A recent probe into Japanese firms using the state-sponsored Technical Intern Training Program to deal with acute labor shortages has revealed 759 ...
2019年3月31日 星期日
Probe reveals 759 cases of suspected abuse and 171 deaths of foreign trainees in Japan
Probe reveals 759 cases of suspected abuse and 171 deaths of foreign trainees in Japan
Anti-China sentiment has been spreading across Asia as the country's economic influence grows.
Anti-China sentiment has been spreading across Asia as the country's economic influence grows.
2019年3月30日 星期六
泰國: 首次發現日本電話詐騙集團;42萬5千漁業奴工
Thai police arrest 15 Japanese in Pattaya call center scam targeting Japan
According to police sources, it is the first time a scam targeting people in Japan has been uncovered in Thailand. The sources said the police ...
Thailand is one of the world’s largest seafood exporters. But the industry exploits many of the country’s 425,000 people trapped in slavery
2019年3月28日 星期四
EU risks 'trade war' with Malaysia over palm oil: Mahathir
The EU's increasingly hostile attitude towards palm oil is an attempt to protect alternatives that Europe produces itself, like rape seed oil, says Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.

EU risks 'trade war' with Malaysia over palm oil: Mahathir
DW 中文 - 德国之声和 DW 中文 - 德國之聲都分享了 1 條連結。

德语媒体:习近平的严重错误让欧盟团结起来 | DW | 28.03.2019
作者Thomas Hanke寫道,習近平正朝著重複當年歐洲殖民者的所有錯誤在邁進。"他漠視歐洲人;對法國、德國這些擁有悠久歷史的歐洲國家進行挑釁;在非洲以及亞洲鄰國則表現得過於輕佻,這已經造成這些國家對中國抱有可怕的仇恨情緒。"
DW:強化美台關係美議員提台灣保證法(Taiwan Assurance Act)
(德國之聲中文網) 路透社報導,參議院外交關係委員會的首席民主黨參議員梅南德茲(Bob Menendez) 與共和黨參議員卡頓(Tom Cotton) 、克魯茲(Ted Cruz) 還有另兩名民主黨參議員一起,於週二(3月26日) 提出《台灣保證法》(Taiwan Assurance Act) 來強化美台的雙邊關係。報導指出,此舉可能使中美關係再度緊繃。
報導指出,該草案會要求美國總統特朗普重新審視美國國務院的美台關係方針、指示國防部將台灣納入雙邊軍演、派駐美國在台協會的聯絡組組長應為將級軍官、申明美國將繼續支持台灣有意義地參與國際組織、 並要求國會繼續支持美國對台的定期軍售。共和黨參議員卡頓透過聲明表示: “此法案將深化美台雙邊的安全、經濟與文化關係,並讓中國知道跨海峽的侵略性行為是不被容許的。 ”
共和黨議員盧比奧(Marco Rubio) 指出,在中國侵略性越來越強的前提下,美國應該提升與台灣的戰略關係。他表示身為一個重要的民主夥伴,確保台灣安全對美國在印太地區的國安利益而言,十分重要。
梅南德茲也透過聲明強調: “當我們紀念《台灣關係法》之際,美國國會應該口徑一致的強調維持台灣外交空間的重要性。 我們應該深化美台關係,並確保台灣人民有權決定他們的未來。 ”
此外,共和黨在眾議院外交事務委員會的首席議員麥考爾(Michael McCaul) 也計劃在眾議院提出類似法案來呼應台灣保證法。這份草案必須通過參眾兩院投票,再由特朗普簽署立法。路透社分析,如果美國通過此法案,將使已因貿易戰而緊繃的中美關係更加惡化。
中國國家主席習近平在今年一月的對台演說中,再度強調中國不會放棄武力統台的可能性,而此舉讓外界不斷揣測兩岸開戰的可能性。美國保守派新聞網站《華盛頓自由燈塔》本月15日曾引述不具名的美國政府官員,表示美國白宮將在近期宣布批准向台灣出售66架新型的F-16V戰鬥機。目前美國國防部並未證實該報導內容。然而, 該報導一出,立刻引起中方強烈反彈。中國大陸外交部發言人耿爽上周於例行記者會表示,中國堅決反對美國對台灣販賣武器,並強調北京已向華盛頓提出嚴正交涉。
紐西蘭人了不起!更多人表示想移民到該國生活 。New Zealand asks what it could have done differently. Jacinda Ardern is showing the world what real leadership is: sympathy, love and integrity
•新西蘭槍擊案發生後, 有更多人表示想移民到該國生活 。新西蘭移民局週四表示,在襲擊發生後的10天內,表示有興趣到新西蘭生活和工作的登記者人數顯著增加。 (《 紐約時報 》)
紐西蘭人了不起!New Zealand asks what it could have done differently.
*2019.3.20 New Zealand will ban all types of semi-automatic weapons used in Christchurch attacks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced.

Jacinda Ardern is showing the world what real leadership is: sympathy, love and integrity | Suzanne Moore

New Zealand women wear headscarves in solidarity with Muslims after Christchurch mosque shootings
紐西蘭人了不起!New Zealand asks what it could have done differently.
總理的"他們(受害者)就是我們";總理要求繳交半自動手槍*;檢討政府防範功能New Zealand investigates how the massacre could have been avoided.......
*2019.3.20 New Zealand will ban all types of semi-automatic weapons used in Christchurch attacks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced.

Jacinda Ardern is showing the world what real leadership is: sympathy, love and integrity | Suzanne Moore
新西蘭總理杰茜達·阿德恩週一下令就政府是否可能避免槍擊案的發生展開調查 。她還表示內閣已在“原則上”同意修改該國槍支法,並稱改革將在此次恐襲發生的10天之內進行。 |
→ 關於嫌犯 :我們的記者前往涉事槍手居住的城市但尼丁,採訪了一些他認識的人,包括他的步槍俱樂部成員。此外,新西蘭專家們正在努力查明在兩間清真寺內遇難者的身份。他們的葬禮可能會在周三舉行。 |
→ 英雄之舉 :對倖存者的採訪和襲擊現場的視頻顯示,一位路人的勇敢之舉以及警方的迅速反應,對防止傷亡進一步擴大起到了重要作用。 |
Adam Dean for The New York Times |
New Zealand asks what it could have done differently |
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered an inquiry into whether government agencies could have prevented the attacks at two mosques in Christchurch on Friday that left at least 50 dead. |
Her cabinet also agreed “in principle” to overhaul the country’s gun laws and will announce reforms “within 10 days of this horrific act of terrorism,” she said at a news conference. |
The victims: New Zealand’s deputy police commissioner said specialists had worked through the night to identify the people killed at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques. Islamic leaders and victims’ families have been discussing holding a burial for all victims, possibly on Wednesday. |
The suspect: Our reporter went to the town of Dunedin, home to the suspected gunman, and spoke to people he interacted with, including members of his rifle club. |
Perspective: Our Opinion section has essays examining the traits white supremacist terrorists have in common and the history of white supremacist violence. |
AFP News Agency
People across New Zealand gathered to pay tribute Sunday following the gun attack that left at least 50 worshippers dead at two mosques in the city of Christchurch, as families clamoured for the bodies of their loved ones to be returned.
Full story: u.afp.com/JSFu
New Zealanders have lit candles, piled flowers and stood vigil since a gunman attacked two mosques in Christchurch, killing at least 50 people. |
They have also performed the haka. |
Carl Court/Getty Images |
The ceremonial dance originated with the Maori, the country’s indigenous Polynesian inhabitants. Warriors danced to intimidate opponents with grimaces, chanting and aggressive postures. But there are also hakas of welcome and hakas for funerals. |
The form has been embraced by New Zealanders of all origins, most famously by the national rugby team, the All Blacks. Many schools have haka groups, and every two years, there’s a national competition hosted by one of the country’s iwi, or tribes. |
A variety of haka have been performed for the Christchurch victims. For instance, a biker group, Black Power, used a warlike haka to express solidarity. |
Others performed one of the most famous hakas, “Ka mate,” a tribute to life in the face of death. |
Andrea Kannapell, the briefings editor, wrote today’s Back Story. |
As Details Emerge on Suspect, New Zealand Asks What It Could Have Done Differently
- Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered an inquiry into whether government agencies could have prevented the attack.
- She also said her cabinet had agreed “in principle” to an overhaul of the country’s gun laws and was working out the details.
Women in New Zealand wore headscarves Friday to show their support for Muslims a week after 50 people were killed at two mosques.
New Zealand women wear headscarves in solidarity with Muslims after Christchurch mosque shootings
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