"这次流传着一些这位独裁者上黑色轿车的模糊照片,看来这次消息无误。总之,金正日身后还可以看到一名致敬的中国士兵。从韩国国际广播电台播出的录 象可以看出,金正日跛行走过据称是大连福丽华酒店的大堂。对,他是跛行,并且是拖着左腿,这再次导致了人们对他健康不佳的种种猜测。
"还可以肯定的是,此时此刻中国如此欢迎朝鲜的独裁者,韩国绝对高兴不起来。周二,韩国国防部长专门为此召见中国驻韩大使张鑫森说,中国在朝鲜问题 上应发挥'负责任的作用',他谈到朝鲜半岛的危险和'急剧'的形势。3月26日,韩国一艘军舰在爆炸后沉没,人们普遍猜测,朝鲜的鱼雷引发了军舰爆炸,造 成46名水兵死亡。"
作者: 王羊
Japanese Leader Backtracks on Revising Base Agreement
Published: May 4, 2010
TOKYO — Backtracking on a prominent campaign pledge, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama told angry residents of Okinawa on Tuesday that it was unrealistic to expect the United States to move its entire Marine Corps air base off the island.
Kimimasa Mayama/European Pressphoto Agency
In his first visit to Okinawa since he became prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, center, heard from residents of the island, home to a Marine air base.
Mr. Hatoyama’s government could hang in the balance. He has pledged to come up with a plan by the end of this month to relocate the Marine air base and resolve a stubborn problem that has created months of discord with Washington. His delays and apparent flip-flopping on the issue have fed a growing feeling of disappointment in the prime minister’s leadership, driving his approval ratings below 30 percent.
Visiting Okinawa for the first time since becoming prime minister, Mr. Hatoyama asked residents to entertain a compromise that would keep some of the functions of the base on the island while the government explored moving some facilities elsewhere.
“Realistically speaking, it is impossible” to move the entire base, called Futenma, off the island, he said. “We’re facing a situation that is realistically difficult to move everything out of the prefecture. We must ask the people of Okinawa to share the burden.”
But Okinawans seemed in no mood for burden-sharing, heckling him after he met with local officials. “Shame on you!” one man shouted.
During the campaign for last summer’s election, in which his Democratic Party dislodged the Liberal Democrats who had ruled Japan almost continuously for more than 50 years, Mr. Hatoyama called for adjusting a 2006 agreement with the United States, which stations about 50,000 troops in Japan. Under that plan, Futenma was to be moved to a less crowded part of Okinawa to address local concerns over noise, air pollution and safety.
But the Obama administration pushed back, with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates apparently refusing to entertain any thought of reopening the agreement. The standoff threatened to open the first breach in the two countries’ post-World War II security alliance. Later, during a trip to Japan, President Obama smoothed things over, reluctantly agreeing to consider Mr. Hatoyama’s proposals.
While Mr. Hatoyama has tried to accommodate the competing desires of the Americans and local residents, he finally had to admit that it could not be done. On Tuesday, Mr. Hatoyama had the unpleasant task of delivering the bad news, acknowledging that moving the base off Okinawa was unrealistic.
“When we consider the presence of North Korea and the state of the wider region, it is clear that we must maintain the Japan-U.S. alliance as a deterrent force, and that we must ask Okinawa to bear some of that burden,” he said after the meeting with local leaders.
“It has become clear from our negotiations with the Americans that we cannot ask them to relocate the base to too far-flung a location,” he said.
Mr. Hatoyama still has not divulged the specifics of his plan. But it is widely expected that it will involve the small island of Tokunoshima, where since January, when word got out, residents have marshaled their resources for a fight.
Tokunoshima, a small, semitropical island located between Okinawa and Japan’s main islands and blanketed with fields of sugar cane, was mentioned as a possible site for training activities and up to 1,000 of Futenma’s 2,500 Marines, said Takeshi Tokuda, the island’s representative in the lower house of Parliament, who was briefed on the plan.
But enraged islanders vowed that the move would never happen. “If he comes, our old people and mothers with children will sit in the street to block his way,” Seiichi Yoshitama, 65, a coffee farmer, said of Mr. Hatoyama. “We’ll even use our fighting bulls to stop him.”
They have held a series of increasingly large anti-base rallies, the largest on April 18, when more than half of the island’s 26,000 residents gathered, organizers said.
The mood on Tokunoshima is now overwhelmingly against the plan. The main road along the coast is lined with hand-painted signs saying “No Base!” The mayors of the island’s three towns agreed on Saturday to meet with the prime minister, but only to express their opposition in person, they say.
On Tokunoshima, as opposed to Okinawa, the opposition is driven by more than just a simple case of not-in-my-backyard syndrome, political experts and local residents say. The islanders say they do not want to end up like Okinawa, where there is widespread discontent over the American bases’ crime and noise. Older residents also have bitter memories of the war and its aftermath, when islanders staged hunger strikes against the American occupiers.
Residents and experts say Mr. Hatoyama’s troubles also reflect a weakening of Tokyo’s ability to impose its will on Japan’s regions. The Liberal Democratic Party relied on generous public works spending and back-room bargains to push through big projects like this one. Mr. Hatoyama, who rode to power with vows to cut wasteful spending and increase transparency in politics, may find his ability to make deals thwarted by such changes.
“It’s all more fluid now at the end of the L.D.P. era,” said Akira Okubo, mayor of Isen, one of Tokunoshima’s towns. “The center is weakening in Japan, and that gives us more freedom at the fringes.”
Not all islanders are against the base. A group of business owners led by Hidetada Maeda, an undertaker and former town council chairman in Amagi, another of Tokunoshima’s towns, released a list last week of incentives for accepting the base. They included subsidies for tourism and forgiveness of the $250 million debt of the island’s towns.
“This is a one-in-a-thousand chance to revitalize our island,” said Mr. Maeda, 62.
Most islanders, however, said they did not want economic incentives, which they said would only make their island dependent on Tokyo. “Once you start accepting that development money, it becomes addictive, like a drug,” said Koichi Tokuda, who owns a factory that makes vinegar from sugar cane. “We are not rich, but we are self-sufficient. We want to stay that way.”
日本首相鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)昨天承认,将有争议的美国海军基地迁出冲绳的努力失败。他暗示,为日美同盟考虑,这个南部岛屿必须继续“忍受这一负担”。
Court awards Taiwan €630m in damages over French defence sale
France's arms industry was under scrutiny yesterday after an arbitration court ordered the payment of €630m ($820m) in damages to Taiwan over a controversial defence sale that has dogged politicians in Paris and Taipei for two decades.
The ruling comes as France faces allegations of bribery over the sale of submarines to Malaysia in 2002 and as questions are being raised over a similar deal with Pakistan in the 1990s.
Thales and the French state were fined over commissions linked to a sale of six Lafayette class frigates to Taiwan in 1991, in breach of the contract banning the use of intermediaries.
Thales, at the time known as Thomson-CSF, is liable for 27.5 per cent of the fine, in line with its share of the contract, and the French state is responsible for the balance.
The frigate affair was even used in the Clearstream smear scandal that pitched French President Nicolas Sarkozy against his arch-rival Dominique de Villepin, over claims that kickbacks from the deal ended up in accounts – later proved to be forged – of senior French politicians.
In October, French investigators abandoned a separate criminal inquiry into whether some of the payments helped fund political campaigns, due to lack of evidence. The French government has repeatedly refused to release certain documents, citing “defence secrets”.
Thales said it would appeal against the decision by the International Chamber of Commerce's International Court of Arbitration. “Thales disputes the very grounds of this decision. The company will initiate all available proceedings and actions against this award,” it said.
French government officials refused to comment, though Taiwan's premier Wu Den-yih, welcomed the ruling.
The affair came to light when a Taiwanese Navy captain and head of the island's procurement office was found dead, floating off the coast of Taiwan in December 1993. His death sparked controversy over Taiwan's decision to buy French frigates after initially favouring cheaper South Korean vessels.
French relations with China, which claims sovereignty over Taiwan, also suffered over the sale.
甚 至在法国总统尼古拉 •萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)与其主要对手多米尼克•德维尔潘(Dominique de Villepin)针锋相对的“清泉案”(Clearstream)中,拉法叶舰案也扮演了角色,德维尔潘指称,拉法叶舰案中的佣金回扣最终落入了法国资 深政客的账户——后来这些账户被发现是伪造的。
泰雷兹公司表示,将对国际商会的国际仲裁院(International Court of Arbitration)的裁决提出上诉。“泰雷兹公司对裁决的根本依据存在异议。公司将诉诸一切可用的法律程序和法律行动对裁决提出上诉。”
法国政府官员拒绝置评,但台湾行政院院长吴敦义(Wu Den-yih)对裁决结果表示欢迎。
Federal prosecutors brought terrorism and mass destruction charges against Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad. After his arrest, Shahzad admitted he received bomb-making training in Pakistan.
日產汽車發言人Colin Price稱﹐此次被召回汽車涉及2005年和2006年產G35轎車以及2005-2007年產G35跑車。
黨秘書長蘇嘉全表示,本次民調機構經事前雙方協調同意的中央黨部民調中心,及按黨內規定抽籤而產生的精湛民意調查顧問股份有限公司及觀察家行銷研究有限公司 來執行,平均結果顯示陳菊以0.5892%的支持度領先,高雄縣長則是以0.4108%落居在後。
原 楊秋興與台南市長許添財陣營都要求應由學術機構民調來做以昭公信,因此黨中央決議南、高二市在參選人皆同意下,將由世新大學民調中心為其中之一來執行,另 兩家則按原規定依抽籤來做決定,而黨內規定的六家民調機構,就只有這一家是學術機構所附設。據聞,世新大學得知訊息後,為免捲入爭議,表示不願接案。
在 執行民調的過程,雙方都派有代表在民調機構隨機聽取,但兩方陣營皆不願揣測民調結果,但卻都各自傳出自身保持一路領先的消息,直到今日上午楊秋興才承認已 知落後。今日的民調統計作業是在10點半開始進行,由高雄市長辦公室主任洪智坤、高雄縣里長莊源榮和民調中心主任陳俊麟等人為代表到場見證。
由 於雙方在初選過程廝殺激烈,主席蔡英文還 曾因此南下協調,並多次出面滅火;黨發言人林右昌就昨日最後關頭出面強調,陳菊與楊秋興都承諾過,不管誰民調勝出,都將為黨的團結勝選而努力。雙方陣營也 表示,會以最大的誠意對待對方,何況彼此有共同的朋友,局面不致惡化。不過後續整合是否能夠如預期般順利,將考驗著黨中央的協調能力與秋菊兩人的智慧。
今 明兩天正在進行的大台南市長黨內初選民調結果於本周五公布,目前據媒體觀察具有勝算的是台南市長許添財與立委賴清德,勝出者將與大高雄市民調結果在下周三 送中執會通過,而五都市長人選將一併於19日正式對外提名。(http://newtalk.tw)(http://newtalk.tw)