2011年12月28日 星期三

日本的預防核災難方案“存在嚴重缺陷”/ 中國動車事故主因

Beijing Launches GPS Rival
China has begun operating a homegrown alternative to the U.S. Global Positioning System which, experts say, could help its military track U.S. ships.


新聞報導 | 2011.12.28







包括動車組在內的中國高速鐵路網2007年才開通使用,但是由於國家投入巨資支持,高鐵網以驚人的速度發展膨脹,截至今年年底,全國高速鐵路全長已達8358公里,為全世界之最。 2010年12月,鐵道部宣布,中國的高速鐵路最高時速能夠達到486公里,創下世界紀錄。但是在高速鐵路正式投入運營之後不久,種種問題就接連暴露:多次出現列車因遭遇雷擊而斷電停車的情況,而7月23日的動車追尾事故更是造成了嚴重的傷亡。目前,出於安全問題的擔憂,中國當局決定,將高鐵運行速度控制在300公里/小時以內。



新闻报道 | 2011.12.28

2011年12月28日 13:48 PM
Report slams response to nuclear crisis
英國《金融時報》 中本美智代東京報導

The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and its regulators all failed in their duty to adequately prepare for and respond promptly to a major emergency, contributing to the worst nuclear accident in a quarter century, according to a committee investigating the disaster.

調查日本核事故的委員會表示,福島第一核電站(Fukushima Daiichi)運營商及其監管機構均未能履行自己的職責,沒有為重大突發事件做好充足準備並迅速作出回應,從而導致了25年來最嚴重的核事故。

Tokyo Electric Power, the operator of the Fukushima plant, and its regulators were so unprepared for a major nuclear emergency that they lacked even the basic safety measures to respond to a disaster of the scale that hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the wake of the March 11 tsunami, the committee states in an interim report of its findings.

該委員會在其發布的中期調查報告中表示,福島第一核電站運營商東京電力公司(Tokyo Electric Power)及其監管機構完全沒有為應對一場突發的重大核事故做好準備,以致於在今年3月11日海嘯之後,他們甚至沒有對福島第一核電站發生的巨大災難採取基本的安全措施。

Tepco's off-site emergency response headquarters for example, was housed in a building that “was not designed to withstand elevated radiation levels, although it was intended for use in nuclear emergencies”, and did not even have air cleaning filters, it says.


“Tepco did not take precautionary measures in anticipation that a severe accident could be caused by tsunami such as the one (that hit Fukushima Daiichi) … Neither did the regulatory authorities,” the committee states in its report.


The committee of 10 independent experts, which was commissioned by the government, also cites insufficient information gathering and poor communication among those in the government, the regulators and at Tepco as major factors that worsened the situation.


The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan's northeastern coast, led to explosions at three reactors and the release of high levels of radioactivity into the atmosphere and ocean.


An area of​​ up to 20km from the site has been closed off, more than 110,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes and concerns about radioactive contamination plague farmers, fishermen and consumers alike.


It comes as the utility faces the prospect of nationalisation, to prevent bankruptcy, as the costs of compensating victims and decommissioning the damaged power plants threaten to increase liabilities in excess of assets.


The committee, which is set to continue its investigation until next summer, concludes that Japan's nuclear disaster prevention programme “had serious shortfalls” and calls for a “paradigm shift” in the country's approach to disaster prevention.


