越南大暴動 15家台廠遭縱火
外交部說,平陽省台商約300人,目前暫居平陽美麗華飯店(The Mira Hotel)安全無虞,約100餘人撤到平陽宜安公安站。同奈省有約190位台商分別在不同旅館暫住,駐胡志明市辦事處以表達慰問,並瞭解台商需求,協助台商返國或前往其他安全地區。
越南稱逮捕4百人 10日商也遭殃
而 據《蘋果》初步統計,至少有30家在越南設廠的台灣上市櫃公司,因當地居民闖入廠區、暴力破壞廠辦、宿舍甚至竊取物品而暫時停工,台籍人員也全數撤往安全 地區。尤其是在越南投資金額高達約3619億元台幣的台塑子公司台灣興業遭掠奪一空,台塑河靜鋼鐵廠甚至傳遭縱火,是受害最大的台商。(施旖婕/綜合外電 報導)
而 據《蘋果》初步統計,至少有30家在越南設廠的台灣上市櫃公司,因當地居民闖入廠區、暴力破壞廠辦、宿舍甚至竊取物品而暫時停工,台籍人員也全數撤往安全 地區。尤其是在越南投資金額高達約3619億元台幣的台塑子公司台灣興業遭掠奪一空,台塑河靜鋼鐵廠甚至傳遭縱火,是受害最大的台商。(施旖婕/綜合外電 報導)
越南大暴動 砸搶千家台商
蔡菀真說,昨上午兩、三百人在平陽聚集,狀況還算和平,但下午人數破千,很快失控,他們把機車騎進廠房橫衝直撞,手持鐵棍木棒,看到能搬的值錢設 備如電腦就搬走,也撬開保險箱搶劫或毀壞文件,至於無法移動的機具就砸毀。她指鎮暴警察雖進駐,但人數遠少於示威者,無法即刻驅離。
蔡菀真說,昨上午兩、三百人在平陽聚集,狀況還算和平,但下午人數破千,很快失控,他們把機車騎進廠房橫衝直撞,手持鐵棍木棒,看到能搬的值錢設 備如電腦就搬走,也撬開保險箱搶劫或毀壞文件,至於無法移動的機具就砸毀。她指鎮暴警察雖進駐,但人數遠少於示威者,無法即刻驅離。
越南急難救助緊急 聯絡電話
台塑集團今天招開記者會,南亞(1303)董事長吳嘉昭和台化(1326)總經理洪福源共同出席,南亞和台化合資的越南台灣興業證實遭攻擊,該公司一年營 收250億元,而福懋也是受攻擊,且越南台灣興業員工宿舍和辦公大樓都遭洗劫一空,目前有一名員工頭被打傷,縫了12針,而河靜鋼廠則沒遭受攻擊。
教育部部長蔣偉寧早上 到立法院教育及文化委員會報告「自由經濟示範區『教育創新』對我國高教之影響與衝擊」,立法委員何欣純質詢時問,越南除了台商工廠外,也有台商學校,目前 狀況如何?蔣偉寧說,越南台商學校有900多人,已知有1個老師在躲避時被玻璃割傷,今天先停課,教育部會關注此事、評估復課和補助。
台 灣是越南近20年來最大投資國,是繼中國大陸之後海外台商最多的地區,包括鋼鐵、紡織與科技業都赴越南設廠;包括台化(1326)、遠東新(1402)、 儒鴻(1476)、展宇科技(1776)等都考量員工安全,決定讓員工休假或暫時停工,必要時延長輪休。經濟部投資業務處長連玉蘋指出,到今天凌晨三點為 止暴動仍持續進行,暴民累計大概約有3萬人,當地政府已派出鎮暴警察全面戒備。
目前外交部、經濟部與僑委會已成立越南排華事件因應小組, 協助當地300多名台商與幹部全數撤離,安置在MIRA旅館中;另外100多名台灣人則停留在當地公安局內,不過仍有1名台商有受到波及,縫了3針,目前 情況已穩定。投資處副處長楊宏表示,台商在越南的投資案統計有2301件,1988年到今年3月累計投資額273億美元,僅次於日本、南韓、新加坡;產業 最多的是成衣、木製家具、機車、製鞋。目前有受影響的大概已有100多家,但因暴動還在持續進行,損失還需要進一步調查評估,同時會請當地政府積極協助。 (黃馨儀/台北報導)
5 分54秒的砸廠畫面只見群眾帶著越南國旗進廠,民眾一一自行進出,錄影畫面可以聽到砸廠聲響,進廠民眾有攜帶棍棒,有人則順手牽羊拿廠內東西離開,錄影的 台商無奈感嘆「我先全程錄他進辦公室再說」,還要一旁友人「打給台商會看一下」,看到群眾從廠內搬東西離開,只能喃喃自語「給他們啦,給他們啦,到時候再 處理」,「不放過我……」「現在公安也沒辦法管….」(即時新聞中心/綜合報導)
5 分54秒的砸廠畫面只見群眾帶著越南國旗進廠,民眾一一自行進出,錄影畫面可以聽到砸廠聲響,進廠民眾有攜帶棍棒,有人則順手牽羊拿廠內東西離開,錄影的 台商無奈感嘆「我先全程錄他進辦公室再說」,還要一旁友人「打給台商會看一下」,看到群眾從廠內搬東西離開,只能喃喃自語「給他們啦,給他們啦,到時候再 處理」,「不放過我……」「現在公安也沒辦法管….」(即時新聞中心/綜合報導)
中越油權糾紛 暴民怒砸台商工廠
我駐越南代表黃志鵬接受《蘋果》訪問 表示,這些越南暴民以中越海事糾紛為由,今天下午1時開始集結抗議、破壞平陽省許多外頭有「中文字」廠商,現也擴散到附近西寧省;黃判斷,這些越南暴民有 些是誤解台灣是中國一省,有些則是故意,我平陽省台商會館也遭到衝入破壞,裡面有一些在上課學生與辦公職員,不過都沒有受到傷害。
我駐越南代表黃志鵬接受《蘋果》訪問 表示,這些越南暴民以中越海事糾紛為由,今天下午1時開始集結抗議、破壞平陽省許多外頭有「中文字」廠商,現也擴散到附近西寧省;黃判斷,這些越南暴民有 些是誤解台灣是中國一省,有些則是故意,我平陽省台商會館也遭到衝入破壞,裡面有一些在上課學生與辦公職員,不過都沒有受到傷害。
Factories burned in anti-China protest in Vietnam
HANOI--Mobs burned and looted scores of foreign-owned
factories in Vietnam following a large protest by workers against
China's recent placement of an oil rig in disputed Southeast Asian
waters, officials said May 14.
The unrest at industrial parks near Ho Chi Minh City is the most serious outbreak of public disorder in the tightly controlled country in years. It points to the dangers for the government as it tries to manage public anger at China while also itself protesting the Chinese actions in an area of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam.
Vietnam has sent ships to confront the rig which are engaged in a tense standoff with Chinese vessels protecting it.
The rioting on May 13 into May 14 in Binh Duong province followed protests by up to 20,000 workers at the industrial parks. Smaller groups of men attacked factories they believed were Chinese-run, but many were Taiwanese or South Korean, the provincial government said in a statement.
On May 14 morning, groups of men on motorbikes remained on the streets and factories in the area were closed, said a park manager who declined to give his name because of the sensitivity of the situation. Riot police were stationed around the area but men were still seen carrying looted goods, said a security guard, who also declined to be identified.
Firefighters battled to extinguish a fire at Tan Than Industries, a Taiwanese bicycle factory, where walls were toppled in the riots. Smoke poured out of blackened windows at other factories, as people waved Vietnamese flags while riding motorcycles through the streets.
Police said 440 people had been detained over the violence. Tran Van Nam, vice chairman of the Bing Duong government, said Chinese, Taiwanese and South Korean factories that hadn't already shut down had been asked to do so temporarily for the sake of public order. He said the "situation was now under control."
Taiwanese-owned athletic shoe manufacturer Yue Yuen, which makes shoes for Nike, Adidas and Reebok, said it had closed its three complexes close to Ho Chi Minh City as a precautionary measure. "We believe that this should be solved very soon, that somehow ultimately it will be up to the government authorities to guide the overall sentiment," company spokesman Jerry Shum said.
The Singapore government, which operates two industrial parks hit by rioters, called on Vietnam "to act immediately to restore law and order ... before the security situation worsens and investor confidence is undermined."
The security guard said looters stormed his factory at 1 a.m. and took computers and anything valuable.
"The whole industrial zone looks like it was just smashed by a typhoon," the guard said.
Another executive said many foreign-owned factories were putting banners on the gates of the factories saying, "We love Vietnam" and "Hoang Sa, Truong Sa - Vietnam," using the Vietnamese names for the Paracel and Spratly islands claimed by both Vietnam and China.
The government said the protests were initially peaceful but were hijacked by "extremists" who incited people to break into the factories. It said at least 15 factories were set alight and hundreds more vandalized or looted.
China's Foreign Ministry and its embassy in Hanoi issued warnings to Chinese citizens and urged Vietnam's government to protect them. The embassy's website said it saw no end to attacks by what it called anti-China forces and urged Chinese to take safety precautions and avoid unnecessary travel.
Low wages have attracted foreign investors from across the world to Vietnam in recent years.
In 2013 Chinese invested $2.3 billion, a sharp rise from the previous year, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The country is also Vietnam's biggest trading partner, exporting billions of dollars of materials each year for factories producing goods including clothes, shoes and smartphones.
Vietnam reacted angrily after China towed a deep-sea oil rig on May 1 close to the Paracel Islands, which are controlled by China but claimed by Hanoi. It sent a flotilla of vessels to try to disrupt the oil rig. Some of the Vietnamese boats clashed with Chinese ships sent to protect the rig, raising fears of a possible conflict.
China has shown no signs of backing down, and accused Vietnam on May 14 of "hyping" the issue.
"We urge Vietnam to stop all provocative actions, come to their senses, and stop all acts intended to create disturbances," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.
The standoff underlines China's aggressive pursuit of its territorial claims despite complaints from smaller nations such as Vietnam and the Philippines, which also claim parts of the waters. The United States, a treaty ally of the Philippines, has called the latest Chinese action "provocative."
Over the weekend, the Vietnamese government gave rare permission for street protests against China in cities across the country.
The protests were enthusiastically covered by the state media, unlike the ones on May 13, which appear to have been hit by a media blackout.
The ruling Communist parties in China and Vietnam maintain close links and until May 1 had been trying to handle tensions over the territorial disputes quietly. Vietnamese authorities are normally highly nervous about spontaneous public gatherings of any sort. Many of the leaders of the anti-Chinese protests are also calling for basic democratic reforms, presenting a challenge to one-party rule.
Last month, the Philippines protested China's efforts to reclaim land in a disputed reef in the South China Sea after surveillance aircraft took pictures of dredging by Chinese vessels at Johnson Reef in the Spratly Islands, which the Philippines says violates a regional non-aggression pact, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said.
Del Rosario told The Associated Press that it's not clear what China intends to build on the reef, which Manila claims as part of its western province of Palawan, but one possibility is an airstrip. Another official said China could also build an off-shore military base.
The unrest at industrial parks near Ho Chi Minh City is the most serious outbreak of public disorder in the tightly controlled country in years. It points to the dangers for the government as it tries to manage public anger at China while also itself protesting the Chinese actions in an area of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam.
Vietnam has sent ships to confront the rig which are engaged in a tense standoff with Chinese vessels protecting it.
The rioting on May 13 into May 14 in Binh Duong province followed protests by up to 20,000 workers at the industrial parks. Smaller groups of men attacked factories they believed were Chinese-run, but many were Taiwanese or South Korean, the provincial government said in a statement.
On May 14 morning, groups of men on motorbikes remained on the streets and factories in the area were closed, said a park manager who declined to give his name because of the sensitivity of the situation. Riot police were stationed around the area but men were still seen carrying looted goods, said a security guard, who also declined to be identified.
Firefighters battled to extinguish a fire at Tan Than Industries, a Taiwanese bicycle factory, where walls were toppled in the riots. Smoke poured out of blackened windows at other factories, as people waved Vietnamese flags while riding motorcycles through the streets.
Police said 440 people had been detained over the violence. Tran Van Nam, vice chairman of the Bing Duong government, said Chinese, Taiwanese and South Korean factories that hadn't already shut down had been asked to do so temporarily for the sake of public order. He said the "situation was now under control."
Taiwanese-owned athletic shoe manufacturer Yue Yuen, which makes shoes for Nike, Adidas and Reebok, said it had closed its three complexes close to Ho Chi Minh City as a precautionary measure. "We believe that this should be solved very soon, that somehow ultimately it will be up to the government authorities to guide the overall sentiment," company spokesman Jerry Shum said.
The Singapore government, which operates two industrial parks hit by rioters, called on Vietnam "to act immediately to restore law and order ... before the security situation worsens and investor confidence is undermined."
The security guard said looters stormed his factory at 1 a.m. and took computers and anything valuable.
"The whole industrial zone looks like it was just smashed by a typhoon," the guard said.
Another executive said many foreign-owned factories were putting banners on the gates of the factories saying, "We love Vietnam" and "Hoang Sa, Truong Sa - Vietnam," using the Vietnamese names for the Paracel and Spratly islands claimed by both Vietnam and China.
The government said the protests were initially peaceful but were hijacked by "extremists" who incited people to break into the factories. It said at least 15 factories were set alight and hundreds more vandalized or looted.
China's Foreign Ministry and its embassy in Hanoi issued warnings to Chinese citizens and urged Vietnam's government to protect them. The embassy's website said it saw no end to attacks by what it called anti-China forces and urged Chinese to take safety precautions and avoid unnecessary travel.
Low wages have attracted foreign investors from across the world to Vietnam in recent years.
In 2013 Chinese invested $2.3 billion, a sharp rise from the previous year, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The country is also Vietnam's biggest trading partner, exporting billions of dollars of materials each year for factories producing goods including clothes, shoes and smartphones.
Vietnam reacted angrily after China towed a deep-sea oil rig on May 1 close to the Paracel Islands, which are controlled by China but claimed by Hanoi. It sent a flotilla of vessels to try to disrupt the oil rig. Some of the Vietnamese boats clashed with Chinese ships sent to protect the rig, raising fears of a possible conflict.
China has shown no signs of backing down, and accused Vietnam on May 14 of "hyping" the issue.
"We urge Vietnam to stop all provocative actions, come to their senses, and stop all acts intended to create disturbances," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.
The standoff underlines China's aggressive pursuit of its territorial claims despite complaints from smaller nations such as Vietnam and the Philippines, which also claim parts of the waters. The United States, a treaty ally of the Philippines, has called the latest Chinese action "provocative."
Over the weekend, the Vietnamese government gave rare permission for street protests against China in cities across the country.
The protests were enthusiastically covered by the state media, unlike the ones on May 13, which appear to have been hit by a media blackout.
The ruling Communist parties in China and Vietnam maintain close links and until May 1 had been trying to handle tensions over the territorial disputes quietly. Vietnamese authorities are normally highly nervous about spontaneous public gatherings of any sort. Many of the leaders of the anti-Chinese protests are also calling for basic democratic reforms, presenting a challenge to one-party rule.
Last month, the Philippines protested China's efforts to reclaim land in a disputed reef in the South China Sea after surveillance aircraft took pictures of dredging by Chinese vessels at Johnson Reef in the Spratly Islands, which the Philippines says violates a regional non-aggression pact, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said.
Del Rosario told The Associated Press that it's not clear what China intends to build on the reef, which Manila claims as part of its western province of Palawan, but one possibility is an airstrip. Another official said China could also build an off-shore military base.

Smoke comes out from burning Chinese factory ACAMA in Di An Town, Binh Duong province, Vietnam, on May 14. (AP Photo)