2011年台灣的柿子大豐收, 所以9-10月起就可以大飽口福。
上周,寫日本大作家水上 勉與中國老舍的柿子友情故事,可以知道北京也有柿子。日本當然也盛產柿子,出生貧窮的水上先生對家鄉的柿樹的感情特別深。所以老舍自殺之後,無法踐他在日本與水上先生的相約:去看五祖寺等。水上先生只好摘取老舍家中的柿樹之一枝,代表他造訪中國禪宗的名寺….. 。神護寺/南華寺 林語堂 /東山禪寺、東禪寺/《北京的柿子》 (水上 勉)
在歐陽子的《生命的軌跡》一書的《梨與柿》一文,我們知道他們德州家的Furu種的柿子大豐收 (先前德州大學的柿子太澀了, 也被台灣的人破解,化澀為甜)……生命的軌跡 (歐陽子)/中國民法總則(洪遜欣)
民進黨今(30)日上午10時在蔡英文全國競選總部舉辦「吃柿有好事」促銷活動,5000台斤水柿開賣不到20分鐘全部一掃而空。立委陳明文呼籲,農委會 隨時監督產銷狀況,在必要時啟動九五機制照顧農民。此時,媒體發現,民進黨促銷水柿的場子,居然出現一名農委會黃姓官員,立刻引起騷動。
NOWnews【在地情報】台北縣/蔡英文競選總部促銷水柿 農委會派人「關心」…
China has been criticised for setting the poverty line too low China has redefined the level at which people in rural areas are considered poor to include everyone earning less than $1 a day (6.5 yuan).
Previously people in the countryside were only regarded as poor if they earned less than 55 cents a day.
The move should see millions more people get access to state benefits.
Some 27 million people were classified as rural poor last year. The new threshold is expected to increase that number fourfold.
Chinese President Hu Jintao has made tackling rural poverty a cornerstone of his leadership.
He has rolled out large-scale development projects across China's poverty-stricken western provinces, in a bid to create what he calls a "harmonious society".
On Tuesday, state media quoted him as saying that by 2020 no-one in China would need to worry about food and clothing.
"Their access to compulsory education, basic medical care and housing will also be ensured," he said.
"The current trend of a widening rich-poor gap will be reversed."
Many of Mr Hu's plans have target dates set far in the future, which analysts say represent an attempt to build a legacy.
He is expected to step down from his leadership roles in the next two years.
China has been widely criticised for setting the poverty line too low.
But the latest move puts Beijing much closer to the World Bank's threshold of $1.25 a day.
Those newly classified as poor will be entitled to government help such as subsidies, job training, discounted loans and employment opportunities at government-funded rural infrastructure projects.