作者:林和立 编译:张筠青
作者简介: 林和立,香港知名中国事务记者及资深评论员,曾任职于《南华早报》及美国有线电视新闻网CNN。
作者:林和立 编译:张筠青
作者简介: 林和立,香港知名中国事务记者及资深评论员,曾任职于《南华早报》及美国有线电视新闻网CNN。
目錄 |
2012年3月18日,北京市海淀區發生一起重大車禍,一輛法拉利跑車在保福寺橋附近撞到嚴重損壞,車上一男兩女,男子當場死亡,兩女送醫後一死一重傷[5][6][7]。消防員表示,男性死者大概20多歲[5][6]。台灣《蘋果日報》引述的博訊網引 述的消息人士稱,車上三人被發現幾近全裸。2女是北京民族大學的學生,送醫後一死一重傷,但死亡男子身分敏感,是令計劃的兒子。他們要求北京警方更改令計 劃兒子證件上的名字,並支付2筆每人高達6900萬元台幣「封口費」,要求2女家屬不得對外張揚,否則家人會逐一失蹤,「連屍體都找不到。」 [8]香港《明報》也報導,根據京城多個消息透露,死亡男子是令計劃的兒子。車上兩名年輕女乘客亦一死一重傷[9]。香港《南華早報》說,令計劃的兒子被改成姓「賈」。該報披露說令計劃兒子的真名為「令古」。 [10][11]。英國《每日電訊報》報導,據說23歲的「令古」(Ling Gu)高速下將法拉利458 spider撞向北京四環路隔離牆上[12]。英國BBC[13]、《每日郵報》[14],法國法新社[15]、《費加羅報》[16]、《解放報》[17]、《快報》[18],美國《紐約時報》[19]、美聯社[20]、《商業週刊》[21],加拿大《全國郵報》[22],《印度徒報》[23],阿拉伯半島電視台[24],德國之聲[25],韓國《東亞日報》[26]等媒體都報導了此事。
2012年3月19日,中共北京市委宣傳部主辦的《新京報》刊登了新聞《法拉利撞牆解體 三人被甩車外》,雖然點擊其他新聞都可轉到相關網頁,但點擊官方網站上的此新聞會顯示「你訪問的頁面沒有找到」[6]。雖然部分新聞轉載網站上依然保留,比如騰訊新聞[5]。中共當局對於法拉利撞車事件非常敏感,在車禍照片在微博和網站之出現幾個小時後,就被刪除。即使是關鍵詞「法拉利」也不能在百度和新浪微博上搜索[9][30][31]。2012年9月,在百度搜索「法拉利 事件」會顯示「搜索結果可能不符合相關法律法規和政策,未予顯示。建議嘗試其他相關詞。」[32];百度新聞搜索「法拉利跑車撞橋」顯示搜到42條結果,但只顯示3條[33]。
Ling Jihua
Jihua is a politician of the People's Republic of China. He currently
serves as a secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party
of China, and the head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC
Central Committee. Wikipedia
Born: October 1956
son's Ferrari crash rocks Chinese politics
NEWS.com.au - 3 天前China said at the weekend that Ling Jihua, who has close ties to outgoing President Hu Jintao, had been removed as head of the Communist ...
Ferrari crash reports bring fresh political scandal in China
New Straits Times - 3 天前China said at the weekend that Ling Jihua, who has close ties to outgoing President Hu Jintao, had been removed as head of the Communist ...China: Official sidelined over car crash News24
Ferrari crash is blow to Chinese leader The Australian
Party promotes Xi Jinping ally Herald Sun
Business Insider - Toronto Star
共有 710 篇相關新聞 »
China Faces New Scandal Over Crash of a Ferrari
New York Times - 4 天前On Monday, the officials said he was the son of one of China's most powerful men, Ling Jihua, 55, a close ally of the departing president, Hu ...Top China official Ling Jihua in surprise demotion
The Statesman Online - 4 天前A close ally of China's president has been demoted, according to state media, in what is seen as a surprise move. Ling Jihua had been tipped ...
Ling Jihua
Ling Jihua (simplified Chinese: 令计划; traditional Chinese: 令計劃; pinyin: Lìng Jìhuà; born October 1956) is a politician of the People's Republic of China. He currently serves as a secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of China, and the head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. He is - or was - President Hu Jintao's "most trusted and notorious political fixer".[1]
A new scandal is causing trouble for China's top party members.
The risque details have brought to light the power struggle taking place
behind closed doors and the luxurious lives of the party elites and
their families.
At first the story was only about fast cars, money and sex. More
precisely it was about an accident involving a black Ferrari last March,
about a dead playboy and two heavily injured young women who were
either completely naked or scantily clad - no one knows for sure.
However, since word got out a few days ago about who was driving the car, the story has become political.
The driver who crashed the car was apparently the son of a high-ranking official named Ling Jihua - one of President Hu Jintao's closest allies. And that's apparently why it was kept quiet for so long.
'The party doesn't care'
Now it's out, the party's image, already rocked by scandal is under fire again.
"But adding one more scandal to all the others hardly makes any difference," says Zhang Ming, a political scientist at Renmin University in Beijing.
"The party's image is already bad but the party doesn't care. And the people have no way of stopping such things from happening."
However, the Ferrari accident has raised a number of questions. For example, how did Ling Jihua's playboy son have enough money to be able to afford such an expensive sports car in the first place?
Gu Kailai was convicted for murder in August
"He, just like Bo Xilai's wife [who was recently sentenced for
murder], has damaged the party's image," says Jin Zhong, the
editor-in-chief of Hong Kong's Kaifeng newspaper.
"People like this are taking advantage of their privileges, making illegal profits. It happens all the time. Gu Kailai to Ling Jihua are only the tip of the iceberg. Stories like this are creating resentment both within and outside of the party."
Change of leadership
And the Ferrari incident has already had political repercussions. Ling Jihua, who was considered a shooting star, just lost his influential post as head of the Central Committee's General Office and was demoted unexpectedly.
He was replaced by Li Zhanshu, thought to be a close ally of the "princeling" of Chinese politics, Vice-President Xi Jinping.
"It is quite possible that Xi Jinping wanted to get rid of Hu Jintao's oldest confidant," says Jin Zhong. "And because the son was involved in the incident, he was able to depose him immediately."
Observers say that wiithout his cabinet secretary, President Hu Jintao, who has been reluctant to carry reforms, is much weaker. Reportedly, he was unable to bring in one of his cronies to fill the post.
After the 18th party congress this fall when he is due to leave office, he is likely to have considerable less power than his predecessors.
However, since word got out a few days ago about who was driving the car, the story has become political.
The driver who crashed the car was apparently the son of a high-ranking official named Ling Jihua - one of President Hu Jintao's closest allies. And that's apparently why it was kept quiet for so long.
'The party doesn't care'
Now it's out, the party's image, already rocked by scandal is under fire again.
"But adding one more scandal to all the others hardly makes any difference," says Zhang Ming, a political scientist at Renmin University in Beijing.
"The party's image is already bad but the party doesn't care. And the people have no way of stopping such things from happening."
However, the Ferrari accident has raised a number of questions. For example, how did Ling Jihua's playboy son have enough money to be able to afford such an expensive sports car in the first place?
"People like this are taking advantage of their privileges, making illegal profits. It happens all the time. Gu Kailai to Ling Jihua are only the tip of the iceberg. Stories like this are creating resentment both within and outside of the party."
Change of leadership
And the Ferrari incident has already had political repercussions. Ling Jihua, who was considered a shooting star, just lost his influential post as head of the Central Committee's General Office and was demoted unexpectedly.
He was replaced by Li Zhanshu, thought to be a close ally of the "princeling" of Chinese politics, Vice-President Xi Jinping.
"It is quite possible that Xi Jinping wanted to get rid of Hu Jintao's oldest confidant," says Jin Zhong. "And because the son was involved in the incident, he was able to depose him immediately."
Observers say that wiithout his cabinet secretary, President Hu Jintao, who has been reluctant to carry reforms, is much weaker. Reportedly, he was unable to bring in one of his cronies to fill the post.
After the 18th party congress this fall when he is due to leave office, he is likely to have considerable less power than his predecessors.