2009年3月31日 星期二















本文譯自美聯社(Associated Press)

2009年3月30日 星期一

手足口病肆虐中國 當局調查瞞報/ 台灣嘉義爆疑似口蹄疫殺豬二百餘



















Economic woes impact World Expo

Economic woes impact World Expo

By Chris Hogg
BBC News, Shanghai

Official mascot of the World Expo in Shanghai
The economic downturn makes finding sponsorship difficult

Chinese officials insist next year's World Expo in Shanghai has enough sponsorship and enough participants to be a success, despite the pressures of the current worldwide economic crisis.

Some 232 countries and organisations have signed up to take part in the technology and innovation showcase, although several have scaled back their plans.

With just over 400 days to go until the exhibition opens, the United States has yet to confirm its attendance because it's struggling to find the money to build its pavilion.

It has been widely reported that US law prohibits the use of public money to build an Expo pavilion.

The Chinese appear to have accepted this explanation as to why it's proving hard to raise the cash needed from other sources.

But that assertion is challenged by a group of Americans who describe themselves as 'Expo veterans' who are one of three teams attempting to create a US pavilion.

Group member Bob Anderson insists that whereas a law passed in 1991 forbids the State Department from funding Expo activities, it does allow the department to use public money from other government agencies to build a pavilion.

He's critical of the plans being developed for a pavilion by the team backed by the State Department, describing their plans as "mundane and out of date with current realities, and very expensive".

He says his group and another team made up of members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai are seeking to work with the 'official' team to come up with something cheaper and more striking.

Not so grand designs

Governments around the world are trying to raise enough cash to build pavilions to showcase their countries.

But this isn't a good time to be asking sponsors to give you money.

Zhou Jun, the Chinese official in charge of negotiations with participants, acknowledges the worldwide financial turmoil is forcing some countries to rethink what is achievable and scale back their grand designs.

Countries might end up using less expensive materials but what is important is how you are going to showcase inside the pavilion
Zhou Jun, World Expo official

"Because of the impact of the financial crisis and the economic recession at the moment we naturally lack the money to do more, as far as construction is concerned," he says.

Mr Zhou insists though that if some of the more elaborate plans for pavilions have been discarded, that won't matter for visitors.

"Countries might end up using less expensive materials but what is important is how you are going to showcase inside the pavilion, not what's outside."

China, like the hosts of earlier World Expos, is providing funds to help poorer countries put together their exhibits. Around half of the participants qualify for financial assistance.

World Expo site in Shanghai
Around half of the participants qualify for financial assistance from China
The US cannot get a grant from the fund under the current rules, although some of the private companies that have approached the organisers looking for sponsorship opportunities are being urged to consider supporting the US plans, according to Chinese officials.

Zhu Yonglei, the Deputy Director General of the Expo, insists that overall the sponsorship for the event is in place.

"There will be 40 self-built national pavilions," he promises.

"Construction is under way on almost 10 of them," he says. "The rest will get started in the next two to three months."

The site itself, next to the river that weaves its way through the centre of Shanghai, is beginning to take shape.

No back-up plan

The Chinese are doing their best to remain positive about what looks likely to be a more muted exhibition than they might perhaps had envisaged when they first started planning.

Chinese pavilion under construction at the World Expo site
The Chinese pavilion is the only major structure that is well under way
There is still a lot to do though. At a briefing with journalists to get the message out, they highlighted that even Iceland, a country that has suffered more than most from the financial meltdown, has confirmed it will attend and signed on the dotted line.

The Chinese pavilion is the only major structure that is well under way at the site.

Officials insist that as all the other national pavilions will be temporary structures - they will be torn down at the end of the exhibition - they won't take long to build.

They also claim that the financial crisis has in fact had some benefits. The costs of construction have fallen as the cost of raw materials has fallen, and labour has become cheaper.

The US has until May to sign a contract with the Expo organisers.

The US has missed World Expo before, but a failure to attend next year's event would be seen as a major snub by many Chinese.

If this happens again, one official admitted privately as we looked at the empty patch of ground where the US pavilion is due to be built, the Chinese do have a back-up plan.

"We'll just put something else there," he says with a grin.

China denies spying allegations

China rubbishes cyber-espionage claims
Register - London,England,UK
By John Leyden • Get more from this author China has been accused of using malware to spy against the Tibetan government-in-exile and the private office of ...

China denies spying allegations

A computer keyboard (file image)
China says cyber attacks are a global challenge

China has denied involvement in the electronic spy network which researchers say infiltrated computers in government offices around the world.

The spokesman of the Chinese embassy in London said that there was no evidence to show Beijing was involved.

He suggested the findings were part of a "propaganda campaign" by the Tibetan government in exile.

The research was commissioned by the Dalai Lama's office alarmed by possible breaches of security.

'Pieced together'

In an official statement, Liu Weimin writes that the report by Canadian researchers at the Information Warfare Monitor is "just some video footage pieced together from different sources to attack China".

Mr Liu stresses that in China "it is against the law to hack into the computers of others". Cyber attacks, he says, are "a global challenge" requiring global co-operation.

"China is an active participant in such co-operation in the world."

The report said that the electronic network had infiltrated 1,295 computers in 103 countries, including computers belonging to foreign ministries and embassies.

'No conclusive evidence'

The Canadian researchers had been approached by the office of the Dalai Lama, who feared the computers of his Tibetan exile network had been infiltrated.

The researchers said that while the network was based mainly in China, there was no conclusive evidence China's government was behind the infiltration.

They said ministries of foreign affairs of Iran, Bangladesh, Latvia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Barbados and Bhutan appeared to have been targeted.


The researchers said hackers were apparently able to take control of computers belonging to several foreign ministries and embassies across the world using malicious software, or malware.

"We uncovered real-time evidence of malware that had penetrated Tibetan computer systems, extracting sensitive documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama."

They said they believed the system, which they called GhostNet, was focused mainly on governments in Asia.

2009年3月29日 星期日


中国 | 2009.03.29



中国央行行长周小川本周接连三次在中国 央行网站发表文章,并提出用超主权国际货币储备来逐渐替代美元,引起国际间的密切关注。《明报》本周发表署名“李先知”的文章,题为《周小川为何两次炮轰 美元?》、文章认为,周小川的这一动作“是要替中国在国际政治舞台上寻求更大的话事权,包括要在国际货币基金组织上有更多的投票权等等。”

文章写道:“就在此时,作为国家重要智囊机构的 中国社会科学院,其属下的国际金融研究室副主任张明更发表文章,直指在今次峰会上,「对于以中国为代表的新兴市场国家而言,参与G20伦敦峰会有两大迫切 任务。第一是敦促发达国家承诺放弃贸易保护主义政策……第二是要求美国政府就美元资产的市场价值提供承诺,并将此作为是否继续购买美元资产的前提条 件」。……作为局外人,笔者当然无法知悉大国之间的谈判细节,但峰会前夕权贵们拳来拳往,已充分透视出世界金融秩序正面临重大转变,有关谈判恐怕亦已进入 关键阶段。一点绝对可以肯定的是,西方国家过往长期垄断国际金融机构的日子,恐怕已一去不复返了。”

与此同时,因在内地引起轩然大波的瓮安骚乱而被 撤职的瓮安县委书记王勤复出了,两年前因震惊海内外的黑砖诖事件而下台的洪洞县副县长王振俊也复出了,内地网民又开始牢骚满腹。《明报》本周发表题为《宽 容污点官员,如何向公众交代》的文章。文章写道:“其实,有当年因瞒报沙士疫情被撤职的卫生部长张文康(现任全国政协常委、中国宋庆龄基金会副主席)、北 京市长孟学农(后任山西省长,但因矿难再度下台)、因松花江污染而下台的国家环保总局局长解振华(现任国家发改委副主任)这些「珠玉」在前,内地的网民似 乎也不必对王勤和王振俊现象太过耿耿于怀。比较起来,内地媒体报道的广州市政府採购中心爆贪污腐败「窝案」,7名涉案官员却全部被判缓刑,而且个个摇身一 变,下海经商,风流快活,岂不更令人瞠目结舌。”

《明报》的文章接着写道:“中共对污点干部的这 种「宽容」,很难不让人产生官官相护、刑不上大夫的印象。问责风暴、查处贪污,本都是对相关官员的惩处,以儆效尤,但现在上述的荒腔走板,却令人对当局的 问责和反腐决心产生怀疑。其实,如果那些被免职的官员,真的是被冤枉或代人受过的,就应该向公众交代清楚,承认当初处分错误,说清楚他们是代谁受的过,揪 出真正的元凶,否则既对当事者本人不公,也有向公众隐瞒真相之嫌。如被匆匆免职的前财政部长金人庆,虽然仍出任正部职的閒差,但对各种坊间的传闻,当局似 乎无意代为澄清。”

《苹果日报》则注意到中国大陆最近又开始封杀 YouTube,据说导火线是一段有关中国军警残暴殴打藏民致死的录影,官方指影片是由支持达赖喇嘛的藏独分子伪造的。对此,该报署名“李平”的文章题为 《封杀YouTube,中国好狂好天真》。文章写道:“说北京太狂,是因为北京再次展露其「网络自由天敌」的本色。一旦不合其「和谐」的口味,无论是网上 消息、言论、影音,还是博客、网页、WAP网站,都是杀无赦。……说北京太天真,是因为网络世界根本不是北京想封就可以封得了的。内地网民不能直接上 YouTube网站,但稍有经验的就可透过Proxy避开官方的「网络长城」,或者在其他海外网站看到YouTube的内容。从这个角度来说,所谓封杀 YouTube是自欺欺人,颇符合独裁者外强中干的特质。”

《苹果日报》的文章接着写道:“能够真正封杀 YouTube的,只有YouTube自己。Yahoo、Google、Microsoft前几年为了进入中国市场,不惜在网站内容、电子邮件、网络短讯 等方面,自我审查、自我设限,甚至自我阉割,造成内地网络异见人士师涛、杜导斌、王小宁等被捕和判囚。在国际社会众目睽睽之下,YouTube难道会重蹈 Yahoo的覆辙吗?”



2009年3月28日 星期六

Potala Palacel, Lhasa

China launches holiday to mark "liberation" of Tibet

The Chinese government has launched a new holiday to mark the 50th anniversary of a failed uprising in Tibet. In a ceremony broadcast on national television, the Chinese flag was raised in front of Potala Palace in Tibet's capital, Lhasa. A series of officials gave speeches on what they described as the "horrors" of the old Tibet and the merits of communism. Beijing launched a major security crackdown in the region earlier this month, ahead of both Serf's Liberation Day and the anniversary of last year's deadly riots in Lhasa.


周六,中国政府在西藏举行大规模庆典活动,纪念所谓的"百万农奴解放日"。50年前的这一天,西藏民众起义被平息,西藏的地方政府被解散。"百万农奴解放 纪念日"是今年首次设立的,官方举办了一系列展览显示中国共产党统治下,西藏在社会及经济领域取得的成就,电视台也播放了大量相关的电视记录片。大约 13000人参加了在布达拉宫广场上举行的庆典活动,而50年前,布达拉宫曾是西藏地方政府所在地。


庆典活动开始后,首先举行了升国旗,奏国歌的仪式。随后当地官员发表讲话,盛赞中国政府为西藏带来的各种进步。中共西藏党委书记张庆黎表示: "只有坚持中国共产党的领导,只有坚持少数民族区域自治,西藏才能保持繁荣发展,明天才会更加美好。"张庆黎同时还指责达赖喇嘛试图分裂祖国。他表示,同 达赖喇嘛及其追随者的斗争将是"长期,复杂和艰巨的。"一些共产党老干部,"农奴"代表以及学生代表也先后在庆典活动上发表了讲话。


西藏流亡政府代表周五表示,庆祝所谓的"百万农奴解放日"是对"藏人的挑衅"。流亡政府信息部女部长塔克拉指责北京当局,试图通过这一纪念日"在西 藏制造动荡和混乱。"她表示,中国有关西藏奴隶制度的描述是对西藏社会历史的歪曲。她表示,同今天的中国统治相比,1950年以前,西藏农民的生活要自由 和幸福得多。

为了本次庆典活动能够顺利进行,今年2月以来,中国向所有藏区都增派了保安力量。尽管如此,近日仍发生了一些零星的抗议活动。上周末,青海省数千名 藏人僧侣在一个警察局前举行抗议集会,并呼喊"西藏自由""达赖喇嘛"万岁等口号。来自西藏流亡组织的消息称,一名僧侣因遭受警察酷刑而自杀的事件,引发 了这次抗议集会。



2009年3月27日 星期五

Ex-Taiwanese president on trial in Taipei , North Korea warns

Ex-Taiwanese president on trial in Taipei

The corruption trial of Taiwan's former president, Chen Shui-bian, has got under way in the capital, Taipei. Chen, and his wife Wu Shu-chen and 12 others, are facing a series of corruption charges including bribery, embezzlement, money-laundering and extortion. If found guilty, Chen could be jailed for life. Chen has denied all charges, saying they are politically motivated. In February, his wife pleaded guilty to accepting over two million dollars from a businessman to seal a lucrative land deal, but she said it was a political donation and not a bribe. Chen has been an outspoken critic of the China-friendly policies of the government that succeeded him last year.

North Korea warns against UN sanctions over rocket launch

North Korea has warned that any UN sanctions as a result of its upcoming satellite launch would be viewed as "a hostile action", and would cause the breakdown of the six nation nuclear disarmament talks. The US, South Korea and Japan suspect that the long range rocket on North Korea's East Coast launch pad is not a commercial satellite, but rather a disguised missile test. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of consequences if Pyongyang went ahead with its plan to fire a missile. The rocket is believed to be a long-range Taepo-dong 2. North Korea has given international agencies notice of the rocket's planned trajectory, which would take it over Japan. Analysts said the notice was given to help the North argue the rocket launch does not violate UN sanctions put in place after it test-launched a series of missiles in 2006.


文化社会 | 2009.03.27



艾未未是中国最知名艺术家中的一位。这位现年51岁的艺术家因参与设计北京奥运鸟巢而获得国际声誉。两年前,德国举办当代艺术国际展卡塞尔 文献展,艾未未率领一千零一个中国人前来参展,并详细记录了这一千零一个中国人的首次国外之行,艾未未的大名也因此在德国叫响。两年后的今天,艾未未似乎 再次与中国当局展开了一场较量。


在四川地震事发近一年后的今天,许多问题依旧没有找到答案。到目前为止,有关当局拒绝公布罹难儿童数字。艾未未希望能披露事实真相。"我们试图搜集 所有数据:谁在地震中丧生,死者的名字是什么,在哪里出生等等。我认为发生这样的事情简直不可思议。在地震中死亡的学龄儿童人数高达数千,甚至上万。直到 现在我们仍未获得官方的理性答复。"

在过去两周里,艾未未和他的小组已在其个人博客所在的网页上公布了2500名遇难学生的名单。这个名单越来越长。艾未未表示,每一个名字背后都隐藏 着一个悲剧,死者家长有权获知真相,提出问题。 "我们必须找到每位死者的名字。这不仅关系到具体的死亡数据,而是想如实记录真相,知道死者究竟是谁。没有人有权拒绝这么做,或是隐瞒事实。我们希望能够 阻止类似事件的继续发生。"

艾未未深知,这一举动有多大风险。 在过去数月里,那些要求澄清教学楼安全性能的学生家长纷纷受到恐吓。许多人不敢再公开直言。一位敢于在因特网上发表死者家长诉求的维权人士于去年被逮捕。 而这在中国媒体中是一大禁忌话题。然而,艾未未却说,如果有关当局不公开真相的话,民众只好采取自发行动了。"我们必须学会,并告诉其他人如何面对这样的 事。因为它关系到公民的权利,也关系到我们作为公民所必须承担的责任。"

艾未未和其小组已给四川有关当局打过数百次电话,要求对方提供相关信息。艾未未说,在多数情况下,他们遭到拒绝或者搪塞。所以他派遣一个自愿者组成 的小组深入当地,与遇难者家属进行交谈,搜集死者名单。艾未未的行动不仅获得了地震幸存者的支持,在短短几天时间里,数万人在艾未未的博客网站发表评论。 这位艺术家说,绝大多数评论是积极的。中国因特网受到国家的严格监控。艾未未的博客是否会因此被封,他本人似乎并不关心。"我对这样的事情不太关心。想得 太多了就什么也干不成。我相信我的判断。我就是这么一个人。我必须亲自尝试做某件事情,只有这样我才能理解周围的世界。"




YouTube遭中國政府當局屏蔽--會是草泥馬事件嗎 Again Accessible

歌(Google Inc.)旗下YouTube遭中國政府當局屏蔽。與此同時﹐由於其部分內容惹惱了多個國家政府﹐這家視頻分享網站也還在與它們進行交涉。








世界各國不盡相同的互聯網審查標準可能給谷歌和雅虎(Yahoo Inc.)這類互聯網公司帶來麻煩。


Jessica E. Vascellaro / Geoffrey A. Fowler

Youtube被封 中國"不知道"


Youtube 網上有數個有關西藏喇嘛被中國武警毆打的畫面。











World Briefing | Asia

China: YouTube Again Accessible

Published: March 27, 2009

The Chinese government has lifted its block of YouTube, the popular video-sharing Web site run by Google. On Friday, people in Beijing access the site without using special software to enter it through a proxy server, a common way of getting around Internet walls put up by the government. Google said Tuesday that China had blocked YouTube but that it did not know why. The block came during a week when China was criticizing an Internet video, released by the Tibetan government in exile and put up on YouTube and other Web sites, that showed Chinese security officers beating handcuffed Tibetans.

2009年3月25日 星期三

BBC on China


24日的《獨立報》報道了中國被執行死刑的人數繼續居世界之首的消息。該報根據國際特赦公布的新數據,列舉出中國執行死刑人數的數字,同時也注意到一個變化: 去年北京主辦奧運會前,死刑人數減少了一些,但是現在則又升高了。







南非示好北京 冷落達賴喇嘛
























2009年3月21日 星期六


2009年是中国的政治敏感年,西藏起义五十周年和3-14事件一周年纪念日刚刚过去,中国政府又重新回到了收紧新闻政策的起点。前不久,有关部门与在北 京工作的外国驻华记者的中国雇员召开了恳谈会,并在会议上公布了名为《行为规范》的工作准则。其中要求中方雇员应向外国记者提供有利于中国形象的信息,杜 绝负面报道。

实际上,这部《行为规范》工作准则早在 今年2月份就已经出台了,但目前还只针对在北京驻外媒体工作的中方工作人员。规范中要求,不允许中方雇员进行独立采访报道。而对每一位为外国驻华记者提供 助理工作的中方雇员来说,这在入行前就已经是清楚明了的前提了,可在多数情况下,这些外国记者们的中方助理们还是要拿上机器单独出外采访。

何塞先生在上海就从事着这样一份工作,他的任务 是为外国驻华记者提供可采访的素材、预约采访对象和采访录音。而今后如果再出现助理们单独出外采访的情况就会被视为违反《行为规范》,何塞说,这样的情况 不能完全杜绝:“其实这样做的原因很容易理解。在很多工作中其实中方人员都是在做实质性的工作,但是你不能对其他人这么说,因为这个报道最后完成的时候不 会写上你的名字,但是报道内容中有很大一部分是跟我们分不开的。一方面中国的法律不允许,另外,其实外国记者自己更愿意说报道和工作都是他们自己来完成 的。所以,表面上看我们的工作都是辅助性的工作,而实际上呢?中方助理的工作是决定性的。”

目前,仅在北京和上海注册的境外媒体就多达上百 家。按惯例,在中国每一名驻外记者都配有一到两名中方助理。这些助理必须流利掌握该国语言或者具备出色的英语听写能力,这样更便于协助外国记者翻译采访录 音,其次,就是帮助他们快速阅读中国媒体的各大报纸。但是如果像《行为规范》中要求的,中方助理必须提供有利中国形象、文化和历史的信息和素材,那么今后 的工作将很难进行,何塞说:“明文规定是明文规定,实际操作是实际操作,所以这个规定出台之后,它会不会改变现实中的工作状况?我觉得,最重要的还要看当 局是不是真的会出台什么处罚规定,我是说,如果有人违反了这个规定,而且是在很敏感的时期,犯了很明显的错误之后是不是就会有相关的惩罚情况出现。”


如果真的出台处罚制度,或许才是对外国记者中方 雇员们行为的真正约束。身在上海的何塞表示,就拿经济中心上海和政治中心北京来说,中国政府会根据媒体报道的题材和该媒体的影响力区分对待。但不管怎么 说,《行为规范》的出台都是对中国承诺的开放新闻政策的一个挑战。何塞说:“很多在奥运会之前,中国政府迫不得已作出的调整:比如说改善自我形象也好,说 在奥运期间要融入国际主流文化也好,不管是什么样的原因,奥运会期间出台的一些规定,人们那时候大概就知道那些只是暂时的而已。但是奥运会之后中国政府就 少了很多这方面的顾虑。例如,从三月份当局为防范西藏骚乱一周年出现新情况所采取的措施中都可以看出,可以说中国又回到了以自我为中心的新闻政策中去。”



2009年3月20日 星期五

How China sees the world《孔子》買賣世界名牌店

(請看Taiwan 上方飄什麼旗)

The new world order

How China sees the world

Mar 19th 2009
From The Economist print edition

And how the world should see China

IT IS an ill wind that blows no one any good. For many in China even the buffeting by the gale that has hit the global economy has a bracing message. The rise of China over the past three decades has been astonishing. But it has lacked the one feature it needed fully to satisfy the ultranationalist fringe: an accompanying decline of the West. Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands. Europe and Japan, embroiled in the deepest post-war recession, are barely worth consideration as rivals. America, the superpower, has passed its peak. Although in public China’s leaders eschew triumphalism, there is a sense in Beijing that the reassertion of the Middle Kingdom’s global ascendancy is at hand (see article).

China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao, no longer sticks to the script that China is a humble player in world affairs that wants to focus on its own economic development. He talks of China as a “great power” and worries about America’s profligate spending endangering his $1 trillion nest egg there. Incautious remarks by the new American treasury secretary about China manipulating its currency were dismissed as ridiculous; a duly penitent Hillary Clinton was welcomed in Beijing, but as an equal. This month saw an apparent attempt to engineer a low-level naval confrontation with an American spy ship in the South China Sea. Yet at least the Americans get noticed. Europe, that speck on the horizon, is ignored: an EU summit was cancelled and France is still blacklisted because Nicolas Sarkozy dared to meet the Dalai Lama.

Already a big idea has spread far beyond China: that geopolitics is now a bipolar affair, with America and China the only two that matter. Thus in London next month the real business will not be the G20 meeting but the “G2” summit between Presidents Barack Obama and Hu Jintao. This not only worries the Europeans, who, having got rid of George Bush’s unipolar politics, have no wish to see it replaced by a Pacific duopoly, and the Japanese, who have long been paranoid about their rivals in Asia. It also seems to be having an effect in Washington, where Congress’s fascination with America’s nearest rival risks acquiring a protectionist edge.

Reds under the bed

Before panic spreads, it is worth noting that China’s new assertiveness reflects weakness as well as strength. This remains a poor country facing, in Mr Wen’s words, its most difficult year of the new century. The latest wild guess at how many jobs have already been lost—20m—hints at the scale of the problem. The World Bank has cut its forecast for China’s growth this year to 6.5%. That is robust compared with almost anywhere else, but to many Chinese, used to double-digit rates, it will feel like a recession. Already there are tens of thousands of protests each year: from those robbed of their land for development; from laid-off workers; from those suffering the side-effects of environmental despoliation. Even if China magically achieves its official 8% target, the grievances will worsen.

Far from oozing self-confidence, China is witnessing a fierce debate both about its economic system and the sort of great power it wants to be—and it is a debate the government does not like. This year the regime curtailed even the perfunctory annual meeting of its parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), preferring to confine discussion to back-rooms and obscure internet forums. Liberals calling for greater openness are being dealt with in the time-honoured repressive fashion. But China’s leaders also face rumblings of discontent from leftist nationalists, who see the downturn as a chance to halt market-oriented reforms at home, and for China to assert itself more stridently abroad. An angry China can veer into xenophobia, but not all the nationalist left’s causes are so dangerous: one is for the better public services and social-safety net the country sorely needs.

So China is in a more precarious situation than many Westerners think. The world is not bipolar and may never become so. The EU, for all its faults, is the world’s biggest economy. India’s population will overtake China’s. But that does not obscure the fact that China’s relative power is plainly growing—and both the West and China itself need to adjust to this.

For Mr Obama, this means pulling off a difficult balancing act. In the longer term, if he has not managed to seduce China (and for that matter India and Brazil) more firmly into the liberal multilateral system by the time he leaves office, then historians may judge him a failure. In the short term he needs to hold China to its promises and to scold it for its lapses: Mrs Clinton should have taken it to task over Tibet and human rights when she was there. The Bush administration made much of the idea of welcoming China as a “responsible stakeholder” in the international system. The G20 is a chance to give China a bigger stake in global decision-making than was available in the small clubs of the G7 and G8. But it is also a chance for China to show it can exercise its new influence responsibly.

The bill for the great Chinese takeaway

China’s record as a citizen of the world is strikingly threadbare. On a host of issues from Iran to Sudan, it has used its main geopolitical asset, its permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, to obstruct progress, hiding behind the excuse that it does not want to intervene in other countries’ affairs. That, sadly, will take time to change. But on the more immediate issue at hand, the world economy, there is room for action.

Over the past quarter-century no country has gained more from globalisation than China. Hundreds of millions of its people have been dragged out of subsistence into the middle class. China has been a grumpy taker in this process. It helped derail the latest round of world trade talks. The G20 meeting offers it a chance to show a change of heart. In particular, it is being asked to bolster the IMF’s resources so that the fund can rescue crisis-hit countries in places like eastern Europe. Some in Beijing would prefer to ignore the IMF, since it might help ex-communist countries that have developed “an anti-China mentality”. Rising above such cavilling and paying up would be a small step in itself. But it would be a sign that the Middle Kingdom has understood what it is to be a great power.


《獨立報》的整版報道配以周潤發在武打電影《臥虎藏龍》中的造型和孔子塑像說,孔子這位中國最知名思想家的哲學過去被看成 是共產主義的敵人,而今孔子又流行起來,以至國家出錢拍攝他的傳記片。不過文章也說,演慣了吳宇森動作片的周潤發這次只好放下手槍,拿起毛筆來表現人物 了。




文章說,在利用孔子提高個人修養的理論創造社會和諧這個問題上,中共的想法已經和學者趨於一致。而且,隨著經濟的開放,孔 子的商業價值也日益明顯,深受媒體歡迎的孔子學者於丹關於《論語》的暢銷書成了中國的"心靈雞湯"。另外,中科院北京基因研究所也在用科學方法確定誰是孔 子正宗的後裔。



《每日電訊報》報道的角度和上述兩報大同小異,不過,該報駐北京記者就這部電影採訪了目前任教清華大學的英國哲學家貝淡寧 (Daniel Bell)。貝淡寧談到,這部電影在今天中國孔子流行的背景下肯定大受歡迎,不過,孔子周遊列國時也經常批評各國當政者,還教育知識分子仗義執言,因此貝 淡寧指出,這部電影如何處理孔子思想的這部分"麻煩"內容值得關注。



文章說,每年三月"兩會"期間,北京的各家世界名牌店生意都很興隆。雖然像價值三萬美元的瑞士名表之類的禮品實際上是回扣 或賄賂,是違法的,但文章援引專家的話說,這方面的法律在中國是有選擇地執行的,給官員送品貴重禮品非常普遍,以致於奢侈品生產商已經把這部分業務視為日 益重要的收入來源。

中國的奢侈品銷售去年估計達到76億美元,給高官的禮品估計佔50%。文章說,雖然中國官員和人大代表們堅決否認有這種現 象,在中國的名牌店也不予置評,但一些名牌公司的營銷人員私下承認,通常公司會給重要人物及其家眷和情人開化名的特別戶頭,通常買禮品的錢會用某個私營企 業家的個人信用卡支付。


2009年3月19日 星期四






印度商工部商務秘書戈帕爾•皮萊(Gopal K. Pillai)在接受採訪時說﹐我們始終認為﹐世界之大足以容納下印度和中國﹐但我們仍出現了出口增長損害了印度產業的問題。這是我們擔憂的原因。







這些爭端在某種程度上反映出大國在全球經濟放緩時的相互沖突。加州大學伯克利分校研究中國和印度經濟的經濟學家巴爾丹(Pranab K. Bardhan)說﹐印度似乎比中國更不願意開放國內沒有遇到多少外國競爭的產業。他說﹐印度是世界上全球化程度最低的國家之一。




中国 | 2009.03.19


继今年初发表“抵制央视、拒绝洗脑”的公开信之后,北京资深媒体人凌沧州联合27位中国公民于本周三再次发出题为“再见!宣传与谎言”的公开信。在这封公 开信中,联署人呼吁公众抵制官方"耳目喉舌"的宣传教育,采取不看、不听、不订阅、不购买等方式抵制中央电视台和《人民日报》等官方新闻媒体。德国之声记 者电话采访了这封公开信的签署人之一、自由撰稿人昝爱宗。




昝爱宗:互联网出现之前是摆脱不了的。有了互联网就可以摆脱出来了。央视在互联网上处处被动,网上都在对央视这样一个不说真话的一个宣传机构吐口 水。不仅是央视,新华社、《人民日报》、中央人民广播电台、各省市机关报,都是一回事,它们都是官方媒体。互联网和官方媒体不一样,存在着民间的声音,是 民间的代言人。互联网时代让官方的媒体感觉到它们已经落伍了,应该进行变革,不能再像以前几十年如一日地那样进行宣传了。网络说真话,央视也一样应该说真 话。


昝爱宗:对,官方媒体长年的宣传在民众间形成了一种习惯,要做出选择也比较难。我认为这需要一些时间。比如市场化媒体的兴起正在慢慢改变这一切。现 在各地销量比较好的都是当地的都市报、早报、晚报,党报色彩越浅的媒体越受到欢迎。这需要一个过程。像《南方都市报》、《南方周末》这种非主流的媒体正在 慢慢影响民众。


昝爱宗:我觉得只是靠几个人或者一批人的呼吁无法完成这项使命。它起到的是一种促进的作用,发出了另一种声音,多了一种声音,多了一个角度。所以, 签名不意味着能改变很多事情,解决很多问题,这是一种有益的促进。民主、自由和人权都是水到渠成的结果。现在公民意识的觉醒就是在促进民主自由的发展。没 有广大民众民主意识的觉醒,光靠几个人疾声呼吁是无法实现民主的。我觉得这需要一个过程,让人慢慢地知道这个社会在进步。





為什麼新加坡總檢察長等的神經特別敏感 或臉皮特別薄



譬如說 買個台灣的報系來討好中國當局

那麼 可能是好買賣

可是 照世界還是政經時代 不是全球資本主義一統的太平盛事
Coke and China
When the U.S. Congress torpedoed a Chinese oil company's bid for Unocal in 2005, we criticized the protectionists on Capitol Hill. Unfortunately Beijing's policy makers are now making the same mistake.


傳言 ibm公司要花至少億買 Sun Micro-- 它股票應聲漲6成
不過企業的命運多乖 我們看它極盛時值2050億 意氣風發
Final Chapter for Sun Micro Could Be Written by IBM
Sun Microsystem's sale to IBM would mark an inglorious end to an industry leader that once boasted it put "the dot in dot-com" and reached a market value of $205 billion during the Internet bubble.



美術史家 Kenneth Clark 的回憶錄說
他第二次世界大戰後經常去華盛頓 有許多好友
曾幾何時 該地的HIV 密度大於某些非洲國

From Bad to Worse
The HIV/AIDS epidemic is ravaging the District.
(The Washington Post)


現在的新生南路三段 不只水溝已填滿


譬如說 台大校園 今年杜鵑花季
在約椰林大道上的大樹之腰幹上 再綑上數層的蘭花

我走到公館的台大醫院分部 大門前的草坪上
沒有雕塑品 只用一顆不顯眼的小石頭塑立
石頭當雕塑 是漢人想法 或許要其巧奪天工

請參觀 Wikipedia article "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden".


吃到飽/ 吃人夠夠

2009年3月18日 星期三

中國民工的心理 Alexandra Harney



Alexandra Harney




香港勞工組織中國勞工通訊(China Labor Bulletin)主編Geoffrey Crothall最近去了趟東莞﹐那裡是中國主要出口製造業基地。他說﹐我遇到的人沒有誰有怒氣﹐我感覺﹐中國官方媒體在向公眾報導全球經濟危機方面做得不錯﹐人們能夠接受將這種情況作為自己遭遇失業或降薪的原因。


另一個原因是﹐儘管過去二十年來民工在推動中國經濟增長方面發揮了核心作用﹐但多年來他們一直被視為是對公共秩序的威脅。發生問題時﹐人們很容易歸咎於貧困人口:官方統計數字顯示﹐在一些沿海城市﹐犯罪分子大部分都是外來民工。不過﹐加州大學爾灣分校(University of California, Irvine)的政治學教授索林格(Dorothy Solinger)等學者對這一數據的真實性表示懷疑。


抗議活動變得越來越普遍。去年11月﹐廣東一家玩具廠的數百名下崗民工舉行了激烈的抗議活動﹐另外﹐中國多個城市發生了出租車司機罷工事件。 12月份﹐湖南省有1千多名教師罷課。

外表看似寬鬆﹐實際上北京方面採取了很好的保護措施﹐共產黨建立了整套控制不滿的體系。中國只有一家合法的、由政府控制的工會組織──中華全國總工會(All-China Federation of Trade Unions)﹐政府對獨立勞工維權人士的活動予以嚴密控制。工人們或許能對具體的某家公司發起抗議活動﹐但他們缺乏一個將他們的不滿連到一個地區性或全國性組織的機制。



(編者按﹕本文作者從事顧問工作﹐寫有《低價中國》(The China Price)一書。)


South Korean officials attacked in Yemen

South Korean officials visiting Yemen to investigate a bombing which killed four Koreans have been targeted in a suspected suicide attack. Yonhap news agency reported that none of the South Koreans were injured. A Seoul foreign ministry official told journalists that vehicles carrying government officials and bereaved family members came under attack as they were on their way to Sanaa airport. Three days ago four South Korean tourists died in an explosion as they visited the city of Shibam. Yemen is the ancestral homeland of al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden.

North Korea refuses US food aid

The United States says North Korea has refused further food aid. The State Department and relief groups said five US non-governmental organizations had been told to leave by the end of the month after distributing only half the food they had planned. Aid officials said North Korea gave no reason for the move. The United Nations has said that almost seven million North Koreans are still in desperate need of food aid. The country has been reliant on outside food aid since a famine in the 1990s killed hundreds of thousands of people. The block on aid comes as the North prepares to launch a satellite which the US and its allies consider to be a missile.

2009年3月16日 星期一


In Downturn, China Exploits Path to Growth

Published: March 16, 2009

GUANGZHOU, China — The global economic downturn, and efforts to reverse it, will probably make China an even stronger economic competitor than it was before the crisis.

China, the world’s third-largest economy behind the United States and Japan, had already become more assertive; now it is exploiting its unusual position as a country with piles of cash and a strong banking system, at a time when many countries have neither, to acquire natural resources and make new friends.

Last week, China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao, even reminded Washington that as one of the United States’ biggest creditors, China expects Washington to safeguard its investment.

China’s leaders are turning economic crisis to competitive advantage, said economic analysts.

The country is using its nearly $600 billion economic stimulus package to make its companies better able to compete in markets at home and abroad, to retrain migrant workers on an immense scale and to rapidly expand subsidies for research and development. Construction has already begun on new highways and rail lines that are likely to permanently reduce transportation costs.

And while American leaders struggle to revive lending — in the latest effort with a $15 billion program to help small businesses — Chinese banks lent more in the last three months than in the preceding 12 months.

“The recent tweaks to the stimulus package indicate a sharper focus on the long-term competitiveness of Chinese industry,” said Eswar S. Prasad, a former China division chief at the International Monetary Fund. “Higher expenditures on education and research and development, along with amounts already committed to infrastructure investment, will boost the economy’s productivity.”

The international economic slowdown is also doing some things that Chinese authorities had tried and failed to do for four years: slow inflation, reverse what had been an ever-growing dependence on exports and pop a real estate bubble before it could grow even bigger.

The recession in most of the large economies in the world is inflicting real pain here — causing a record plunge in Chinese exports, putting 20 million migrant workers from within China out of their jobs and raising the potential for increased and sustained social unrest. But as President Hu Jintao told the National People’s Congress last week, “Challenge and opportunity always come together — under certain conditions, one could be transformed into the other.”

To that end, Chinese companies are shopping for foreign businesses to acquire. The commerce ministry is now leading a delegation of corporate executives to Europe for the ministry’s first mergers and acquisitions trip; the executives are looking at companies in the automotive, textiles, food, energy, machinery, electronics and environmental protection sectors.

The government initiatives coincide with some immediate benefits of the slowdown for China. For instance, air freight and ocean shipping costs have plunged by as much as two-thirds since last summer as demand has fallen.

Blue-collar wages, which had doubled in four years in some coastal cities, have fallen for many workers this winter, causing personal pain but reviving China’s advantage in labor costs.

Unemployment has pushed down the piece rates that factories pay for each garment sewn or toy assembled. Overtime has practically disappeared.

Lao Shu-jen, a migrant worker from Jiangxi province who works at a blue jeans factory here, said that he earned $350 a month late last year but would be lucky to earn $220 a month this spring.

“There are a lot of blue jeans” piling up in the back of the factory with no sign of buyers, he said.

College graduates and highly qualified middle managers, in acutely short supply a year ago, are now widely available because of layoffs. They are likely to stay that way as universities expand — although white-collar unemployment could pose a threat of social unrest. Limited job opportunities for students contributed to the Tiananmen Square protests 20 years ago.

Some jobs are still available now. Four days after a shoe factory closed here for lack of orders, laying off several hundred workers, there were four ads on the factory’s front gate from other shoe factories seeking to hire skilled workers.

Unskilled laborers face the greatest difficulty finding jobs. But with subsidies from Beijing, provincial governments have embarked on large-scale vocational training programs of the sort that the United States has discussed but not actually tried.

Guangdong province alone, here in southeastern China, is quadrupling its vocational training program this year to teach four million workers engaged in three-month or six-month programs.

The main comparable program in the United States, under the Workforce Investment Act, has been training fewer than 250,000 a year, although President Obama’s stimulus program provides funding that could double the number of American workers in training programs.

The Guangdong training programs are half in the classroom and half in the factory, usually the business that plans to employ the trainees. By increasing productivity, training programs can hold down corporate labor costs per unit of production for years to come.

China’s huge training programs may also help preserve social stability by keeping the unemployed off the streets, although Chinese officials deny that is their intention.

Multinationals are cutting back less in China than elsewhere — and some are even expanding.

Intel is shutting down semiconductor production lines sooner than previously planned at older, smaller operations in Malaysia and the Philippines as it opens a large, new factory in Chengdu in western China.

IMI Plc., the big British manufacturer of items as diverse as power plant valves and brewery equipment, has just announced an accelerated shift of operations to China, India and the Czech Republic, after cutting its global work force by 10 percent since December.

And Hon Hai, the 600,000-employee Taiwanese company that is one of the world’s largest contract manufacturers of products like the Apple iPhone and Nintendo Wii game console, has just increased employment by nearly 5 percent in China even as it cuts overall employment by 3 to 5 percent.

Yet China’s economy still has weaknesses. Little is being done to shift the economy away from a heavy reliance on capital spending and toward greater consumption. The social safety net of pensions, health care and education barely exists, so Chinese families save heavily.

Strict government policies on labor and the environment, intended to address serious shortfalls in both and imposed a year ago when China felt more confident of its economic strength, are prompting low-tech industries like toy manufacturing to move to other, less stringent countries.

Top labor officials insisted during the National People’s Congress that they would resist suggestions from some Chinese executives that the new standards be relaxed.

德语媒体 | 2009.03.16






“2月份出口额的下跌使中国的外贸盈余减少到48亿美元,这是数年来的最低水平。专家们预计,今后几个月,出口下降幅度将大于进口下降幅度,所以外 贸盈余减少的趋势将持续下去。2月份,中国的进口额也减少了24.1%。而2008年底,北京出示的外贸盈余为4400亿美元,比2007年增长了 20%。

“为了重新激活出口,中国政府宣布将逐步把出口税降至零。按商务部长陈德铭所说,中国生产的商品中,三分之一输往外国,但经济学家们认为,实际比例 要高得多。由于中国目前价格下降,许多中国人添购物品时更多在等待观望,北京以刺激国内需求来弥补出口减少的计划看来难以成功。"



"几乎所有在中国的中型企业都在与这一没有预料到的情况作斗争。不久前,许多公司还年复一年地向德国总部报告年均增长30%的好消息。去年十一月, 它们预计今年也许至少能增长5%,可没有想到销售额现在就急剧下降。许多企业缺乏流动资金的问题日趋严重,手头不宽裕的欧洲母公司要求它们在中国只能动用 自己先前在当地的赢利所得。


“在联邦快递等跨国公司悄悄撤离中国、另外一些供应配件的公司集团也把在中国投资的计划'无期限'延长之际,中型企业已经度日如年。邻近上海的太仓 是德国施瓦本地区企业家的生产据点,那里越来越多的经管人员迫于总部压力,做好了破产的准备。但自然没有人愿意公开宣布自己将离开这个希望之国,因为这样 做在政治上极不明智,谁知道或早或晚也许总有一天又要回到中国呢?"



作者:王羊 责编:乐然


时事风云 | 2009.03.16


台湾国防部十六日公布有别於国防白皮书的首部“四年期国防总检讨”报告(QDR,Quadrennial Defense Review),将於2014年底前将目前六个军种简併为陆海空三军,并大幅裁军至21.5万人;而未来作战的军事战略,就是「不使敌人登陆立足」,也不 轻啟战端发动第一击。这是马英九政府上任后,首度完整宣示未来的国防改革和方向。德国之声驻台湾特约记者发来如下报导。

台湾立法院在2008年明订国防部应於每届总统就职后10个月内,向立法院公开提出四年期国防总检讨(QDR)。在没有QDR前,国防部已 有10年建军构想与5年兵力整建计画;未来每四年都将提出一次QDR,意谓每4年就要重新检讨一次国防政策,并作为建军构想与兵力整建计画指导原则。而四 年期国防总检讨QDR与国防白皮书有何不同?熟悉军方事务人士指出,未来两者将有所区隔。前瞻未来、检讨现在是QDR的任务;展现国防成果则是国防白皮书 功能。


由於宪兵负担元首安全工作,国防部预计要把宪兵併入陆军当中,外界质疑,兵力大幅精简之后,未来元首的安全工作将受到考验。总统府发言人王郁琦转述 高层会议内容表示,相关报导跟事实有些不同,包括宪兵减少的幅度不到四分之一,而且宪兵未来主官没有降级问题,这部分的调整不会影响到国军战力。


不过,台湾军队目前存在将官员额过多的问题, 国民党立委林郁方质询时表示,没有在4年期国防总检讨报告中看到国防部检讨的方向。国防部长陈肇敏说,精简高层、充实基层确实是军方的目标,军队会逐年减 少将官的员额。陈肇敏说:"我们的将额高这是事实了。但是我们逐年都在减少。确实现在我们是希望精简高层。除了架构之外,员额,将额都会相同地减少。"

在这份QDR裡,国防部认为,亚太地区战略环境相对和平稳定,中共国力快速成长也让台湾面对的安全环境出现根本变化,军方必须进行战略调整,积极参 与安全合作,并建构军事互信机制,寻求两岸安全合作的可行性。不过,陈肇敏表示,台湾评估现在还不到可以军事交流的时候,中共只是拋出球来,但没有看到善 意的回应和具体动作。

军方官员说,两岸关係未来可能继续缓和发展,但中国军力挑战也仍旧存在,台湾军队没有美军那么多的资源,因此必须集中资源,虽兵力减少,但会发挥火 力,未来军方武力发展将首重精準、远距和联合接敌能力。而未来作战的军事战略,就是“不使敌人登陆立足”,也不轻啟战端发动第一击。

作者:李正纯 责编:乐然

Pakistani government has agreed to reinstate the former chief justice of the Supreme Court.

The Wall Street Journal leads its world-wide newsbox, and almost everyone else fronts, news that the Pakistani government has agreed to reinstate the former chief justice of the Supreme Court. The "stunning concession" (NYT) ended a political showdown between President Asif Ali Zardari and opposition leader Nawaz Sharif, who was heading to the capital for what was expected to be a huge protest.

















2009年3月15日 星期日



一. 我擔心美國財政部巨額債券是否安全














四. 台灣應該熱烈歡迎溫家寶現在就過來慶祝反分裂法周年慶

2009年3月14日 星期六


讓我想起這地方 這先進國 澳大利亞
反之 看香港請的顧問是從那兒


在八零年代出初 電子所 ERSO的柳文彬學長就是去那兒學SOFTWATRE
他是極少數真正可以將技術帶回台灣 (出版兩本書)

For ‘Dreamgirls,’ Pacific Overtures

For ‘Dreamgirls,’ Pacific Overtures

Published: March 13, 2009

SEOUL, South Korea — Several months ago, when John F. Breglio told fellow New York producers that he was not only remaking “Dreamgirls,” the 1981 Broadway hit musical based loosely on the career of the Supremes, but that he was also going to South Korea to do it, they were puzzled, to say the least.

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OD Musical Company

This “Dreamgirls” has opened to raves in Seoul, but when it comes to the United States, it will have an American cast. More Photos »

Ahn Young-Joon/Associated Press

“Dreamgirls” partners John F. Breglio and Shin Chun Soo. More Photos >

“Then they really laugh,” he said, when he told them “that it’s in Korean with Korean actors.”

Mr. Breglio, the executor of the estate of Michael Bennett (who directed and choreographed “Dreamgirls” and “A Chorus Line,” among others), calls his venture an experiment. His $6.7 million “Dreamgirls” opened to a packed theater here on Feb. 27 and has drawn good reviews.

What Mr. Breglio’s company, Vienna Waits Productions, is doing with its South Korean partner, Shin Chun Soo, the president of the OD Musical Company in Seoul, is unusual for American theater producers, some of whom said they were skeptical that elements of a Korean production would transfer smoothly to an American stage. Nevertheless, Mr. Breglio plans to open the show, with a new American cast, at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in November.

Mr. Shin, representative of South Korea’s new, voracious appetite for musical theater, bankrolled the production: royalties for American artists, a local cast, costumes and a $1.5 million set.

The financial incentives for Mr. Breglio to go to South Korea were significant, coming as many Broadway producers are struggling to cover production costs. The fact that the set was made and financed here, and will be transferred to the United States for the run there, is a big savings for the American producers.

The South Korean side is also covering the lion’s share of the entire tryout costs: wages and expenses for the 20-member American creative staff during its stay here (which ran from a month to 10 weeks), the Americans’ lodgings and meals, the costs of choreography and stage and costume designs (though the costumes will be remade for American actresses). By the time “Dreamgirls” reaches the Apollo, Mr. Breglio said, he will need to have raised only around $5 million, half of what it usually costs to put on a show in the United States. “This model is more important than ever because there is a real threat right now in the United States to getting these shows done,” he said in an interview here. “Even without the crisis, Broadway has gone very expensive.”

Economics are not the only reason for the strategy. In an era when “the Internet and YouTube does not allow you a great deal of time to develop and make mistakes,” Robert Longbottom, the director of the production, said, “coming to Korea was about as far out of town as you could get.”

If this works, other Broadway producers will follow suit, said Jack M. Dalgleish, a New York producer who was not part of the “Dreamgirls” crew but helped to facilitate the partnership of Mr. Breglio and Mr. Shin.

“We are looking for new ways to develop musicals,” he said.

Some longtime Broadway producers remain skeptical of the artistic value of transferring “Dreamgirls” — or any other production, for that matter — from South Korea to the United States, when the cast and language in Seoul will be different.

The main purpose of out-of-town tryouts is to have time to work with a cast and a creative team to perfect a show, and to fix weak parts of a production, based on audience response. Given that “Dreamgirls” will have an American makeover in the United States, the South Korean production seems less about rethinking the out-of-town tryout than about tapping a new market of investors.

“I don’t think South Korea represents a trend for Broadway,” said Emanuel Azenberg, a Broadway producer. “I think it represents a country where ‘Dreamgirls’ is happening. We went through this with Japan before — American shows had to go to Japan at some point. But I don’t know what you really gain aesthetically by trying out one version of a show in a foreign country first.”

For South Koreans, though, the arrangement is a matter of pleasure and cultural explorations. Many here are not especially familiar with African-American heritage. But the universal themes of the story — three young women struggling to escape men’s exploitation and make it on their own in show business, the power of sisterhood and redemption — made the 2006 Hollywood movie adaptation hugely successful in South Korea, a country with a new generation of assertive women moving from the margins of society to the center.

South Korea is a natural place for American producers to look: the country has 180 musicals already running or scheduled to go onstage in the coming weeks. Ticket sales for musicals grew 25 percent last year, according to Interpark, the country’s largest online ticket seller. “Dreamgirls” was leading the musical rankings this week.

Among the cultural differences the producers had to overcome were the hesitancy and even embarrassment that Korean actresses feel about expressing strong emotions.

“The women are not as confrontational as they are in the United States,” Mr. Longbottom said. “Pointing your finger at someone’s face and chasing them around the stage and yelling at them was something that didn’t come naturally to this group of people.”

Kim So Hyang, who played Lorrell Robinson, one of the three young singers, said she initially felt “resistant” to the American director’s demand for “what we Koreans considered overdoing it and exaggerated acting.”

Many Korean actresses hope to perform on Broadway one day. Like the African-American women of “Dreamgirls,” who rose from the fringe of show business to stardom, Korean musical performers have only recently begun enjoying a national following after years of being dismissed as crude imitators of a foreign art form.

Hong Ji Min, who plays Effie White, the show’s full-figured, gospel-voiced lead singer, said she struggled to render the deep vocal flavor of the character.

But working with the composer, Henry Krieger, whom the actresses called Grandpa, was their own dream come true.

“We cry after each show,” Ms. Hong said. “This has a story that feels so close to our heart. It’s about the show business. It’s about having a dream.”

Patrick Healy contributed reporting from New York.

Two Chinese Dissidents Freed After Years in Prison

Two Chinese Dissidents Freed After Years in Prison

Published: March 13, 2009

BEIJING — The day after he was released from Beijing No. 2 Prison, Yang Zili sat down at a McDonald’s and, over a cup of Sprite, tried to make sense of his life.

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Du Bin for The New York Times

Yang Zili in Beijing on Friday, the day after he was released from prison. He says he and his jailed friends broke no laws.

After eight years in prison on charges that an informal political discussion group he organized in 2000 was seeking to overthrow the Communist Party, the intellectual seemed dazed by his new freedom, his youthful exuberance sapped by years of detention, the occasional smile quickly subsumed by melancholy.

“I still don’t understand why we were punished so severely,” he said. “We never broke any laws. I have no regrets.” As China grapples with its still-developing mesh of economic openness and strict political control, those like Mr. Yang deemed to have crossed the blurry line between free speech and subversion can end up in prison, their harsh sentences meted out as warnings to others. When they finally are released, the next step is not always apparent.

An Internet entrepreneur with a master’s in mechanics, Mr. Yang, 37, said he was not sure how he would earn a living. For now, he is staying with a friend.

His wife, who once made regular visits to see him in prison, stopped coming in recent years and has since moved to the United States. “I’m not even sure where she is,” he said quietly.

Simpler needs were addressed. On Friday, he made his first purchases: a pair of shiny black loafers and a tan windbreaker.

Mr. Yang gained his freedom the same day as his friend, Zhang Honghai, 36, a freelance writer who was also a member of the New Youth Society, a study group that sought to tackle topics like government corruption, democracy and the unrelenting poverty of rural China. The group rarely drew more than four or five participants and met sporadically during the course of a few months before its members were detained.

Two other defendants, Xu Wei and Jin Haike, are scheduled to be released next year.

The defendants, who came to be known as the Four Gentlemen of Beijing, were convicted during a trial that relied on their Internet postings advocating political liberalization and the written testimony of three friends who later recanted those accounts.

One of those friends, Li Yizhou, fled to Thailand and tried to help the defendants by submitting letters to the court saying his reports to security officials were exaggerated or fabricated.

The letters were rejected.

Human rights organizations have long sought the release of the men, citing the severity of their sentences and pointing out that none of those convicted were veteran dissidents. They say the defendants, all in their 20s and graduates of the country’s most prestigious universities, were simply earnest young men eager to debate the problems that face a rapidly modernizing China.

“The authorities destroyed the lives of young people who were simply exercising freedoms that are supposedly protected by Chinese law,” said Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China, a group based in New York. For Mr. Yang and Mr. Zhang, those freedoms are now proscribed by the terms of their release. For two years, they have no right to free speech, assembly or association, and are forbidden to discuss politics.

Even Mr. Yang’s carefully chosen words with a reporter at McDonald’s could put him at risk.

Although prison dulled what friends describe as an infectious optimism and an ardor for verbal polemics, it has not dimmed his admiration for democracy, Mr. Yang said.

He brightened slightly when recalling his final words before the sentence was read. “Imprisonment is not my shame,” he announced to the court. “It’s my honor.”

He acknowledges that his defiance probably contributed to the relatively harsh treatment he endured in prison. He said he had been kept in a cell with rapists, murderers and drug dealers, and could receive visitors only once a month.

Every phone call — and what he planned to talk about — had to be approved in advance.

The son of poor farmers who started his own software company, Mr. Yang said that books and magazines had sustained him — the French philosopher Montesquieu and Vaclav Havel, the Czech the playwright and dissident who was elected president, were favorites — along with the reams of poetry and essays he wrote. He also taught other inmates how to use computers, although he was not allowed to use the Internet.

Overall, Mr. Yang said that his treatment was far better than that of his friends, who have reportedly been ailing. According to Human Rights in China, Mr. Xu became mentally ill after being subjected to torture and hard labor, and Mr. Jin has been suffering from an untreated intestinal ailment.

Before heading back out to the street on Friday, Mr. Yang said he was not bitter about what happened to him, just sad that the group he helped start had indirectly destroyed the lives of so many friends. “I couldn’t have imagined,” he said, “that spreading ideas such as freedom and democracy would lead to something so horrible.”

2009年3月13日 星期五

維權律師高智晟家人逃到美國 BBC



























