萊塢當年從好萊塢“借”了個名字。投桃報李﹐現在﹐它開始向好萊塢輸送金錢。Associated Press
對 好萊塢來說﹐印度意味著一個新的大金庫﹕憑借經濟的強勁增長和巨大的觀眾群﹐寶萊塢目前財力雄厚。通過合作﹐好萊塢還能進一步打開印度電影市場﹔這是好萊 塢尚未攻克的少數幾個主要電影市場之一。過去一年﹐華特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)、索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下的Sony Pictures、維亞康姆(Viacom Inc.)、時代華納公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下的華納兄弟娛樂公司(Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc.)都不約而同地提高了對印度境內媒體公司或電影製作活動的投資規模。
Reliance Big Entertainment總裁拉傑什•桑尼(Rajesh Sawhney)接受採訪時表示﹐不可否認﹐好萊塢是全球電影的源頭。桑尼說﹐任何打算在全球市場拓展的電影公司都不僅需要依託本地市場優勢﹐還要擁有好 萊塢的經營戰略。該公司總部位於孟買﹐是安巴尼旗下公司。
桑尼拒絕對Reliance 與夢工廠之間的談判發表評論。《華爾街日報》週三報導說﹐夢工廠高管正在與Reliance Big Entertainment商談合作﹐計劃組建一家新的電影製作公司。據知情人士透露﹐Reliance ADA Group旗下的Reliance Big Entertainment計劃在斯皮爾伯格及其在夢工廠的團隊今年晚些時候離開維亞康姆旗下派拉蒙影業(Paramount Pictures)後為他們提供5-6億美元的資金支持。
Reliance Big Entertainment上個月還宣佈﹐計劃出資贊助涉及金•凱瑞(Jim Carrey)、湯姆•漢克斯(Tom Hanks)、布拉德•彼特(Brad Pitt)等影星的電影。該公司還表示﹐未來18個月計劃斥資超過10億美元﹐擴張其娛樂帝國。
寶 萊塢其他公司也不甘落後地紛紛進軍好萊塢﹐只是規模較小。例如﹐美國眼下的熱門影片《破天荒》(The Happening)就是由印度的UTV Motion Pictures聯合製作的。該公司還聯合製作了其他兩部在美國成績不錯的影片﹕米拉•奈兒(Mira Nair)執導的《同名之人》(The Namesake)和克里斯•洛克(Chris Rock)出演的《我想我愛我老婆》(I Think I Love my Wife)。UTV Motion Pictures是印度媒體集團UTV Software Communications Ltd.旗下子公司﹐華特-迪士尼持有後者32%的股權。
UTV Motion Pictures首席執行長西達爾•羅伊•卡普爾(Siddharth Roy Kapur)近期接受採訪時表示﹐印度沒必要從西方尋找英雄或流行文化﹐“但我們能夠從西方電影行業的運營模式中學到很多東西。”
根 據普華永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的數據﹐印度電影業去年總收入為25億美元﹐不到好萊塢的十分之一。但過去三年印度電影收入 保持了大約17%的年增幅﹐而美國這一數字不到3%。總的來說﹐新興市場增長速度要快於美國與大多數其他發達市場﹕同期亞太與拉美地區電影收入年增幅也超 過了6%。
Associated Press
今年84歲的印度影星戴夫•安南(Dev Anand)近期接受採訪時表示﹐“我期待著新機遇。我希望為國際觀眾製作一部英語電影。”這位印度最受歡迎的影星兼有演員、作家、導演多個身份﹐還擁有自己的製片廠。
回 溯好萊塢的過往﹐外資公司前來淘金的歷史可謂久遠﹐成功者卻寥寥無幾。但Reliance Big Entertainment或許擁有更好的機會﹐該公司在印度與美國的電影業務都取得了迅猛發展。Reliance旗下影院擁有超過400個銀幕(其中在 美國有251個銀幕)﹔還計劃未來10個月在印度再增加170個銀幕。該公司首席執行長桑尼表示﹐公司的目標並不只是在好萊塢投資。
Reliance 還能通過其在印度的銀幕、電視、有線電視、互聯網以及手機網絡推廣好萊塢電影﹐促使印度觀眾觀看更多的好萊塢電影。ICICI Securities駐孟買分析師維卡斯•曼特里(Vikas Mantri)認為﹐Reliance擁有如此多的渠道﹐該公司甚至可以通過手機和網絡傳播內容。
Bollywood Dreams: Film Centers Get Closer
HOLLYWOOD gave Bollywood its name. Now, Bollywood is giving Hollywood its money.
The potential deal between Indian billionaire Anil Ambani and Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks SKG is the latest -- and largest -- sign of a growing closeness between the world's two largest movie-making industries that promises to transform both.
For Hollywood, India promises a new and deep source of funding as Bollywood -- fueled by strong economic growth and a massive movie-going population -- throws off money. Hollywood also could gain greater access to one of the few major movie markets it has yet to crack. Walt Disney Co., Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures, Viacom Inc. and Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Brothers Entertainment in the past year all have boosted their investments in media companies or making movies in India.
For Bollywood, a significant presence in Los Angeles would mark the fulfillment of years of ambition to extend beyond India and its neighbors and to crack the highest echelons of global film making. Indian movie makers also are looking to import Hollywood's higher production values and a Hollywood-style studio film-development system that Bollywood traditionally has lacked.
'It is irrefutable that Hollywood is the fountainhead of content for the world,' said Rajesh Sawhney, president of Reliance Big Entertainment, the Mumbai-based company controlled by Mr. Ambani, in an interview. 'Any company with global ambitions needs a home-market advantage and it also needs to have a Hollywood strategy.'
Mr. Sawhney declined comment on the discussions between Reliance and DreamWorks. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the principals of DreamWorks are negotiating a deal with Reliance Big Entertainment to form a new movie-making company. Reliance Big Entertainment, part of the Reliance ADA Group of companies, would put up between $500 million and $600 million to back Mr. Spielberg and his team at DreamWorks as they leave Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures later this year, according to people familiar with the situation.
Reliance Big Entertainment also announced last month that it would finance movies by production houses connected to Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt and others. It also said it plans to spend more than $1 billion in the next 18 months to expand its entertainment empire.
Others in Bollywood are doing likewise, albeit on a smaller scale. The current U.S. box office hit 'The Happening,' for instance, was co-produced by India's UTV Motion Pictures. It also co-produced two other movies with wide U.S. release: 'The Namesake,' directed by Mira Nair and 'I Think I Love my Wife,' starring Chris Rock. UTV Motion Pictures is part of Indian media conglomerate UTV Software Communications Ltd., in which Disney owns a 32% stake.
UTV says it has made money on each of its Hollywood films. It still sees its main business as Hindi films. But backing films in the U.S. has diversified its revenue and provided lessons on how to market movies that it is applying at home.
'Indians don't have to look to the West for heroes or pop culture,' said Siddharth Roy Kapur, chief executive officer of UTV Motion Pictures, in a recent interview. 'Still, we have been able to learn a lot about the way the studio model works in the West.'
Total revenue in India's film industry was $2.5 billion last year, less than one-tenth the total made by Hollywood films, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. But film revenue in India has been growing at around 17% a year for the past three years while growth in the U.S. has been less than 3%. Emerging markets in general have outpaced the U.S. and most other developed markets: Annual movie revenue has climbed more than 6% in the Asian-Pacific region and Latin America in the same period.
Hollywood and Bollywood are slowly starting to share their stars, too. The queen of Indian cinema, Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan, has appeared in a few Western films. One Indian film company recently announced that Sylvester Stallone will make a cameo in its next movie. Bollywood also sees an increasing market for its song and dance numbers overseas that closer links with Hollywood could foster.
'I'm looking for new horizons,' Dev Anand, 84 years old, the actor, writer, director, studio owner and one of India's most-beloved stars said in a recent interview. 'I want to do a film in English for the international audience.'
The history of foreign companies seeking to hit the big time in Hollywood is long and the successes few. Reliance Big Entertainment may stand a better chance because it already has been expanding rapidly in the movie business both in India and the U.S. It controls multiplexes with more than 400 movie screens, 251 of them in the U.S. It plans to add 170 more screens in India in the next 10 months. Mr. Sawhney, the chief executive, says the company intends to do more than just open its wallet in Hollywood.
'We are not looking to be just a financial investor, our aspiration is to be a strategic partner,' he said. 'We want to create a brand new ecosystem and add value as the relative importance of emerging markets is changing the dynamics of the entertainment economy.'
Reliance also may be able to persuade Indians to watch more Hollywood movies by promoting them through its movie screen, television, cable, Internet and cellphone networks in India. 'Because it has so many properties, Reliance can leverage the content even on mobiles and the Internet,' said Vikas Mantri, an analyst at ICICI Securities in Mumbai.
The potential deal between Indian billionaire Anil Ambani and Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks SKG is the latest -- and largest -- sign of a growing closeness between the world's two largest movie-making industries that promises to transform both.
For Hollywood, India promises a new and deep source of funding as Bollywood -- fueled by strong economic growth and a massive movie-going population -- throws off money. Hollywood also could gain greater access to one of the few major movie markets it has yet to crack. Walt Disney Co., Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures, Viacom Inc. and Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Brothers Entertainment in the past year all have boosted their investments in media companies or making movies in India.
For Bollywood, a significant presence in Los Angeles would mark the fulfillment of years of ambition to extend beyond India and its neighbors and to crack the highest echelons of global film making. Indian movie makers also are looking to import Hollywood's higher production values and a Hollywood-style studio film-development system that Bollywood traditionally has lacked.
'It is irrefutable that Hollywood is the fountainhead of content for the world,' said Rajesh Sawhney, president of Reliance Big Entertainment, the Mumbai-based company controlled by Mr. Ambani, in an interview. 'Any company with global ambitions needs a home-market advantage and it also needs to have a Hollywood strategy.'
Mr. Sawhney declined comment on the discussions between Reliance and DreamWorks. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the principals of DreamWorks are negotiating a deal with Reliance Big Entertainment to form a new movie-making company. Reliance Big Entertainment, part of the Reliance ADA Group of companies, would put up between $500 million and $600 million to back Mr. Spielberg and his team at DreamWorks as they leave Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures later this year, according to people familiar with the situation.
Reliance Big Entertainment also announced last month that it would finance movies by production houses connected to Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt and others. It also said it plans to spend more than $1 billion in the next 18 months to expand its entertainment empire.
Others in Bollywood are doing likewise, albeit on a smaller scale. The current U.S. box office hit 'The Happening,' for instance, was co-produced by India's UTV Motion Pictures. It also co-produced two other movies with wide U.S. release: 'The Namesake,' directed by Mira Nair and 'I Think I Love my Wife,' starring Chris Rock. UTV Motion Pictures is part of Indian media conglomerate UTV Software Communications Ltd., in which Disney owns a 32% stake.
UTV says it has made money on each of its Hollywood films. It still sees its main business as Hindi films. But backing films in the U.S. has diversified its revenue and provided lessons on how to market movies that it is applying at home.
'Indians don't have to look to the West for heroes or pop culture,' said Siddharth Roy Kapur, chief executive officer of UTV Motion Pictures, in a recent interview. 'Still, we have been able to learn a lot about the way the studio model works in the West.'
Total revenue in India's film industry was $2.5 billion last year, less than one-tenth the total made by Hollywood films, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. But film revenue in India has been growing at around 17% a year for the past three years while growth in the U.S. has been less than 3%. Emerging markets in general have outpaced the U.S. and most other developed markets: Annual movie revenue has climbed more than 6% in the Asian-Pacific region and Latin America in the same period.
Hollywood and Bollywood are slowly starting to share their stars, too. The queen of Indian cinema, Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan, has appeared in a few Western films. One Indian film company recently announced that Sylvester Stallone will make a cameo in its next movie. Bollywood also sees an increasing market for its song and dance numbers overseas that closer links with Hollywood could foster.
'I'm looking for new horizons,' Dev Anand, 84 years old, the actor, writer, director, studio owner and one of India's most-beloved stars said in a recent interview. 'I want to do a film in English for the international audience.'
The history of foreign companies seeking to hit the big time in Hollywood is long and the successes few. Reliance Big Entertainment may stand a better chance because it already has been expanding rapidly in the movie business both in India and the U.S. It controls multiplexes with more than 400 movie screens, 251 of them in the U.S. It plans to add 170 more screens in India in the next 10 months. Mr. Sawhney, the chief executive, says the company intends to do more than just open its wallet in Hollywood.
'We are not looking to be just a financial investor, our aspiration is to be a strategic partner,' he said. 'We want to create a brand new ecosystem and add value as the relative importance of emerging markets is changing the dynamics of the entertainment economy.'
Reliance also may be able to persuade Indians to watch more Hollywood movies by promoting them through its movie screen, television, cable, Internet and cellphone networks in India. 'Because it has so many properties, Reliance can leverage the content even on mobiles and the Internet,' said Vikas Mantri, an analyst at ICICI Securities in Mumbai.