Lex專欄:亞洲人口老齡化利弊英國《金融時報》 Lex專欄
暫時把歐元區危機和大宗商品價格下跌這兩件事放一放,考慮一下人口條件對於投資的作用吧。僅五年之內,中國的勞動力就將開始萎縮。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)數據顯示,到2030年,日本人口的中位年齡將是51歲,中國人口的中位年齡將是43歲。到2050年,亞洲大多數國家的65歲以上人群在總人口中所佔比重將增加一倍以上。亞洲的人口紅利已快要耗盡,這一點將產生深遠的影響。
資產配置也將受到影響。理論上,較年長的投資者更傾向於投資債券,而不是像股票這樣風險較高的資產。經濟學家劉錚和馬克•施皮格爾(Mark Spiegel)估計,隨著老年人投資者紛紛拋出股票換取資金貼補退休生活,股價將下跌。這對一片慘淡的亞洲股市而言不是個好消息。目前上證綜指(Shanghai Composite)的市盈率為12倍,比標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)低五分之一。
不過,人口老齡化也不全是壞事。在日本,退休老人將來之不易的積蓄花在跟團遊、方便食品和醫療等項目上,支撐起該國消費的正是這群人。得益於此,在東京股票價格指數(Topix)遲滯不前之際,連鎖便利店羅森(Lawson)的股價今年卻累計攀升四分之一。瑞信(Credit Suisse)數據顯示,來自退休老人的需求也提振了日本服務業的就業情況。還有“渡邊太太”(Mrs Watanabe,指日本一心尋求更高投資回報的家庭主婦——譯者註)做不到的事嗎?
暫時把歐元區危機和大宗商品價格下跌這兩件事放一放,考慮一下人口條件對於投資的作用吧。僅五年之內,中國的勞動力就將開始萎縮。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)數據顯示,到2030年,日本人口的中位年齡將是51歲,中國人口的中位年齡將是43歲。到2050年,亞洲大多數國家的65歲以上人群在總人口中所佔比重將增加一倍以上。亞洲的人口紅利已快要耗盡,這一點將產生深遠的影響。
資產配置也將受到影響。理論上,較年長的投資者更傾向於投資債券,而不是像股票這樣風險較高的資產。經濟學家劉錚和馬克•施皮格爾(Mark Spiegel)估計,隨著老年人投資者紛紛拋出股票換取資金貼補退休生活,股價將下跌。這對一片慘淡的亞洲股市而言不是個好消息。目前上證綜指(Shanghai Composite)的市盈率為12倍,比標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)低五分之一。
不過,人口老齡化也不全是壞事。在日本,退休老人將來之不易的積蓄花在跟團遊、方便食品和醫療等項目上,支撐起該國消費的正是這群人。得益於此,在東京股票價格指數(Topix)遲滯不前之際,連鎖便利店羅森(Lawson)的股價今年卻累計攀升四分之一。瑞信(Credit Suisse)數據顯示,來自退休老人的需求也提振了日本服務業的就業情況。還有“渡邊太太”(Mrs Watanabe,指日本一心尋求更高投資回報的家庭主婦——譯者註)做不到的事嗎?
中国人民大学经济学教授赵锡军表示:"这对于中国下一届领导班子来说是非常重要的一个议题,而且时间紧迫。"中国的养老体系处在进退两难的境地中。优越的 养老金制度可以帮助中国这个世界第二大经济体促进消费,拉动内需,减少对出口的依赖,并摆脱所谓 "中等收入陷阱"的发展瓶颈。
为了应对这一人口结构变化所带来的挑战,北京在2009年出台了农村养老保险制度。但是这一保险体系的资金负担几乎全部落在政府肩上。2011年,农村养 老保险资金的61%都是由国家财政拨款资助。而农村人口老龄化的速度超过城市,这就给还很不成熟的农村养老保险体制带来巨大挑战。
德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏和中国银行首席经济学家曹远征都认为,入不敷出的养老体系将在不远的未来给中国带来"巨大的财政压力"。到2033 年,养老资金缺口将从2010年的16.5万亿元人民币扩大四倍,达到令人咋舌的68.2万亿。如果假定中国经济保持每年6%的增长率,届时这一"黑洞" 的规模将相当于整个国内生产总值的40%。
来源:路透社 编译:雨涵
中国人民大学经济学教授赵锡军表示:"这对于中国下一届领导班子来说是非常重要的一个议题,而且时间紧迫。"中国的养老体系处在进退两难的境地中。优越的 养老金制度可以帮助中国这个世界第二大经济体促进消费,拉动内需,减少对出口的依赖,并摆脱所谓 "中等收入陷阱"的发展瓶颈。
为了应对这一人口结构变化所带来的挑战,北京在2009年出台了农村养老保险制度。但是这一保险体系的资金负担几乎全部落在政府肩上。2011年,农村养 老保险资金的61%都是由国家财政拨款资助。而农村人口老龄化的速度超过城市,这就给还很不成熟的农村养老保险体制带来巨大挑战。
金。德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏和中国银行首席经济学家曹远征都认为,入不敷出的养老体系将在不远的未来给中国带来"巨大的财政压力"。到2033 年,养老资金缺口将从2010年的16.5万亿元人民币扩大四倍,达到令人咋舌的68.2万亿。如果假定中国经济保持每年6%的增长率,届时这一"黑洞" 的规模将相当于整个国内生产总值的40%。
来源:路透社 编译:雨涵
Asia's Pension Systems Unprepared for Rapidly Aging Populations - ADB
“Across Asia, great divides exist in pensions available in rural and urban areas, between retirees from the public and private sectors, and those leaving the informal and formal job sectors,” said ADB Principal Economist Donghyun Park and editor of Pension Systems in East and Southeast Asia: Promoting Fairness and Sustainability. “Without far-reaching reforms, the financial burden of these schemes on future workers may become more than they can bear.”
Pension systems need to be fair in coverage, net benefits and retirement age, according to the book. These systems also need to be financially sustainable to assure people that the benefits promised at the end of their working lives are in fact delivered.
A key part of Asia’s economic success story in recent decades has been its youthful population. The increase in the working population has significantly contributed to the expansion of the labor force, widespread growth and greater savings. This demographic dividend is tailing off, however, and falling fertility and rising longevity mean Asia’s median age is rapidly becoming older.
The book urges Asian policymakers to provide adequate old-age income support, offering key lessons from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
In the PRC, for example, where the number of elderly already outstrips the combined total of senior citizens in all European countries, multiple pension systems cover urban enterprises, rural dwellers and civil servants, and will need to be rationalized to create a balanced, sustainable pension framework.
In more youthful Indonesia, the existing system covers just 14% of all private formal sector workers, and pension programs will have to expand by more than 700% to cover both formal and informal sectors. Singapore, by comparison, has a single-tier pension system with nearly universal coverage; however, the average funds per member will be insufficient as the population ages in the next 20 years.
The book also highlights the roles that changing social norms and globalization are playing in the need for pension reforms. In many countries, family-based old-age support mechanisms, such as with children supporting their elderly parents, are breaking down, particularly as globalized labor markets trigger a surge in migrant workers. Strong social protection systems, including pensions, can mitigate the insecurity that globalization brings.
ADB: Asian median age older; pension systems must be revamped
Asia may be a model of economic success because of its youthful
population, but this population is getting older—and according to
Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB), pension systems in the
continent need to keep up with the aging, and fast.
Pension systems in Asia, particularly in developing nations, are “unprepared and underfunded to meet the needs of the region’s rapidly aging population,” according to an ADB statement released on Tuesday.
It was quoting from the book “Pension Systems in East and Southeast Asia: Promoting Fairness and Sustainability,” also published by the ADB.
“A key part of Asia’s economic success story in recent decades has been its youthful population. The increase in the working population has significantly contributed to the expansion of the labor force, widespread growth and greater savings,” the statement said.
However, decreasing fertility and increasing life expectancy rates have rapidly raised Asia’s median age.
According to the book, pension systems need to be fair in coverage, net benefits and retirement age and must also be financially sustainable to assure pensioners that the benefits will really be delivered to them when they retire.
“Across Asia, great divides exist in pensions available in rural and urban areas, between retirees from the public and private sectors, and those leaving the informal and formal job sectors,” said Donghyun Park, the book’s editor and a principal economist at ADB.
“Without far-reaching reforms, the financial burden of these schemes on future workers may become more than they can bear,” Park also said.
The book advocates that Asian policymakers provide better pension systems to support old-age income, citing the experiences of various countries as guides for better policy-making. These countries are: The People’s Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
“Despite their diverse income and development levels, the common concerns in the pension systems of these eight countries are inequity and potential unsustainability,” ADB Chief Economist Changyong Rhee said in the book's foreword.
The book cites China’s pension systems as systems that need to be revamped to create a “balanced, sustainable” pension framework, in light of the number of the elderly in the country already outstripping the combined total of senior citizens in all European countries.
Improving the Philippines' system
The book notes that the Philippines' pension system is a primarily defined-benefit scheme, and proposes it should be a defined-contribution scheme instead.
According to international financial services company Sun Life Financial, a defined-benefit scheme is pre-determined and is based on a formula involving one’s years of earnings and service.
A defined-contribution scheme, on the other hand, is not pre-determined and is instead based on the assets of one’s individual retirement plan account. Sun Life Financial notes that this scheme is “popular” because it offers flexibility and choice.
Agencies involved in the Philippines’ pension system are the Social Security System (SSS), mandatory for employees in the private sector; the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), mandatory for government employees; and the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Retirement Service Benefit System (AFP-RSBS).
Independent consultant and Actuarial Society of the Philippines fellow Ernesto Reyes, who wrote the book's chapter on the Philippines, notes that there are "significant disparities" between the SSS and GSIS in several aspects that "test the fairness and sustainability of the entire system for present and future retirees," and makes some suggestions on how the current system can be improved.
“To preserve the pension system, the government should consider raising the retirement age [from 65 to 70], increasing contributions, combining the two programs [GSIS and SSS], gradually shifting to a defined-contribution system, and expanding the economy,” he said.
GMA News Online is trying to get the reactions of GSIS and SSS officials as of this article’s posting. — BM, GMA News
Pension systems in Asia, particularly in developing nations, are “unprepared and underfunded to meet the needs of the region’s rapidly aging population,” according to an ADB statement released on Tuesday.
It was quoting from the book “Pension Systems in East and Southeast Asia: Promoting Fairness and Sustainability,” also published by the ADB.
“A key part of Asia’s economic success story in recent decades has been its youthful population. The increase in the working population has significantly contributed to the expansion of the labor force, widespread growth and greater savings,” the statement said.
However, decreasing fertility and increasing life expectancy rates have rapidly raised Asia’s median age.
According to the book, pension systems need to be fair in coverage, net benefits and retirement age and must also be financially sustainable to assure pensioners that the benefits will really be delivered to them when they retire.
“Across Asia, great divides exist in pensions available in rural and urban areas, between retirees from the public and private sectors, and those leaving the informal and formal job sectors,” said Donghyun Park, the book’s editor and a principal economist at ADB.
“Without far-reaching reforms, the financial burden of these schemes on future workers may become more than they can bear,” Park also said.
The book advocates that Asian policymakers provide better pension systems to support old-age income, citing the experiences of various countries as guides for better policy-making. These countries are: The People’s Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
“Despite their diverse income and development levels, the common concerns in the pension systems of these eight countries are inequity and potential unsustainability,” ADB Chief Economist Changyong Rhee said in the book's foreword.
The book cites China’s pension systems as systems that need to be revamped to create a “balanced, sustainable” pension framework, in light of the number of the elderly in the country already outstripping the combined total of senior citizens in all European countries.
Improving the Philippines' system
The book notes that the Philippines' pension system is a primarily defined-benefit scheme, and proposes it should be a defined-contribution scheme instead.
According to international financial services company Sun Life Financial, a defined-benefit scheme is pre-determined and is based on a formula involving one’s years of earnings and service.
A defined-contribution scheme, on the other hand, is not pre-determined and is instead based on the assets of one’s individual retirement plan account. Sun Life Financial notes that this scheme is “popular” because it offers flexibility and choice.
Agencies involved in the Philippines’ pension system are the Social Security System (SSS), mandatory for employees in the private sector; the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), mandatory for government employees; and the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Retirement Service Benefit System (AFP-RSBS).
Independent consultant and Actuarial Society of the Philippines fellow Ernesto Reyes, who wrote the book's chapter on the Philippines, notes that there are "significant disparities" between the SSS and GSIS in several aspects that "test the fairness and sustainability of the entire system for present and future retirees," and makes some suggestions on how the current system can be improved.
“To preserve the pension system, the government should consider raising the retirement age [from 65 to 70], increasing contributions, combining the two programs [GSIS and SSS], gradually shifting to a defined-contribution system, and expanding the economy,” he said.
GMA News Online is trying to get the reactions of GSIS and SSS officials as of this article’s posting. — BM, GMA News
3年後 中國2億人口逾60歲
西方衰退 退休錢景雪上加霜
養老金評估 澳洲老人瘋藏現金
3年後 中國2億人口逾60歲
西方衰退 退休錢景雪上加霜
養老金評估 澳洲老人瘋藏現金