
Carlos Tejada
S Korea’s graduates struggle in jobs market
Mr Oh, 29, a business
studies graduate, regards himself as unusual. He has made only 50
applications to work at leading South Korean conglomerates. “Most people
have made more like 100 applications,” he jokes.
To improve his odds he has, like many university graduates, enrolled
in a cram school where students work to improve their English and
Chinese in the hope it will give them an edge when applying for job at a
conglomerate, or chaebol, such as Samsung Electronics or Hyundai Motor.
Many, like Mr Oh, are so ashamed of their failure to get good jobs that
they decline to give their full names.The problem confronting Mr Oh and his peers is one of South Korea’s biggest economic conundrums: there are not enough chaebol jobs to go around.
South Korea’s official unemployment rate for the under-30s is 8.3 per cent, more than twice the national average. And although more than 80 per cent of Koreans enrol in tertiary education, the chaebol provide only about 10 per cent of jobs. Most worryingly for young Koreans, and the broader economy, the big names of Korean industry are increasingly forging their new growth abroad.
Samsung Electronics is to build a $7bn memory chip factory in the Chinese city of Xian. It is the latest of more than 140 production, research and retail units that Samsung runs in China. Hyundai Motor’s newest big plant is in Brazil, joining those it has in the US, Russia, India and China. Increasingly, large Korean businesses are heading to south-east Asia.
The result is that the so-called Itaebaek or “mainly unemployed 20-somethings” are looking for opportunities in the small and medium-sized enterprises inside Korea, where the stellar growth that pulled the nation out of the wreckage of civil war in the 1950s is long gone. During the boom years of the 1970s, the chaebols’ ensured the Korean economy grew at 9 per cent a year.
Gross domestic product rose a modest 2.8 per cent in the first quarter of this year, compared with 12 months earlier, according to data yesterday. The economy grew 3.6 per cent during 2011.
Many nations would envy such growth but it falls short of the 7 per cent promised by Lee Myung-bak when he won the presidency.
The government has promised to build up weak SMEs, that prefer to employ experienced middle-aged workers rather than recent graduates they cannot afford to train. But governments have been promising to switch focus from chaebol to SMEs without success since the 1980s.
The weakness of South Korea’s SMEs is becoming an urgent strategic difficulty for Asia’s fourth-biggest economy as several prominent chaebol – particularly in sectors such as shipbuilding and heavy engineering – are increasingly threatened by China. Japan has partly weathered China’s rise by having strong, specialist SMEs but South Korea’s economy lacks such depth.
However, many of the students at the Seoul cram school where Mr Oh studies would not consider working at SMEs, because of low pay and welfare entitlements.
“People apply for all possible companies but when they get an interview at an SME they tend not to go,” said a 26-year-old student, who gave her name only as Miss Kim.
The result of that sort of attitude is that SME jobs go unfilled. “There were 250,000 jobs in the SME sector that we could not fill last year,” said Im Young-joo, an official at Korea’s SME federation. “We have three times the level of unfilled vacancies as chaebol.”
Such figures from SMEs, which provide 90 per cent of jobs, are remarkable given high youth unemployment. Many social workers argue the statistic of 8.3 per cent unemployment for the under-30s does not include many young graduates who take jobs, for example, in shops or study further because they feel hopeless about the chance of finding decent work.
“A job at an SME is seen as only a temporary phase before landing a chaebol job,” said Jung Seung-woo, a 25-year old who wants to work in sales.
SMEs often say the chaebol keep them weak by squeezing them for impractically low prices. Chaebol also face many accusations of buying out successful SMEs, to strip staff and assets.
Ms Im said the government should strengthen small companies by giving subsidies and tax breaks to those working at SMEs.
Ultimately, frustration about the quality of jobs may boil over politically in December’s presidential election. Many young people want Ahn Chul-soo, a popular internet entrepreneur who is critical of chaebol, to stand as an independent for president despite his lack of political experience.
“The root of all our social problems is jobs,” Mr Ahn has said. “Officially, unemployment is about 3.5 per cent but we all know that doesn’t reflect the reality.”
Additional reporting, Song Jung-a in Seoul
29歲的商科畢業生吳先生認為自己與大多數人不一樣。他只向韓國各大企業集團發出了50份求職申請。他開玩笑說:“大多數人發出的申請都多達100份。”為了提高申請成功率,吳先生像很多大學畢業生一樣,報名參加了一個補習學校,在那里通過補習來提高英語和漢語水平,以期在申請三星電子(Samsung Electronics)或現代汽車(Hyundai Motor)等大企業集團(即財閥)的工作時,外語能力能成為他的一個加分項。與吳先生一樣,很多大學畢業生都因自己未能找到好工作而感到羞愧,以至於不願向記者透露自己的全名。吳先生及其同齡人遇到的這個問題,是韓國最大的經濟難題之一:眾財閥提供不了足夠多的就業機會。韓國官方發布的30歲以下人群失業率為8.3%,是全國各年齡段失業率平均值的兩倍多。韓國大學生在全國同齡人口中所佔的比例超過80%,而眾財閥提供的就業崗位僅佔全國的10%左右。對韓國年輕人及韓國整個經濟而言,最令人擔憂的是,韓國工業巨擘越來越多地在海外打造新的增長引擎。三星電子將在中國西安建設一家價值70億美元的存儲芯片廠。它是三星在中國運營的140多家生產、研究和零售機構中的最新一家。現代汽車最新的一家大型工廠位於巴西,該公司在美國、俄羅斯、印度和中國也設有工廠。此外,還有越來越多的韓國大企業正在涉足東南亞。因此,以20多歲的年輕失業者為主的人群正在韓國國內的中小企業尋找機會。在韓國,幫助國家走出上世紀50年代內戰殘骸的那種輝煌增長早已成為過去。在上世紀70年代的繁榮時期,眾財閥曾確保韓國經濟每年以9%的幅度增長。根據最新數據,今年第一季度,韓國國內生產總值(GDP)同比略增2.8%。去年全年,韓國經濟增長了3.6%。也許有很多國家會對這樣的增長感到羨慕,但它並沒有達到韓國總統李明博(Lee Myung-bak)當初贏得大選時承諾的7%的增長目標。韓國政府已承諾要增強弱小的中小企業的實力,這些中小企業更願聘用有經驗的中年員工,而非剛剛畢業的大學生,因為它們承擔不起培訓成本。自上世紀80年代起,韓國政府就承諾要把關注重心從財閥轉移到中小企業,但一直未見進展。韓國中小企業的疲弱正成為這個亞洲第四大經濟體面臨的一個緊迫戰略難題,因為幾大財閥——尤其是造船和重型機械製造等領域的財閥——正日益受到中國企業的威脅。日本憑藉強大而專業的中小企業,在一定程度上經受住了中國崛起帶來的挑戰。但韓國經濟缺乏這種深度。不過,由於中小企業的工資和福利水平較低,吳先生就讀的這家首爾補習學校的很多學生不會考慮到中小企業工作。一個26歲的金姓女生表示:“人們會申請所有存在錄用可能的公司,不過,如果他們接到中小企業的面試通知,他們一般不會去。”這種態度的結果是,中小企業的職位空缺無人填補。 “去年,中小企業的職位空缺為25萬個,”韓國中小企業聯合會的官員Im Young-joo表示,“(中小企業的)職位空缺數量是大企業集團的3倍。”考慮到高企的年輕人失業率,來自中小企業的這些數據就很值得注意了。韓國中小企業提供的就業崗位佔全國的90%。很多社會工作者認為,在統計得出8.3%的30歲以下人群失業率時,並沒有把(比方說)很多在商店工作或繼續深造的年輕畢業生計算在內——這些畢業生做出如此選擇是因為他們感到沒有希望找到體面的工作。今年25歲、想幹銷售工作的Jung Seung-woo表示:“人們只是把中小企業的工作當作一塊跳板,最終還是要在財閥裡謀得職位。”中小企業經常表示,它們之所以實力弱小,是因為財閥壓榨它們以獲取低得離譜的價格。許多人還指責財閥通過全盤收購成功的中小企業,來奪走這些企業的員工和資產。Im Young-joo表示,政府應通過向中小企業員工提供補貼和稅收優惠,來增強中小企業的實力。最終,民眾對於就業質量的失望情緒可能會在12月份韓國總統選舉時在政治領域爆發。很多年輕人希望人氣頗高的互聯網企業家安哲秀(Ahn Chul-soo)以獨立候選人身份參加此次大選(儘管他缺乏政治經驗)。安哲秀對財閥持批評態度。“就業是韓國一切社會問題的根源。”他表示,“根據官方數據,目前的失業率為3.5%左右,但我們都知道,這並未反映現實。”英國《金融時報》宋京雅(Song Jung-a)首爾補充報導譯者/梁艷裳