• In Indonesia, the 20 million people who follow traditional beliefs, or aliran kepercayaan, are still waiting for an end to decades of unofficial discrimination, despite a major court ruling in their favor in November. | |||||||||||
Indonesia guarantees freedom of religion but the government recognizes only six: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism and Confucianism. Above, a Baduy tribesman in Banten, Indonesia, in 2015. | |||||||||||
“Why can these big global religions spread and be recognized,” one traditional believer said, “but the original religion of Indonesia cannot?” ****
Aliran Kepercayaan[note 1] is an official cover term for various, partly syncretic forms of mysticism in Indonesia.[2] It includes kebatinan, kejiwan, and kerohanian.[2]
Kebatinan can be described as an amalgam of animist, Hindu-Buddhist, and Islamic (especially Sufi) mystical elements that combine to form Javanese mysticism. According to Caldarola, kepercayaan "is not an apt characterization of what the mystical groups have in common".[2] The US State Department's states:
2018年4月15日 星期日
宗教: "Aliran Kepercayaan"
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