裙帶資本主義(英語:Crony capitalism),又稱官僚資本主義、朋黨資本主義、權貴資本主義、密友資本主義、關係資本主義,描述一個經濟體中,商業上的成功與否取決於企業、商界人士和政府官員之間的關係是否密切。這種偏袒可能是表現在法律許可的分配、政府補助或特殊的稅收優惠等等。
The best way to solve the problems of “bad capitalism” (monopolies and cronyism) is to unleash the virtues of “good capitalism” (competition and innovation)

Capitalism's virtues are fuelling a rise in negativity
DAVE SPART has been a stalwart of Private Eye, a British satirical magazine, since the 1970s. The bearded Bolshevik has never wavered in his enthusiasm for...
March 15th 2014
Crony Capitalism Comes Home
Occupy Wall Street has found traction because the U.S. is now guilty of what it's accused others of practicing: crony capitalism.

Finally -- for those who were wondering -- despite our last names, we are not related in any way, and this interview was not done out of nepotism. However, we did learn that we were both born and grew up around the Los Angeles area and can trace our Chinese family roots to Hong Kong…like perhaps hundreds of thousands of people of Chinese ancestry living in SoCal.
Sarkozy Son Spurs Nepotism Cry
French President Sarkozy's son is in the running for a key job overseeing commerce at Paris's business district, causing opposition lawmakers to cry foul.
The fight against crony capitalism
By Samuel Brittan
“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies, much less to render them necessary.” Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
亞當•斯密(Adam Smith)在《國富論》(Wealth of Nations)中寫道:“同業中人,會在一起,即令以娛樂消遣為目的,言談之下,恐亦不免是對付公眾的陰謀,是抬高價格的策劃。想用某項能實施卻又不違 反自由正義的法律,來阻止同業者不時的聚會,固屬難能,但立法使其便於集會,尤其是立法使其集會成為必要,卻亦是錯誤的措施。”(郭大力、王亞南譯本—— 譯者注)
1. Russia 2. Malaysia 3. The Philippines