也日益凸顯。建立兩岸政治互信已經成為當務之急。 大陸全國台灣研究會昨日在北京舉辦主題為「兩岸關係:共同利益與和諧發展」學術研討會。兩岸近五十名學者齊聚北京。 社科院台灣研究所副所長朱衛東表示,破解眾所關心的政治難題,需要在兩岸階段性目標上做文章,一目標是營造條件、一目標是增進互信。具體而言,相互尊重和顧及彼此的利益關切,不能挑戰雙方都認可的核心利益-「一個中國」。 福建社科院現代台灣研究所研究員吳能遠指出,建立兩岸政治互信的內涵有三:明晰意圖、增進共識、對話協商。有必要建立更為明確的兩岸關係和平發展共識,然後簽署基本互信(行為準則)協議;建議兩會籌組兩岸關係和平發展的協調委員會,有效磋商處理相關問題。 中國人民大學教授黃嘉樹表示,國民黨主席馬英九月前透過吳伯雄轉達給中共總書記胡錦濤的十六字箴言中,「正視現實」就是堅持先經後政、先易後難,應與「累積互信」同步進展。最關鍵的是,雙方在「一個中國」問題上形成的政治互信。 中國社科院台灣研究所研究員王建民認為,兩岸關係在簽署ECFA後,已進入新的關鍵期,「厚植共同利益」與「尋求共同發展」應成為未來兩岸關係發展的重要目標。 上海社科院台灣研究中心祕書長王海良表示,他個人希望在二○一二年「九二共識」誕生廿年之際,兩岸能求同化異,達成一個新的超越政治障礙、攜手邁向和平協議的共識-「一二共識」。
Singapore renews effort to rein in property prices
金融时报》 凯文•布朗 新加坡报道Singapore yesterday moved to cool its property market for the third time in a year, amid worries that low interest rates and rapid economic growth are generating a bubble in much of Asia. | 由于担心低利率和经济快速增长正在亚洲许多地方引起泡沫,新加坡昨天采取行动,一年内第三次为其房地产市场降温。 |
The island state’s announcement follows similar moves by Hong Kong, Australia and China. | 在这个岛国发布公告前,香港、澳大利亚和中国也采取了类似行动。 |
South Korea, however, said at the weekend that it wanted to boost its property market to shore up the troubled construction industry. The government eased mortgage lending rules for low-income home buyers and extended tax breaks. | 然而,韩国在周末表示,将提振其房地产市场,以支持困境中的建筑业。当地政府放松了低收入家庭的按揭贷款规定,并提供减免税优惠。 |
Singapore’s action follows concern about the role of speculators in a 38 per cent rise in average private residential prices for the year to June 30. This took price levels above the previous peak in June 1996. | 在截至6月30日的一年中,新加坡私人住房平均价格上涨38%,超过在1996年6月时达到的此前最高点。新加坡担心“炒楼客”推高了房价,因此推出最新举措。 |
The government said it would impose a 3 per cent tax on resales within three years, up from a previous one-year period. It also raised the minimum required deposit on second homes from 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the purchase price. | 新加坡政府表示,将对三年内的房屋转售征税3%,而先前这个期限为一年。同时,它将二套房最低首付要求从购房价格的20%提高到了30%。 |
Analysts said the authorities appeared most concerned about the affordability of government-built flats, which provide homes for about four-fifths of Singaporeans. The Housing Development Board resale price index, which tracks sales of these properties, rose 4.1 per cent in the three months to June. | 分析师表示,政府似乎最为担心的是人们是否负担得起由政府兴建的公寓——约五分之四的新加坡人住在这样的公寓中。在截至6月的三个月中,追踪这些房地产销售情况的新加坡建筑发展局(Housing Development Board)“转售价格指数”上涨了4.1%。 |
Chua Yang Liang, head of south-east Asia research at Jones Lang LaSalle, a consultancy, predicted that quarterly price growth would slow to 1-2 per cent for public sector resale properties, and 2-3 per cent for private homes. | 咨询公司仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)东南亚研究负责人蔡炎亮(Chua Yang Liang)预计,公屋转售的季度价格增长率将放缓至1%-2%,私人住房将放缓至2%-3%。 |
Lien Hsien Loong, the prime minister, said that Singapore’s objective was “to make sure [that] in the long term Singaporeans can own their homes and afford [them], and it will be a gradually appreciating asset”. | 新加坡总理李显龙(Lien Hsien Loong)表示,新加坡的目标是“确保长期来看,新加坡人能拥有自己的住房,供得起(这些住房),而且房子将成为一种逐渐升值的资产。” |
The ruling People’s Action party is expected to call an early election within six months to capitalise on the country’s recovery from the global financial crisis. | 执政的人民行动党预期将在6个月内要求提前选举,在新加坡从全球金融危机中复苏后“趁热打铁”。 |
Hong Kong raised minimum deposits for upmarket properties earlier this month and released additional land for development following price rises of about 45 per cent since January 2009. | 在香港,房地产价格自2009年1月以来已经上涨了约45%。本月早些时候当地政府提高了高档房地产最低首付款比例,并释出额外土地用于开发。 |
In April, Australia reinstated restrictions on foreign investment in residential property, following months of complaints that foreigners were pushing up prices. | 澳大利亚在4月份恢复了对外国人投资于对居住性房地产的限制。之前数月里,许多澳大利亚人抱怨是外国人推高了房价。 |
China’s efforts to cool its property market are probably the toughest, but they also include scope for flexibility at the local level where the rules are enforced. | 中国给房地产市场降温的措施或许是最强硬的,不过在地方层面,这些措施的执行有一定的灵活空间。 |
The general view is that Beijing will keep its policy measures in place until there are clear signs that prices have fallen, partly because it would lose credibility if it reversed its stance too soon. | 总的看法是,在有明确迹象显示价格出现下跌前,中国政府将保持其政策措施不变,部分是因为,太快逆转立场可能会导致政府失去信用。 |
Some developers have predicted efforts to cool the market, such as a property tax, if prices fail to drop. Xia Bin, an adviser to the Chinese central bank, said at the weekend that policy would not be relaxed in the short term. | 一些开发商预计,如果价格不下跌,那中国政府将推出如物业税这样的措施来给市场降温。中国央行顾问夏斌周末表示,短期内中国楼市政策不会放松。 |
Additional reporting by Song Jung-a in Seoul, Geoff Dyer in Beijing and Peter Smith in Sydney | |
英国《金融时报》宋京雅(Song Jung-a)首尔、杰夫•代尔(Geoff Dyer)北京、彼得•史密斯(Peter Smith)悉尼补充报道 | |
译者/李裕 |
2010年8月30日 星期一
蘇:別扯東扯西 蔡:郝要說清楚
- 2010-08-31
- 中國時報
- 【羅融/台北報導】
▲民進黨新北市長參選人蔡英文30日出席「青年志工團感恩早餐會」,有關郝龍斌陷入的花價風暴,蔡英文表示,民進黨不會對此事「見獵心喜」。(季志翔攝) |
北市花博及新生高架道路工程爭議繼續延燒台北市長郝龍斌的選情。民進黨主席蔡英文指出,在國家財政困難的情況下,任何層級的政府使用公共資源都要特別小心,民進黨不會對此事「見獵心喜」,希望郝龍斌能將事情說清楚。蔡英文強調,蘇貞昌的魄力、執行力,與豐富的政治經驗,一直是台北市長的最佳人選,選民一定看得出來。 台北市長參選人蘇貞昌則表示,台北市政府應誠實面對問題,態度最重要,不要扯東扯西,又說是選舉操作,還講選舉的話、關心自己的選票。他強調,新生高架道路的問題,在兩年多前就發生,花博的問題最近也發生,現在還在談選票選舉,就自私了一點。對於這是否會威脅國民黨的雙子城策略?蔡英文說,「恐怕要國民黨自己去判斷」,她並不清楚雙子城策略到底是什麼,候選人最重要的是表現出自己足以擔任市長的優質性,而不是創造出假的、表面的合作意象。
即將成為問題的並非絕對人口數量﹐而是工薪族人口。如同更發達的國家一樣﹐中國的人口開始老齡化﹐這一趨勢由於80年代末開始實行的計劃生育政策逐漸加劇。2015年似乎將成為一個轉折點:據世界銀行(the World Bank)預計﹐2015年至2020年期間﹐中國的工作年齡人口平均每年將會下降0.1%。
這就意味著﹐中國可能會逐漸喪失其亞洲發展最快的經濟體的地位。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的經濟學家們預計印度的年增長率將在2013年至2015年之間超過中國。
Andrew Peaple
2010年8月29日 星期日
AIG to Decide on AIA Pre - IPO Sale
AIG to Decide on AIA Pre - IPO Sale By Next Week: Sources
Published: August 25, 2010
at 3:09 a.m. ET
HONG KONG (Reuters) - American International Group Inc is expected to decide by early next week whether to enter formal negotiations with strategic investors for its Asian life insurance business, AIA, sources familiar with the process told Reuters on Wednesday.
That AIG has set a deadline for the strategic bidder process shows that the company may go ahead with plans to list AIA on the Hong Kong stock exchange in the fourth quarter of 2010, a deal that could raise about $15 billion, without an outside investor taking a stake beforehand.
Some Chinese investors have expressed interest in buying stakes in AIA ahead of the IPO. But expectations are running low for the pre-IPO auction to lead to a big deal due to the limited time available.
"The IPO train is moving quite quickly. That means there is limited ability to stop for a strategic investor to come on board and do due diligence and negotiate price," one source familiar with the process said.
An AIG spokeswoman was not available for immediate comment.
The sources declined to be identified since the discussions were private.
The offering would make it the largest ever Hong Kong IPO and would allow AIG to use the proceeds to pay back the U.S. government for its massive 2008 rescue package.
Strategic buyers offer confidence to prospective IPO investors, as they are long term holders. Strategic investors also help set a valuation benchmark for the IPO.
Most major Western banks that took strategic stakes in Chinese financial groups before their IPO binge five years ago made huge profits on the stakes, although little strategic coordination occurred in return.
Three to four separate consortiums, made up of Chinese investors, have approached AIG with proposals to take stakes in AIA ahead of the IPO, one source said. Some consortiums have indicated taking between 10-30 percent stakes in AIA, sources said.
Sources however said that AIG is solely focused on the IPO and the strategic investors are not critical to the listing process.
China Life Insurance Co Ltd, Ping An Cinda Asset Management Fosun Group, Hony Capital (an investment arm of Legend Group, parent of Lenovo Group), and Alibaba.comLtd, are among the parties that have expressed interest in buying a strategic stake in AIA, media reports have previously said.
AIG is set to name Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as the
AIG is set to name Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as the joint global coordinators for the IPO, sources have previously told Reuters.
Usually, pre-IPO stakes are sold at a discount to the IPO valuations and that then sets a benchmark for the public offering. A large pre-IPO investment will make it easy for AIG and its advisers to sell the rest of the offer to traditional institutions and mutual funds.
(Reporting by Denny Thomas; Editing by Ken Wills)
AIG to Decide on AIA Pre - IPO Sale
AIG to Decide on AIA Pre - IPO Sale By Next Week: Sources
Published: August 25, 2010
at 3:09 a.m. ET
HONG KONG (Reuters) - American International Group Inc is expected to decide by early next week whether to enter formal negotiations with strategic investors for its Asian life insurance business, AIA, sources familiar with the process told Reuters on Wednesday.
That AIG has set a deadline for the strategic bidder process shows that the company may go ahead with plans to list AIA on the Hong Kong stock exchange in the fourth quarter of 2010, a deal that could raise about $15 billion, without an outside investor taking a stake beforehand.
Some Chinese investors have expressed interest in buying stakes in AIA ahead of the IPO. But expectations are running low for the pre-IPO auction to lead to a big deal due to the limited time available.
"The IPO train is moving quite quickly. That means there is limited ability to stop for a strategic investor to come on board and do due diligence and negotiate price," one source familiar with the process said.
An AIG spokeswoman was not available for immediate comment.
The sources declined to be identified since the discussions were private.
The offering would make it the largest ever Hong Kong IPO and would allow AIG to use the proceeds to pay back the U.S. government for its massive 2008 rescue package.
Strategic buyers offer confidence to prospective IPO investors, as they are long term holders. Strategic investors also help set a valuation benchmark for the IPO.
Most major Western banks that took strategic stakes in Chinese financial groups before their IPO binge five years ago made huge profits on the stakes, although little strategic coordination occurred in return.
Three to four separate consortiums, made up of Chinese investors, have approached AIG with proposals to take stakes in AIA ahead of the IPO, one source said. Some consortiums have indicated taking between 10-30 percent stakes in AIA, sources said.
Sources however said that AIG is solely focused on the IPO and the strategic investors are not critical to the listing process.
China Life Insurance Co Ltd, Ping An Cinda Asset Management Fosun Group, Hony Capital (an investment arm of Legend Group, parent of Lenovo Group), and Alibaba.comLtd, are among the parties that have expressed interest in buying a strategic stake in AIA, media reports have previously said.
AIG is set to name Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as the
AIG is set to name Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as the joint global coordinators for the IPO, sources have previously told Reuters.
Usually, pre-IPO stakes are sold at a discount to the IPO valuations and that then sets a benchmark for the public offering. A large pre-IPO investment will make it easy for AIG and its advisers to sell the rest of the offer to traditional institutions and mutual funds.
(Reporting by Denny Thomas; Editing by Ken Wills)
A Sikh Temple Where All May Eat, and Pitch In
All faiths are welcome to eat a free lunch daily at the Golden Temple, the holiest shrine for Sikhs, in Amritsar, India. More Photos »
Published: August 29, 2010
AMRITSAR, India — The groaning, clattering machines never stop, transforming 12 tons of whole wheat flour every day into nearly a quarter-million discs of flatbread called roti. These purpose-built contraptions, each 20 feet long, extrude the dough, roll it flat, then send it down a gas-fired conveyor belt, spitting out a never-ending stream of hot, floppy, perfectly round bread.
Soupy lentils, three and a third tons of them, bubble away in vast cauldrons, stirred by bearded, barefoot men wielding wooden spoons the size of canoe paddles. The pungent, savory bite wafting through the air comes from 1,700 pounds of onions and 132 pounds of garlic, sprinkled with 330 pounds of fiery red chilies.
It is lunchtime at what may be the world’s largest free eatery, the langar, or community kitchen at this city’s glimmering Golden Temple, the holiest shrine of the Sikh religion. Everything is ready for the big rush. Thousands of volunteers have scrubbed the floors, chopped onions, shelled peas and peeled garlic. At least 40,000 metal plates, bowls and spoons have been washed, stacked and are ready to go.
Anyone can eat for free here, and many, many people do. On a weekday, about 80,000 come. On weekends, almost twice as many people visit. Each visitor gets a wholesome vegetarianmeal, served by volunteers who embody India’s religious and ethnic mosaic.
“This is our tradition,” said Harpinder Singh, the 45-year-old manager of this huge operation. “Anyone who wants can come and eat.”
India is not only the world’s largest democracy, it also is one of the most spiritually diverse nations. It was born in a horrific spasm of religious bloodshed when British India was torn in two to create a Muslim homeland in Pakistan. Yet from the moment of its independence, India has been a resolutely secular nation and has managed to accommodate an extraordinary range of views on such fundamental questions as the nature of humanity, the existence of God and the quality of the soul.
Indeed, few places in India demonstrate so clearly the country’s genius for diversity and tolerance, the twin reasons that India — despite its fractures and fissures — has remained one nation.
Sikhism, which emerged in the Punjab region of India in the 15th century, strongly rejects the notion of caste, which lies at the core of Hinduism.
The Golden Temple, a giant complex of marble and glittering gold that sits at the heart of this sprawling, hectic city near the border with Pakistan, seeks to embody this principle. Nowhere is it more evident than in the community kitchen, where everyone, no matter his religion, wealth or social status, is considered equal.
Guru Amar Das created the community kitchen during his time as the third Sikh guru in the 16th century. Its purpose, he said, was to place all of humanity on the same plane. At the temple’s museum, one painting shows the wife of one of the gurus serving common people, “working day and night in the kitchen like an ordinary worker,” the caption says.
Volunteerism and community support are other central tenets of Sikhism expressed in the langar. When the Mughal emperor Akbar tried to give Guru Amar Das a platter of gold coins to support the kitchen, he refused to accept them, saying the kitchen “is always run with the blessings of the Almighty.”
Ashok Kumar, a Hindu with a scraggly beard, has been coming to the kitchen for the past five years — all day, almost every day — to work as a volunteer. “It is my service,” he explained, after reluctantly taking a very brief break from his syncopated tray sorting.
A white rag covered his head, and his hands were bound like a boxer’s. His job is to man the heavy bucket that receives the dirty plates and bowls. He is the last man on a highly organized line that begins with collecting the spoons, dumping out any leftover food, then loading giant tubs of dirty dishes bound for the washing troughs.
Plates and bowls fly at him, but he never misses a beat, using a metal plate in each hand to deflect the traffic into the tub. Plates go around the rim, while bowls get stacked in the middle.
Mr. Kumar used to be a bookbinder.
“I feel happy here,” he said when asked why he had given up his old life.
Indians of all faiths come here to find a measure of peace largely unavailable in the cacophony of the nation’s 1.2 billion people. Like the thousands of pairs of shoes left at the temple gates, the chaos and filth of urban life are left behind at the marble entrances.
The temple is a world of cleanliness and order — where the wail of the harmonium and the shuffling of bare feet are the only sounds, and every square inch is scrubbed many times a day.
It has not always been a peaceful place. A Sikh insurgency, which sought a separate homeland for Sikhs in Punjab, tore at India’s heart in the 1970s and ’80s. In 1984, Indira Gandhi, then the prime minister, ordered a bloody raid on the temple. Hundreds of militants were hiding there, and many were killed. The temple was also damaged. Sikh bodyguards later assassinated Mrs. Gandhi to avenge the attack on the temple.
Despite this history, Sikhs remain resolutely a part of India’s mainstream, holding leading positions in the arts, government and business. India’s current prime minister,Manmohan Singh, is a Sikh.
Pankaj Ahuja, who owns a medical supply shop in Rajasthan, was visiting the temple for the third time, this time bringing his wife and son, who had never been before. They took the Golden Temple Express train, and were sleeping in the pilgrims’ dormitories, which are also free. The family is Hindu, but the temple has a special significance for them nonetheless.
“You have lots of religious places in this country,” said Mr. Ahuja’s wife, Nikita. “But the kind of peace and cleanliness you find here you won’t find anywhere else.”
Back home, cleaning floors would be considered degrading for someone of her status — people of low caste usually do such work. But here, Mrs. Ahuja happily scrubs floors.
“In normal life, I would ask, ‘Why should I do this?’ It is shameful to clean floors,” she said. “But here, it is different.”
Indeed, she never gives a moment’s thought to who prepared the food in the kitchen, even though in India’s highly stratified caste traditions such matters are vital.
“It is more than food,” she said of the meals that she had eaten at the community kitchen. “Once you eat it, you forget who is cooking, who is serving it, who is sitting next to you.”
Anil Kumar, a 32-year-old Hindu, was up to his elbows in soapy water at one of the washing troughs.
“At home, I would never do this,” he said with a laugh. “It is my wife’s work.”
But he said he tried to come for at least an hour every day to wash dishes. “It is not a question of religion,” he added. “It is a question of faith. Here I feel a feeling of peace.”
Hari Kumar contributed reporting.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: August 29, 2010
An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated in which century Guru Amar Das was the third Sikh guru. It was in the 16th century, not the 15th.