最近台灣在國際上大出風頭,中國圍堵無 效。台灣突圍而出的兩大功臣:一是有毒塑化劑飲食,毒遍三大洋五大洲;二是詐騙集團跨國大作戰,無論東夷、西戎、南蠻、北狄無不既毒之,又復騙之,作為台 灣人何等光榮!這時候中國政府千萬不要又堅稱台灣是中國的一省啦,很丟臉的。也許台灣在國際上再多做些聲名狼藉的醜事,中國索性就放棄台灣了,因為全世界 都知道,中國可是非常要面子的。
台灣騙子的厲害在於:充分利用最新高科技,把總部設在外國,再以科技通訊的技術行騙,抓都抓不到。充分了解人心人性,不但利用人們貪婪的習性詐 騙,更利用人們害怕失去財富的心理行騙,無往不利,年營業額高達上百億台幣。充分利用政府公權力的權威性行騙,例如檢察官、法官、警察等,使民眾不疑有 他,尤其是華人最相信政府、最愛政府了,有著把政府當老爸來孝順的長久優良傳統。老爸會騙兒子孫子嗎?當然不會,於是騙子就假扮老爸來騙兒子的錢啦。
do in, A-turned-B, swindle ring
Nearly 600 Arrested in Asian Swindling Ring
Published: June 10, 2011
BEIJING — Taiwanese police officials said on Friday that they and other Asian authorities had smashed a large multinational swindling operation, arresting nearly 600 people in six Asian nations in a variety of telephone and Internet schemes that bilked tens of thousands of people out of their money.
Romeo Gacad/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
On Friday, 177 suspects were held in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Roughly two-thirds of the 598 people arrested were Taiwanese citizens, they said, and most of the victims appeared to live in Taiwan or mainland China. The inquiry was led by investigators in Taiwan and China, and was code-named “0310” after the date on which the two governments’ police agencies agreed to join forces under an earlier crime-fighting agreement, Liu Chong-Xin, a spokesman for the Taiwan Criminal Investigation Bureau, said in an interview.
The arrests prove that the agreement “is not just an empty promise,” Mr. Liu said. “Instead, it is embodied by real action.”
Authorities in Taipei called it the largest single roundup of criminals in the region’s history. Mr. Liu called the architects of the scheme a “multinational fraud organization” managed by at least three different Taiwanese crime gangs. The extent to which the frauds were coordinated was not yet clear, he said.
The sweep was reported to have shut down 161 boiler-room operations in Taiwan, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand, each employing sophisticated frauds. The Associated Press quoted Thai authorities as saying that fraudsters there had posed as bank officials and duped citizens into transferring money from their accounts. In Malaysia, the news agency reported, people were tricked into sending money to invalidate nonexistent traffic fines and court orders.
Elsewhere, the service reported, the criminals led online shoppers to order and pay for goods that were never delivered.
Mr. Liu said that more than 1,000 investigators, including 865 Taiwanese police officers, worked more than three months on the inquiry. The arrested included 410 Taiwanese and 181 Chinese, many of whom were working in other countries and were deported to China and Taiwan on Friday evening. Others who were arrested were citizens of Vietnam, Cambodia, South Korea and Thailand.
It was not clear what charges will be pressed against those taken into custody, The A.P. reported, in part because laws against Internet crimes are unclear, and transnational crimes are frequently difficult to prosecute.