2017年5月29日 星期一

Sri Lanka: A country trapped in debt; 斯里兰卡暴雨成灾 遇难人数增至180人



長嘆:看了BBC在3天前作的:"請不要出賣土地.....":Sri Lanka: A country trapped in debt - BBC News - BBC.comu
3 days ago - China is investing billions of dollars in infrastructure and developments in Sri Lanka, but many local citizens feel the country is being sold to the ...

China is investing billions in Sri Lanka, but many local citizens feel the country is being sold to the Chinese.

2017年5月28日 星期日




2017年5月25日 星期四

Taiwan to allow gay marriage in first for Asia

Confirmed: Taiwan remains one of Asia’s most socially liberal societies.

Constitutional court says ban on same-sex wedlock violates right to equality

Vietnamese Students Are Jumping at the Chance to Study in Japan

Japan is aggressively recruiting students from the region.

Their numbers have grown more than 12-fold within six years.


[精選回顧] 《經濟學人》社論說,中國對新疆的鐵腕政策助燃了新疆的反抗活動。中國當局必須改變其對新疆的政策和思維方式。

2017年5月24日 星期三

Big Country with an Empty Nest 大國空巢

更新於2017年5月24日 13:35 英國《金融時報》 米強 北京報導


威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)的科學家易富賢表示,中國官員將1990年至2016年間的出生人數高估了近9000萬。

易富賢將他所說的這一誤差,部分歸因於過度樂觀的生育率數字。 2015年中國生育率被估計為1.6,而易富賢認為實際上可能低達1.05。


易富賢本週在北京向學界展示了這一研究成果,它凸顯出中國政策制定者面臨的人口危機。 2012年,中國勞動年齡人口首次出現下滑,而且自那以來一直在下降,這就引出了中國“未富先老”的可能性。




在2007年出版的《大國空巢》(Big Country with an Empty Nest)一書中,易富賢提出,中共規劃者的“馬爾薩斯式恐懼”毫無根據。

中國官員和學者如今大多都承認,一胎化政策加快了中國“劉易斯拐點”(Lewis Turning Point)的到來。這一拐點理論是1954年由經濟學家阿瑟•劉易斯(Arthur Lewis)提出的,是指一國農村剩餘勞動力耗盡、工資水平開始迅速上漲的時刻。在這個拐點到來後,中國將很難再實現過去四分之一世紀裡那種輕易就能獲得的生產率增長了。



今年3月,中國政府出錢請易富賢乘坐商務艙從美國飛到海南,參加博鰲亞洲論壇(Boao Forum for Asia)。博鰲亞洲論壇是效仿達沃斯世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)、在華南召開的年度會議。



中國最有名的異見人士之一、盲人活動人士陳光誠,曾因曝光計劃生育暴行而受到多年的法外軟禁。 2012年,在甩掉了看守並在北京的美國大使館尋求避難後,陳光誠逃到了美國。

Big Country with an Empty Nest
Publisher : China Development Press
Published Date : 3/2013
Language : Chinese?
ISBN/ISSN : 9787802348561
Pages : 361
Weight : 1.10kg
Availability : Usually ship within 48 hours
Estimated Shipping Time

"Big Country with an Empty Nest" was in 2007 in Hong Kong turned out a version of a book published, received wide attention and sparked a heated debate, which laid the foundation of the "Big Country with an Empty Nest "In the history of China's position on population studies. In the population has increasingly become the focus of public attention on the occasion, "Big Country with an Empty Nest" After careful revision of the large space after the Mainland and readers met.
In comparison, the mainland version of the "Big Country with an Empty Nest" held on the more moderate and content leaner, more solid data, views more clearly, as the author of "empty nest big country: Rethinking Chinese family planning policy," the preface said: "From the text view, the Hong Kong version removes some 'lees', only condensed into" big empty nest: Rethinking Chinese family planning policy, "20% of the content, the new content of 80% in Hong Kong is mainly used ...... is homemade 'fowling' ...... this edition procured some 'guns' (review of the university and graduate demographics learned, and to ask a number of demographers, making way more in line with norms). "can said that this is the author's effort a masterpiece!

Table of Content
Chapter 1 History and World Population Prospects / 1
Population reproduction is the existence and development of human society, the fundamental pillars / 2
Ancient population growth is very slow / 3
Modern population explosion / 5
American crops on the demographic impact of Chinese Qing / 7
Population growth, economic growth / 9
Population explosion led to technological explosion / 11
Population size and density advantages advantages / 13
"Demographic catastrophe," the wolf really came, but not the big bad wolf / 16
World Population Prospects / 19
Chapter 2, the rise and fall of civilization demographic factors / 23
Sages talk about the relationship between population and civilization / 24
Qin unified China's demographic factors / 25
Roman Empire's population factor / 28
Demographic advantage to avoid the Roman Empire history repeat itself in China / 33
Tibetan, Mongolian civilization decline demographic factors / 34
Indian civilization decline demographic factors / 37
Why did the Industrial Revolution originated in Britain rather than France / 38
Germany launched two world wars, demographic factors / 44
The Sino-Japanese War of demographic factors / 46
"Day" thin Xishan demographic factors / 48
Russia emerging demographic factors / 50
The Soviet Union's demographic factors / 52
Russia's population policy lessons and experiences / 56
The rise of the United States population factor / 59
Chapter 3 China's family planning background / 63
Before World War II: From racism, eugenics to demography / 64
World War II: the global population control The Rise / 68
The role of the United Nations Population Fund / 71
United States, "National Security Research Memorandum No. 200 '/ 74
Planned Parenthood thought Westerly Learning / 79
1950s Chinese population battle of ideas / 82
The 1970s, China began to implement a comprehensive family planning / 85
Yinchu population theory is wrong / 87
Since 1979 China began to implement the one-child policy / 94
Planned Parenthood unexpected consequences / 98
Chinese demographic Create / 100
Policy of the U.S. population / 106
Chapter 4 China's demographic realities / 111
Family Planning Commission forecasts fly you / 112
2010 China in the end how many people / 130
According to judge China's social development level fertility / 143
Fewer family planning in the end, "bounce" the number of people / 153
Chapter 5 Chinese population crisis broke / 167
1998: the number of primary school began to decrease / 168
2003: 20 to 39 years golden age of labor began to decrease / 171
2008: 17 to 20 year old man began to negative growth in manpower / 173
2012: women of childbearing age starts to decrease / 174
2012: The total dependency ratio stabilized climb / 176
2014: 15 to 64 years of negative growth in the total labor force start / 181
2015: Bachelor crisis broke / 184
2016: purchase age population began to negative growth / 188
2018: Start of negative growth in the total population / 188
Demographically see China's future economic trends / 193
A sense of security, who will raise / 197
China is neither eugenics, not excellent education / 200
Loss of independence in a rapid increase in the number of households / 208
Chapter 6 Who can assert Chinese population cap / 211
"Moderate population" theory destruction of ancient Greek civilization / 212
Who had asserted Chinese population cap / 213
If the Chinese population of 700 million, 500 million will happen / 216
Land and Grain / 219
Freshwater resources / 228
Mineral resources / 230
Energy / 232
Environment / 237
Conclusion / 240
Chapter 7 with an international perspective view of China Population / 241
South Korea, China Taiwan, Singapore, Iran has advocated two tires regret / 242
International and domestic programs have proved two tires is wrong / 247
Compensatory after stopping birth control how high the peak of birth / 250
Baby boomers, the higher the better compensatory / 259
"Low fertility trap" than the "middle income trap" more terrible / 265
From looking at the world economic pattern demographic / 267
World and China's population structure determines the economic center of China westward / 271
World Population change in the situation on the impact of China's national defense / 278
China should actively layout of the western population and city / 280
Chapter 8 China Population Prospects / 283
China Population Prospects / 284
China's population policy needs to Dunkirk-style strategic realignment / 292
Success of the "birth" Ready / 294
Investment, "creature", as investment "made man" / 297
Stop Planned Parenthood helps ease the employment pressure / 300
Stop Planned Parenthood helps to maintain social stability / 306
Stop Planned Parenthood help ease the crisis of aging and bachelor / 309
Baby sustainable development of China's economy - Pacemaker / 312
Chapter 9 Road to Jane. Endless / 315
"There are three unfilial, without issue," the big truth / 316
Raising children for old age pension and social comparison / 318
Marriage is man's greatest institutional design / 321
Marriage will "sex" into the cage / 325
Ancient encourage fertility policy / 328
Ancient marriage, divorce system / 332
Respect for the natural division of labor between men and women / 336
China Cultural Decline fertility / 339
The return of American traditional fertility culture / 345
Europe and the United States to encourage fertility dilemma / 348
Back to the defense of the traditional family inside / 351
Implement the Government's responsibility to protect the reproductive rights / 353
Postscript / 360
更新于2017年5月24日 13:35 英国《金融时报》 米强 北京报道


威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)的科学家易富贤表示,中国官员将1990年至2016年间的出生人数高估了近9000万。







在2007年出版的《大国空巢》(Big Country with an Empty Nest)一书中,易富贤提出,中共规划者的“马尔萨斯式恐惧”毫无根据。

中国官员和学者如今大多都承认,一胎化政策加快了中国“刘易斯拐点”(Lewis Turning Point)的到来。这一拐点理论是1954年由经济学家阿瑟•刘易斯(Arthur Lewis)提出的,是指一国农村剩余劳动力耗尽、工资水平开始迅速上涨的时刻。在这个拐点到来后,中国将很难再实现过去四分之一世纪里那种轻易就能获得的生产率增长了。



今年3月,中国政府出钱请易富贤乘坐商务舱从美国飞到海南,参加博鳌亚洲论坛(Boao Forum for Asia)。博鳌亚洲论坛是效仿达沃斯世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)、在华南召开的年度会议。





台湾法院作出裁决:“反对同婚”违宪 ...... 菲律賓民答那峨島全島戒嚴,......Taiwan step closer to being first in Asia for same-sex marriage


2017年5月20日 星期六

Malaysia’s system of racial preferences should be scrapped Its benefits are debatable and its costs calamitous

Since 1971 Malaysia has given preferential treatment in everything from education to investing to bumiputeras—people of indigenous descent, who are two-thirds of the population but poorer than their ethnic-Chinese and -Indian compatriots
Its benefits are debatable and its costs calamitous

2017年5月18日 星期四

China aiming for a regional empire;Vladimir Putin holds the key to the North Korea quandary

2017年5月16日 星期二

印度與日本:推出「自由走廊(Freedom Corridor)」,在非洲、伊朗及東南亞投資多項基礎建設案

2017-05-16  18:15
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕為抵制中國「一帶一路」計畫,印度與日本決定聯手推出「自由走廊(Freedom Corridor)」,在非洲、伊朗及東南亞投資多項基礎建設案。
根據印度《經濟時報》(Economic Times)報導,印度與日本正倡議建設從亞太地區到非洲的「自由走廊」,以平衡中國在相關區域的影響力,這些地區被中國納入「一帶一路」計畫中,但部分國家對中國的作法並不滿意。而印、日此舉可被視為抵制中國「一帶一路」。
印、日決定合資在東非進行基礎建設和能力建構項目,日本也預計要加入印度在伊朗重要戰略港口查巴哈港(Chabahar port)及港口經濟特區的開發計畫,兩國也有望共同開發斯里蘭卡春可馬里港(Trincomalee port),及泰緬邊界的土瓦深海港(Daweideep-sea port)。
印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)去年11月訪問日本時,日本首相安倍晉三宣布將推動從亞太延伸到非洲的自由走廊;印度財政部長賈特里(Arun Jaitley)最近訪問日本時,也再度與日本討論雙方合作問題。

中國捍衛全球化的黑色劇;Asian neighbors keep distance from China's 'Belt and Road'

看到美國走向保護主義,中國乘虛而入,揚言捍衛「全球化」,真是莫大的諷刺。一個各方面都反自由市場的政權,竟大言不慚要捍衛全球化,忘了國際間長期質疑中國的要點:司法落後、大企業都是國營、黨國體制、銀行債務驚人、不講信用、滿嘴謊言(如謊稱台灣政府禁止陸客來台)、距離全球化的自由經濟水平還太遙遠……。" ----蘋論:中國捍衛全球化的黑色劇

Beijing's growing regional influence seen as a threat.
BEIJING/NEW DELHI -- Such countries as India and Russia remain leery of…