该报写道:"对北京的不满最近几个月在增强,6月4日对1989年被镇压的天安门广场大学生运动的纪念活动规模之大是多年来不曾有过的。中国异议人士李旺 阳离奇死亡后不久,尤其从香港发出了要求解释的呼声。担心失去自由权利以及担心香港在政治上更顺服北京,表现在周末对胡锦涛的冷淡欢迎上。让许多香港人不 快的是,胡在香港的第一站是解放军军营,解放军在必要时保障北京的权力,然而从不允许公开露面。他下榻宾馆前面的高高屏障、互联网上的公开批评、讲话时夹 杂的呼喊以及参观线路中的粗鲁防护--警察对抗议者动用胡椒喷雾器,与胡在大陆的经历都恰恰相反。然而,就连大陆的网民也嘲笑胡对人民的逃避。但是,很多 香港人的不满也针对香港自身的政策。新港首梁振英是带着严重的"先天不足"上任的,……因其可能太亲近北京、民粹主义同时又独断专行的风格以及新揭露出来 的丑闻,无法摆脱人们的不信任。他在上任之前就曾粗暴对待过立法会,记者发现近年来更难获得信息,自我审查在加剧。
该报写道:"对北京的不满最近几个月在增强,6月4日对1989年被镇压的天安门广场大学生运动的纪念活动规模之大是多年来不曾有过的。中国异议人士李旺 阳离奇死亡后不久,尤其从香港发出了要求解释的呼声。担心失去自由权利以及担心香港在政治上更顺服北京,表现在周末对胡锦涛的冷淡欢迎上。让许多香港人不 快的是,胡在香港的第一站是解放军军营,解放军在必要时保障北京的权力,然而从不允许公开露面。他下榻宾馆前面的高高屏障、互联网上的公开批评、讲话时夹 杂的呼喊以及参观线路中的粗鲁防护--警察对抗议者动用胡椒喷雾器,与胡在大陆的经历都恰恰相反。然而,就连大陆的网民也嘲笑胡对人民的逃避。但是,很多 香港人的不满也针对香港自身的政策。新港首梁振英是带着严重的"先天不足"上任的,……因其可能太亲近北京、民粹主义同时又独断专行的风格以及新揭露出来 的丑闻,无法摆脱人们的不信任。他在上任之前就曾粗暴对待过立法会,记者发现近年来更难获得信息,自我审查在加剧。
多方統計港七一遊行約10萬人 【10:35】
圖為6月29日抵達香港的中國國家主席胡錦濤在機場 |
香港之所以保持了如此高的經濟增長率,是因為成功利用了中國內地經濟的活力。中國大型國有企業上市之際第一選擇就是香港,這雖然在回歸前就成了趨勢,而香 港回歸後中國內地企業中在全球IPO中融資金額也首屈一指的大盤股上市案例接連不斷,因此香港也獲利豐厚。
在香港面臨危機之際,中央政府先後出臺救助香港經濟的舉措。在非典流行,經濟受到打擊的2003年,中央政府為了在貿易關稅和投資方面給香港提供優惠,與 香港特別行政區簽署了《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》(CEPA)。此外,還啟動了中國內地赴香港個人旅遊,香港酒店業和流通業由於受中國內 地遊客購物等消費的拉動,恢復了生機。在雷曼危機後,香港經濟增長率在2010年為7.3%,2011年為5.0%,實現了“V字型”復蘇,而這也正是因 為有了中國政府推出的4萬億元刺激經濟計劃以及隨之而來的中國內地經濟高增長才取得的成就。
但令人擔憂的因素也在不斷增加。其中之一是房地產價格的暴漲。據《香港經濟日報》旗下的調查公司統計顯示,香港的高級公寓價格在2003年平均每平方英尺 (約0.09平方米)約為5000港幣,而到2011年已經暴漲至約15000港幣。有分析認為中國內地富裕階層的投機資金推高了香港房地產行情,這可以 說是單純依靠中國內地的高增長的副產物。進入今年以來雖然有小幅調整,但香港的房地產價格仍然是全球最高水準,從而有可能降低香港作為商業中心的競爭力。
美國保守派智庫美國傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)與美國《華爾街日報》聯合實施的“經濟自由度指數”調查顯示,香港已經連續18年高居世界首位,香港法制方面的條件很有競爭力。但 是,這方面也發生了令人擔憂的事件。今年3月,香港反貪污機構廉政公署拘捕房地產巨頭新鴻基地產掌門人郭氏兄弟和香港政府前第二號人物許仕仁。
香港由於有強有力的廉政公署的存在,在亞洲作為屈指可數的清廉商業城市聞名於世。如此顯赫的大人物遭到拘捕,不禁讓人大吃一驚。遭逮捕後,新鴻基經營者對 指控進行了全盤否定,真相至今仍未浮出水面。房地產行業對香港商業成本具有巨大影響,同時又是香港最大產業,如果房地產開發商與香港政府之間存在勾結關 係,將會削弱香港經濟的活力。 將紡織和玩具等勞動密集型生產過程從香港轉移到廣東省的“前店後廠”模式迎來拐點是毫無疑問的。在雷曼危機以後廣東省上述行業的工廠相繼出現了倒閉。委託 這些工廠進行生產的企業很多都是香港企業。隨著中國內地經濟逐步放緩,香港今年1-3月的經濟增長率已經放緩至3%左右。
圖為香港景色 |
不過也出現了值得關注的動態。日產汽車於今年4月將高檔車品牌“英菲尼迪”全球總部機構轉移到香港就是其中之一例。該公司將在香港製定附加值較高的高檔車 商品策劃、行銷以及銷售等戰略。瞄準中國乃至世界市場,將工廠的戰略和策劃中樞部門放在香港,這是一種全新的嘗試。日產副社長安迪•帕爾默(Andy Palmer)在談到選擇香港的理由時表示,香港是亞洲增長市場的中心,“是無可挑剔的地點”。
香港作為海外與中國內地之間的單純的中繼貿易港獲得了發展,自20世紀60年代後半期以來,發展成為了以紡織業為中心的加工貿易基地,80年代則轉變為金 融服務中心。曾經擔任《香港基本法》起草委員會副主任等職務的實業家安子介(已故)將這種情況稱為“變形蟲經濟”。在回歸15週年之際,香港能否再次轉換 身姿?
Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi has been told off by
the country's electoral authorities for using the name 'Burma' to refer
to the country. So, what really is in a name anyway?
In its rebuke, Myanmar's electoral commission began by referring to Suu Kyi by using the honorific prefix "Daw."
"Daw Aung San Suu Kyi called Myanmar 'Burma' in her speech to the World Economic Forum in Thailand on 1 June, 2012," it noted. "Again, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi called Myanmar 'Burma' in her speeches during her Europe tour."
The military government changed the name in 1989 as European place names across the Asian continent became ever scarcer. Three years earlier, the UN had started to use Chinese - resulting in a change from the Romanized Peking to Beijing.
Myanmar - said to be an ancient term referring to the central part of the country - was chosen to ostensibly better reflect the diversity of the nation's population - of which ethnic Burmans represent less than 70 percent. Some experts say this is false, and that the two terms have been used interchangeably for centuries.
Aung San Suu Kyi refers to her country as Burma
What's in a name?
The name of Burma's then capital, Rangoon, also became Myanmar's center of power, Yanyon - later usurped by a new capital, Naypyidaw, built at the behest of the generals.
However, Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has taken exception to the renaming, saying that the regime had no mandate to make such a change.
"The dictatorship arbitrarily changed the name of the country and the democracy movement said they didn't have the right," director the Burma Campaign UK, Mark Farmaner, told DW.
"Personally, I am a little bemused by the amount of arguing that goes on about names when at the same time you have a country with such an appalling human rights record, but I have had people tell me that it really is important," said Farmaner, before adding that electoral authorities who criticized Suu Kyi did not have their priorities in order.
"The focus is all wrong. It should be cleaning up its own house and making sure that elections are free and fair, unlike the last two that took place there."
In his book, "Burma or Myanmar?: The Struggle for National Identity," Asia expert Lowell Dittmer from the University of California, Berkeley, explains that the "new" name Myanmar originates from a written, literary form.
Burma, on the other hand, was derived from the spoken form of the name in Bamar, the Burman ethnic language. It was adopted by the British during their colonial rule of the country between 1826 and 1948, and gained international usage. Burmese became the adjective for all the country's people, and is still widely used.
President Thein Sein's reforms have raised the question over the country's name once again
Dittmer defines countries that say Myanmar as "realists" who believe
names can be used to exert pressure - and nominalists, who do not.
The argument runs that to use the name "Myanmar" is to sanction the denial of power to the country's opposition even after it won elections in 1990.
"Behind this apparently petty linguistic dispute, a battle has raged for national identity," said Dittmer.
"These two names have come to symbolize two quite different historical experiences and political trajectories, each upholding its claim to legitimacy."
Global confusion
Global leaders struggle with how to name the country, especially since reforms recently introduced by Prime Minister Thein Sein.
British Prime Minister David Cameron uses the name Burma, while recent speeches by US President Barack Obama also use the name.
But on a trip to the country late last year, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tended to dodge controversy by using the term "this country."
The name Burma continues to be used by many countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the United Nations uses Myanmar, as do the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Germany, India, Norway and Japan.
Brussels has found its own way to neatly sidestep the issue, calling the country Burma/Myanmar.
"Some countries within the EU call it Burma while others call it Myanmar," said EU spokeswoman Susanne Kiefer. "Although we have had that name for it for a while, it's something that has only recently been confirmed."
Burma Campaign UK's Farmaner maintains that an across-the-board change to Myanmar might be possible after more democratic reform is achieved.
Less than 70 percent of people in the country are ethnic Burmans
"Maybe at a later date, a democratically elected government might also
change but the opposition is not going to accept it from a government
that seized power by the barrel of a gun."
Setting priorities
It's a debate that likely to take something of a back seat for Suu Kyi, who returned home from her historic trip to Europe to cheering crowds on Saturday.
Balancing the need for economic development against the maintenance of external pressure on the government is likely pose a more immediate challenge.
With only a tiny fraction of seats for the National League For Democracy in a parliament dominated by the successor party to the pro-military junta, changing the naming of the country - or keeping it the same - looks to be a long way down the line.
Author: Richard Connor
Editor: Sarah Berning
"Daw Aung San Suu Kyi called Myanmar 'Burma' in her speech to the World Economic Forum in Thailand on 1 June, 2012," it noted. "Again, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi called Myanmar 'Burma' in her speeches during her Europe tour."
The military government changed the name in 1989 as European place names across the Asian continent became ever scarcer. Three years earlier, the UN had started to use Chinese - resulting in a change from the Romanized Peking to Beijing.
Myanmar - said to be an ancient term referring to the central part of the country - was chosen to ostensibly better reflect the diversity of the nation's population - of which ethnic Burmans represent less than 70 percent. Some experts say this is false, and that the two terms have been used interchangeably for centuries.
The name of Burma's then capital, Rangoon, also became Myanmar's center of power, Yanyon - later usurped by a new capital, Naypyidaw, built at the behest of the generals.
However, Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has taken exception to the renaming, saying that the regime had no mandate to make such a change.
"The dictatorship arbitrarily changed the name of the country and the democracy movement said they didn't have the right," director the Burma Campaign UK, Mark Farmaner, told DW.
"Personally, I am a little bemused by the amount of arguing that goes on about names when at the same time you have a country with such an appalling human rights record, but I have had people tell me that it really is important," said Farmaner, before adding that electoral authorities who criticized Suu Kyi did not have their priorities in order.
"The focus is all wrong. It should be cleaning up its own house and making sure that elections are free and fair, unlike the last two that took place there."
In his book, "Burma or Myanmar?: The Struggle for National Identity," Asia expert Lowell Dittmer from the University of California, Berkeley, explains that the "new" name Myanmar originates from a written, literary form.
Burma, on the other hand, was derived from the spoken form of the name in Bamar, the Burman ethnic language. It was adopted by the British during their colonial rule of the country between 1826 and 1948, and gained international usage. Burmese became the adjective for all the country's people, and is still widely used.
The argument runs that to use the name "Myanmar" is to sanction the denial of power to the country's opposition even after it won elections in 1990.
"Behind this apparently petty linguistic dispute, a battle has raged for national identity," said Dittmer.
"These two names have come to symbolize two quite different historical experiences and political trajectories, each upholding its claim to legitimacy."
Global confusion
Global leaders struggle with how to name the country, especially since reforms recently introduced by Prime Minister Thein Sein.
British Prime Minister David Cameron uses the name Burma, while recent speeches by US President Barack Obama also use the name.
But on a trip to the country late last year, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tended to dodge controversy by using the term "this country."
The name Burma continues to be used by many countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the United Nations uses Myanmar, as do the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Germany, India, Norway and Japan.
Brussels has found its own way to neatly sidestep the issue, calling the country Burma/Myanmar.
"Some countries within the EU call it Burma while others call it Myanmar," said EU spokeswoman Susanne Kiefer. "Although we have had that name for it for a while, it's something that has only recently been confirmed."
Burma Campaign UK's Farmaner maintains that an across-the-board change to Myanmar might be possible after more democratic reform is achieved.
Setting priorities
It's a debate that likely to take something of a back seat for Suu Kyi, who returned home from her historic trip to Europe to cheering crowds on Saturday.
Balancing the need for economic development against the maintenance of external pressure on the government is likely pose a more immediate challenge.
With only a tiny fraction of seats for the National League For Democracy in a parliament dominated by the successor party to the pro-military junta, changing the naming of the country - or keeping it the same - looks to be a long way down the line.
Author: Richard Connor
Editor: Sarah Berning