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凱道8月雪 25萬人送仲丘
【綜 合報導】昨台灣酷熱,總統府前凱達格蘭大道卻狂降「八月雪」!逾25萬來自全台各地的白衫軍,從下午3時起像下雪一樣,以驚人速度湧進凱道,入夜後更白茫 茫塞爆凱道及周邊道路,近乎圍城;他們來為今天出殯的陸軍下士洪仲丘送行,並為枉死的洪怒吼申冤,要求政府還原被黑掉的真相。
【綜 合報導】昨台灣酷熱,總統府前凱達格蘭大道卻狂降「八月雪」!逾25萬來自全台各地的白衫軍,從下午3時起像下雪一樣,以驚人速度湧進凱道,入夜後更白茫 茫塞爆凱道及周邊道路,近乎圍城;他們來為今天出殯的陸軍下士洪仲丘送行,並為枉死的洪怒吼申冤,要求政府還原被黑掉的真相。
晚會上,主辦單 位用綠色電射光束在總統府打上大大的「冤」與「真相」。從台大醫院制高點往下看,整個凱道、景福門、仁愛路與信義路,擠滿白衫軍,場面壯觀。晚會一開始, 藝人李威慶演唱寫給洪仲丘的歌《在你死了以後》,歌詞寫道:「其實你只需要安安份份過你的老兵生活,但你卻選擇忠於自己內心的聲音,但你卻相信自己可以捍 衛正義,你這個大傻瓜」。許多民眾聽了忍不住歎息。
晚會上,主辦單 位用綠色電射光束在總統府打上大大的「冤」與「真相」。從台大醫院制高點往下看,整個凱道、景福門、仁愛路與信義路,擠滿白衫軍,場面壯觀。晚會一開始, 藝人李威慶演唱寫給洪仲丘的歌《在你死了以後》,歌詞寫道:「其實你只需要安安份份過你的老兵生活,但你卻選擇忠於自己內心的聲音,但你卻相信自己可以捍 衛正義,你這個大傻瓜」。許多民眾聽了忍不住歎息。
民眾手舉象徵監督政府的「公民之眼」,高喊:「廢除軍檢、還我真相!」 侯世駿攝
★把自己當作 蝙蝠俠
★把自己當作 蝙蝠俠
25萬人挺仲丘 外媒看到了
【動新聞】 凱道8月雪25萬人送仲丘
送仲丘討真相 擠爆凱道 25萬人怒吼馬下台
為洪案討真相群眾昨集結凱道,在總統府用雷射打上「冤」字。 (記者張嘉明攝) |
洪仲丘案昨天滿月,逾二十五萬身穿白衣群眾集結提出「要真相!要修法!」,人潮從景福門延伸到台大醫院,擠爆凱道。(記者羅沛德攝) |
「公民一九八五行動聯盟」昨日號召群眾為今日舉行告別式的洪仲丘送行,逾二十五萬群眾昨湧入凱達格蘭大道。(記者羅沛德攝) |
群情激憤 撼動博愛特區
由 「公民一九八五行動聯盟」發起的「萬人白T凱道送仲丘」活動,昨晚將「冤」、「要真相」等字,投射在總統府上,顯得格外諷刺,二十五萬群眾更高高舉起畫有 「流著血淚的眼睛」圖片,象徵廣大人民睜大眼睛在看著政府,絕不容許政府縱容軍中冤案,絕對要把真相找出來,給人民一個交代。
繼七月二十日 號召三萬人包圍國防部後,昨天活動更獲得中南部民眾的熱烈支持,民眾在下午三時起就陸續湧入凱道,人潮快速擴散到中正紀念堂自由廣場及台大醫院附近路段; 活動晚間六時開始後,現場人數直線上升,主辦單位在七時五十五分喊出群眾達到二十五萬人!不過,台北市中正一警分局估計,與會人數約十一萬人。
洪母現身 全場淚喊加油
馬 總統昨天選擇到嘉義阿里山等地訪視,今天則將到洪家參加告別式,但群眾昨天對馬總統在洪案期間的表現極不滿意,現場主持人問:「陸軍出事,軍檢亂辦案,國 防部毫無作為,國防部的老闆是誰?三軍統帥是誰?該負責任的是誰?」每問一句,二十五萬群眾就高喊一次「馬英九!」最後更倒豎大拇指,齊聲大喊「馬英九下 台!下台!」
行動聯盟也向馬政府提出三項訴求:一,要求立即啟動特偵組,由總統責成法務部及國防部專案組成「軍司法共同偵辦小組」,偵辦全 案,訂定作業時程表,徹查洪仲丘命案。二,法務部應組成軍事冤案調查委員會,重啟調查歷年軍中冤案。第三,承平時期軍法應全面回歸司法!總統立即組成跨部 會專案小組,全面檢討現行軍審制度及軍中人權相關法律議題,且於下會期內完成相關修法。日後的軍中人權問題,總統身為三軍統帥,應負起完全直接責任!
公義不解決 不讓馬好過
馬遠離台北 民嗆滾回去
馬英九總統(中)昨由行政院長江宜樺(左)陪同赴嘉義視察,在嘉義被嗆「沒有真相、沒有原諒!」 (記者林宜樟攝) |
〔記 者吳世聰、羅添斌/綜合報導〕洪仲丘案真相不明,二十五萬群眾昨晚齊聚凱道要總統負責,曾宣稱「管定了」的馬總統則選擇遠離凱道,前往阿里山視察,但他仍 在嘉義被嗆「沒有真相、沒有原諒!」而凱道群眾也沒忘了馬總統,台大醫師柯文哲在晚會上台批馬,「就算逃到阿里山,也要把真相交出來!」網路創作歌手「野 人洞穴」也帶領群眾高唱著「如果死的是你家人,馬英九你在不在意!?」
馬英九昨由行政院長江宜樺陪同赴嘉義視察,但馬英九抵達嘉義水上機場 時遭到群眾嗆聲「滾回去!」民進黨嘉縣黨部主委黃麗貞、律師蔡易餘等人比出倒馬手勢,並將寫著「國防布」的黑色布條綁住眼睛,抗議洪仲丘死得不明不白,軍 方未給家屬真相,台灣陷入黑暗之中,看不到光明及正義。
Thousands take to streets for Hung
CALL FOR CHANGE:The demonstrators made three demands, including a Special Investigation Division probe into army corporal Hung Chung-chiu’s death
By Rich Chang / Staff reporter, with agencies
People take part in a demonstration on Ketagalan Boulevard in Taipei yesterday in memory of Hung Chung-chiu, whose funeral takes place today, and to demand that the circumstances surrounding his death are properly investigated.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Taipei yesterday
to protest the death of army corporal Hung Chung-chiu (洪仲丘), who
allegedly died from abuse while serving in the military.
Singing a Taiwanese version of the revolutionary song Do You Hear the People Sing? — one of the songs from the musical Les Miserables — white-clad protesters rallied on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office, demanding that the military reveal the truth about Hung’s death and calling for the government to push for better protection of human rights in the military.
The demonstration was held on the eve of Hung’s funeral and attracted 200,000 people, according to event organizer and activist group Citizen 1985. Police estimated the crowd as numbering 110,000.
The group had previously said that it hoped “to attract 100,000 people to the rally to bid Hung farewell and push the government to investigate the case impartially.”
Among other appeals made by the demonstrators were calls for the Special Investigation Division to immediately launch a probe into the case, a review all similar cases reported in the past and the passage of legislation to allow service personnel to be tried in civilian courts in peace time rather than by court-martial.
Hung, a National Cheng Kung University graduate, died of heatstroke on July 4, following exercises he was forced to do as part of his punishment while confined to detention barracks for bringing a camera-equipped cellphone onto his base on June 28 without permission.
His death, just two days before he was due to be discharged after completing his year-long compulsory military service, has sparked a public outcry, with thousands of protesters holding a rally in front of the Ministry of National Defense on July 20 to demand an investigation.
Military prosecutors have found that some of the defendants held grudges against Hung and had colluded to bypass standard disciplinary procedures in order to subject him to punishment that was more severe than his offense merited.
Eighteen army officers have been indicted on charges of causing the death of a subordinate, impinging upon individual freedom or handing out unauthorized punishments.
All four army personnel detained during the investigation were released on bail on Thursday and Friday, a decision by the military court that the Hung family said it would appeal.
“Thank you everyone for helping us find the truth,” Hung’s mother, in tears, told the crowd, which responded by chanting “Go, go, go” as an encouragement to the family.
“On July 3, I received a call and rushed to the hospital, where the person I saw was not my son, but a body with many medical tubes coming out of it,” she said. “July 3 was the most heart-breaking day of my life. I cannot not believe that my healthy, active son is gone forever.”
“The military told me heatstroke was the reason for [his] death,” she said. “In the month since then, we have waited, but we have not been given the truth, honesty and justice we were promised.”
During the protest, demonstrators shouted slogans and held placards bearing messages such as “We want the truth,” “We want the perpetrators to be punished,” “We want reform” and “The president must take responsibility for human rights in the military.”
“I am mourning for Hung and I want the truth. I hope there won’t be any more abuse and deaths like his in the military,” protester Jenny Tan said.
The demonstrators also projected the Chinese characters yuan (冤,
“injustice” or “wronged”) and zhen xiang (真相, “truth”) on the
Presidential Office with LED lights.Singing a Taiwanese version of the revolutionary song Do You Hear the People Sing? — one of the songs from the musical Les Miserables — white-clad protesters rallied on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office, demanding that the military reveal the truth about Hung’s death and calling for the government to push for better protection of human rights in the military.
The demonstration was held on the eve of Hung’s funeral and attracted 200,000 people, according to event organizer and activist group Citizen 1985. Police estimated the crowd as numbering 110,000.
The group had previously said that it hoped “to attract 100,000 people to the rally to bid Hung farewell and push the government to investigate the case impartially.”
Among other appeals made by the demonstrators were calls for the Special Investigation Division to immediately launch a probe into the case, a review all similar cases reported in the past and the passage of legislation to allow service personnel to be tried in civilian courts in peace time rather than by court-martial.
Hung, a National Cheng Kung University graduate, died of heatstroke on July 4, following exercises he was forced to do as part of his punishment while confined to detention barracks for bringing a camera-equipped cellphone onto his base on June 28 without permission.
His death, just two days before he was due to be discharged after completing his year-long compulsory military service, has sparked a public outcry, with thousands of protesters holding a rally in front of the Ministry of National Defense on July 20 to demand an investigation.
Military prosecutors have found that some of the defendants held grudges against Hung and had colluded to bypass standard disciplinary procedures in order to subject him to punishment that was more severe than his offense merited.
Eighteen army officers have been indicted on charges of causing the death of a subordinate, impinging upon individual freedom or handing out unauthorized punishments.
All four army personnel detained during the investigation were released on bail on Thursday and Friday, a decision by the military court that the Hung family said it would appeal.
“Thank you everyone for helping us find the truth,” Hung’s mother, in tears, told the crowd, which responded by chanting “Go, go, go” as an encouragement to the family.
“On July 3, I received a call and rushed to the hospital, where the person I saw was not my son, but a body with many medical tubes coming out of it,” she said. “July 3 was the most heart-breaking day of my life. I cannot not believe that my healthy, active son is gone forever.”
“The military told me heatstroke was the reason for [his] death,” she said. “In the month since then, we have waited, but we have not been given the truth, honesty and justice we were promised.”
During the protest, demonstrators shouted slogans and held placards bearing messages such as “We want the truth,” “We want the perpetrators to be punished,” “We want reform” and “The president must take responsibility for human rights in the military.”
“I am mourning for Hung and I want the truth. I hope there won’t be any more abuse and deaths like his in the military,” protester Jenny Tan said.
They also observed a 30-second silence for Hung.
The Taoyuan District Prosecutors’ Office, which on Friday said there had been no tampering with the surveillance footage of the holding cell where Hung was confined prior to his death, has said it will continue its investigation into whether a military hospital should be held accountable for document forgery and involuntary manslaughter.
The Cabinet called a press conference at 9:50pm in response to the demands.
Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) said the Executive Yuan will establish a commission comprising officials and representatives from human rights groups and civil groups, to re-investigate possible cases of human rights abuses in the military.
The Executive Yuan will also push for the revision of the Code of Court Martial Procedure (軍事審判法) to allow cases of abuse in the military to be reviewed in civil courts in peace time rather than by court-martial.
Jiang pledged the government will spare no effort to investigate Hung’s case to uncover the truth and to thoroughly review the military disciplinary procedures.
Additional reporting by Shih Hsiu-chuan
CNN i reporter
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Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan
More from TofBrownCoat
Near A Quarter Million Taiwanese Gathered to Protest for Human Rights Violation in Its Military
Near a quarter
million Taiwanese marched and gathered in front of the Presidential
Office Building on the night of August 3rd (local time) demanding
justice for the tragic death of young Corporal Hung Chung-Chu (洪仲丘) and the improvement of human rights issues in the country’s military, Republic of China Army (RCA).
mysterious death of Corporal Hung has been the center of this island’s
attention for a month since its reporting in early July. Though the
government and its military police have vowed to investigate thoroughly,
many have not yet been satisfied with the results. Corrupted key
evidences and many statements with either incomplete or suspicious
information released by the military police investigation unit only
fueled people’s anger and frustration toward the government.
protest on August 3rd was aimed to pressure the government for more
detailed and open investigation into Hung’s tragedy and improvements for
soldiers’ rights in RCA. A Facebook group named "Citizen 1985" organized and called for the protest.
Over hundreds of
thousands of users showed their support online by sharing the
information of this event via Facebook, YouTube, and other social media
channels. The majority of the event participants are believed to be
young men and women in their 20s. Many perceived this event as a new
milestone of social movement activity for young Taiwanese.
The government sopekeman and the President of the Executive Yua, Chiang Yi-Huah (江宜樺), held
a press conference later at night responding to the protest. Chiang
reassured the public that the government will devote its effort to
provide a practical and swift improvement plan for the human rights
issues in the military and the military court justice system. However,
Chiang also stated that the government will respect the investigation
results done by the military police and the will not interfere nor
involve with the case further.
are skeptical about such announcement due to the lack of government
action to face these issues in the past. It is fair to say that more
protest events are to be expected in the following weeks if there is no
sign of change or progress on Hung's case.
Photo Courtesy of local Internet user jake0000